Hello there, I've recently come to the decision that the most
appealing and exciting goal for my life right now would be to move to
Japan and spend a few years there. Absorb the culture, the language,
the people, and so on. After a bit of research and a trip to the
nearest Japan General Consulate, I've concluced that my most effective
route to achieving this goal would be obtaining a work visa.
However... I don't really want to WORK in Japan. I have a steady,
high-paying job here in the US that I do entirely through the
internet. I'd be able to continue this work in Japan, so I don't
really want to have to find a second job just to get over there (I
especially do not want to teach english). Is there any sort of option
for me? I'm not looking to break the law or anything here, I'm just
wondering if there's some kind of loophole or something that I could
use to get a job in name only so I can legally move there.
The other visa options don't seem like they'd work for me.. a student
visa would require getting accepted to a university and taking classes
(more time spent working!) and a general studies requires a specific
invitation from a licensed master to study arts such as ikebana, tea
ceremony, etc. |