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Q: Classic mystery novel receommnedations ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   2 Comments )
Subject: Classic mystery novel receommnedations
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Asked by: dickgrote-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 14 Oct 2002 11:25 PDT
Expires: 13 Nov 2002 10:25 PST
Question ID: 76480
What is the single best (or most representative)book by various
classic mystery writers -- Rex Stout, John Dickson Carr, Ngaio Marsh,
Ross MacDonald, Agatha Christie, etc.? If I were going to read only
one book, which
one should it be -- and why?
Subject: Re: Classic mystery novel receommnedations
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 14 Oct 2002 13:23 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
This is, of course, a highly subjective matter; a Mickey Spillane fan
would give a very different answer than would an admirer of G.K.
Chesterton. I am approaching this from my own personal tastes (which,
while broad, are not all-inclusive, since I tend somewhat more toward
older British "manor house" style mysteries rather than modern-day
gritty detective novels.)

If I had to pick only one mystery as "the best," I would choose Agatha
Christie's "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd." In this 1926 novel, Dame
Agatha turns the conventions of mystery writing topsy-turvy with a
brilliant twist that caused much controversy among her fellow mystery
writers, and is still suprising readers today.

A few remarks from critics:

"The Murder of Roger Ackroyd," wrote a New York Times reviewer,
"cannot be too highly praised for its clean-cut construction, its
unusually plausible explanation at the end, and its ability to
stimulate the analytical faculties of the reader." "The secret [of
this novel] is more than usually original and ingenious," a Nation
reviewer thought, "and is a device which no other writer could have
employed without mishap." William Rose Benet of Saturday Review
recommended that The Murder of Roger Ackroyd "should go on the shelf
with the books of first rank in its field. The detective story pure
and simple has as definite limitations of form as the sonnet in
poetry. Within these limitations, with admirable structured art, Miss
Christie has genuinely achieved."

Barnes & Noble

Here are a few reasons why I am selecting "The Murder of Roger
Ackroyd" as THE mystery novel to read, if you are reading just one:

1. One of the greatest fictional detectives of all time, Hercule
Poirot, is in fine form in this book. Although this was Christie's
third novel to feature Poirot, the little Belgian sleuth's personality
seemed to come to full flower in "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd." This
was the book that put Agatha Christie and Poirot "on the map." The
book is still in print after more than seventy-five years, a testament
to its continuing ability to entertain readers.

2. Christie's delicious depiction of the incidental characters is most
delightful to me. As an American who has never traveled abroad, I
neither know nor care whether the descriptions of characters and
places are accurate depictions of English country life of the 1920s;
they are so vividly drawn that they are real to me, whether or not
they resemble fact.

3. In this novel, as in many others, Christie's intricate plot, while
being (literally) deadly serious, has also some qualities of a comedy
of manners (perhaps "manors" would be more apt in this case!) The
crowning comic touch is the reader's realization that he or she has
been monumentally misled throughout the narrative, as if the entire
book is an elaborate joke on anyone who would attempt to foresee "who
done it." Some readers dislike trick endings which seem tacked on.
This mystery is a trick from first to last, with the ending being
merely the coup de grace. I have seldom met anyone who read "The
Murder of Roger Ackroyd" only once. Most readers, upon finishing the
book, immediately begin rereading it in order to savor the cleverness
of the stunning twist which places all the story's events in a new

If I could cheat a bit and list ten classic mysteries which could be
taken to a deserted island for a lifetime's enjoyment, this would be
my list:

 1 -  "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd," Agatha Christie
 2 -  "Strong Poison," Dorothy L. Sayers
 3 -  "The Blind Barber," John Dickson Carr
 4 -  "The Man Who Was Thursday," G.K. Chesterton
 5 -  "Some Buried Caesar," Rex Stout
 6 -  "False Scent," Ngaio Marsh
 7 -  "Rebecca," Daphne du Maurier
 8 -   "The Long Goodbye," Raymond Chandler
 9 -   "The Green Ripper," John D. MacDonald
10-   "Death of an Expert Witness," P.D. James

Here are a few excellent sites that may be of interest to you in your
quest for the perfect crime novel:

Grobius Shortling's Mystery List


Christian Henriksson's Mystery Bibliography

Mystery Booksellers: The 100 Favorite Mysteries of the Century

My Google search stragegy:

"mystery" + "novels"

Thank you for asking a question which was most enjoyable to answer! If
anything I have said is not clear, if you need further information, or
if any of the links do not function, please ask for clarification
before rating my answer, and I will gladly provide further assistance.

Best regards,

Clarification of Answer by pinkfreud-ga on 14 Oct 2002 16:09 PDT
Thank you very much for the five-star rating! If we researchers could
rate questions, yours would have been a five-star question, since it
gave me an opportunity to discuss one of my favorite subjects in all
the world: mystery novels. :-)

dickgrote-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
A wonderfully prompt and cheerful response. I felt like I was reading
the words of a close friend who was an expert in the field. Well
researched. Bravo!

Subject: Re: Classic mystery novel receommnedations
From: tehuti-ga on 14 Oct 2002 16:48 PDT
If you're also interested in more modern mysteries, I would like to
add one that I started to read purely by chance (picked it up from a
shelf in a guesthouse) and was hooked enough to read through most of
the night.  It is The Falls, an Inspector Rebus mystery by Ian Rankin.
 The story is set in and around Edinburgh and twists and turns in
every direction before finally revealing "who done it".  You can read
a review at
Subject: Re: Classic mystery novel receommnedations
From: rumraisin-ga on 23 Oct 2002 23:12 PDT
I recommend 'Ten Little Indians', sometimes titled 'And Then There
Were None', by Christie. The twist is brilliant, too, and the
atmosphere of dread is evoked very powerfully.

You should also read the Father Brown short stories; those are good
though you get used to them after a while.

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