Can someone refer me to a count up - battery powered timer - that
displays days & hours plus is a low profile < ~ 0.75"??
I want it for a business application to record the number of days a
document has been in process for. The document will be stored in a
magazine file type caddy so I'm hoping to affix the timer to the
magazine file - happy to remount the timer if its original case isn't
Must be able to count up to 60 days. Not essential but I would like it
to be able to also display hours elapsed ... eg 30 days 5 hours. But
decimal days would be fine.
Request for Question Clarification by
25 Sep 2006 01:12 PDT
Why not doing it in software?
Clarification of Question by
27 Sep 2006 07:51 PDT
>Why not doing it in software?
Becuase ... "I want it for a business application to record the number
of days a document has been in process for. The document will be
stored in a
magazine file type caddy so I'm hoping to affix the timer to the
magazine file. ..."
The document is all handwritten - except for the original form format.
Converting to totally electroinc in this application is a major change
and certainly not done quickly.
Attaching a PC would be a little bulky - BUT a smaller unit like a PDA
could work but I need ~20 of them and don't want them to cost too much
... I guess <$50/unit ... or be too big ... around <= 3" width *
similar height and < 0.75" deep are maximums.
Request for Question Clarification by
28 Sep 2006 10:11 PDT
I undertand what you want - and I was not suggesting to attach a PDA to each
file. That would be silly and costly.
What I mean is this:
You make a LIST of all the files in a computer - using an editor or a database.
Files are kept where they are now - a file cabinet or so.
When you take file out for processing, you mark that time in your list
When you return it, you mark that time as well.
Then you run a simple program to provide whatever stats you need.
It needs some discipline,
but it is simple.
why not?
Clarification of Question by
29 Sep 2006 10:05 PDT
actually I don't think the PDA idea is that silly - you got me
thinking ... maybe not a PDA per se but something like it and have it
run some software ... maybe I can pick up old Palm's for a steal!
the data on cycle time is already known in a database and the
discipline exists to maintain it ... BUT we want a VISUAL flag ON the
document CADDY ... so when we look up at a work in progress document
staging cabinet we can easily tell which is oldest and most
significantly the number of days
i'm trying to avoid another step to translate [daily] the # days in
process and transfer it to the document caddy
"worst" case we'll just mark the start date on the document caddy -
that will allow to tell the oldest BUT it means folks have to do the -
for some challenging - day count arithmetic in their heads ;-(
BUT back to my original ... we'd really like a timer ON the caddy ...
if you have any recommendations that would be appreciated
Request for Question Clarification by
01 Oct 2006 11:52 PDT
I see. You want to have a visual display on the cady - something like this
That is an essential part of a spec.
The issue is cost - and how many you will need. It may not exist in
a cheap consumer product (the one shown is $495) - but it would
be a simple design job for a EE. A single chip microprocessor and
display can handle the job. The cost may be some $50 for hardware, one
software development for $800 - would allow you to pick what should
be shown when, alerts, range of days, etc.. etc. You would need to
decide if you want a battery on
each timer or (recommended) plug all into one power supply.
I can give you some leads to industrial timers, and some consulting web-site
where you can contract with someone to design/modify it.
If yould you like that as an answer, please specify how many you will need,
and what are the cost considerations.
Request for Question Clarification by
01 Oct 2006 12:25 PDT
Take a look at this product:
It seems like it would do the trick, but the site is so stingy on
details that it's hard to be sure.
Another option is here:
Let me know how these look to you.
Request for Question Clarification by
01 Oct 2006 21:59 PDT
There is more count-down timers then count-ups - which is what is
asked for here. Gadget should allow the clerk to pick the OLDEST file
without doing any arithmetics.
I still do not quite get it. If times of checkin/checkout are entered
into the computer, and those data are trusted, then computer 'knows'
which is supposed
to be NEXT. It can display that in the screen 'pick file #45' for processing
by ... at .. ' .
If that file needs to be flagged in the file depository,
all you need is an I/O port on the computer and a $1.20 LED at each file.
Computer will turn ON the LED of the NEXT file.
Clarification of Question by
02 Oct 2006 11:00 PDT
thanks for the input hedgie-ga & pafalafa-ga ... sorry for the delay
in responding but I don't seem to be getting notifications ... checked
my acct settings ;-(
I DO need count UP ... and yeah I couldn't find em either hence my post ;-)
hedgie-ga is there a way we can TALK? ... seems we're missing [each
other's] points in our written stuff
hedgie-ga your link could be OK but I suspect its much bigger than
"... around <= 3" width * similar height and < 0.75" deep are
maximums. ..."
hedgie-ga as far as cost "... I need ~20 of them and don't want them
to cost too much ... I guess <$50/unit ..."
hedgie-ga as far as this information being in the computer, trusted
etc ... you are quite right BUT we'd still like a display ON the
document CADDY (ie a magazine file holding the real document typically
a 1 - 3" ring binder) ... if the LED you speak of can be wireless that
*could* work BUT we'd still prefer it to be a countdown timer in
elapsed DAYS ON the document caddy
Request for Question Clarification by
02 Oct 2006 22:53 PDT
Hello again
sorry for the delay
in responding but I don't seem to be getting notifications ... checked
my acct settings ;-(
Not your fault. GA stopped sending alerts some time ago - and in spite
of numerous complaints (from customers and GARs) company did not fixed
its much bigger
That is not the problem. Display can be made in any size.
hedgie-ga is there a way we can TALK?
Unfortunately no. Terms of service (and our = GARs contract) does not allow
any other contact then this forum. However, I feel I am now slowly getting
what you want.
re cost:
"... I need ~20 of them and don't want them
to cost too much ... I guess <$50/unit ..."
That is the problem. I did look at Blue Tooth displays - they exist - but
are expensive.
You want wireless since you want to remove caddy 'with display attached'?
If so - please specify 'remove how far' : Blue Tooth reaches few
meters only, Wi_Fi a size of a building or line of sight.
Perhaps we should proceed to the Answer stage. It may not provide a complete
solution, but it will evaluate options and costs?
Clarification of Question by
04 Oct 2006 09:34 PDT
a few meters is fine - say 3m ... the caddy's will remain in a room
though move between bays in a "document staging cabinet"
the answer seems to be NO to me - there's not a product meeting my
[albeit not fully specified] needs ;-(
another need would be for them to be available in a timely manner ... say < 4 weeks
BTW as much as having the timer driven by computer via the database is
possible it adds another layer of complication (I'm sure you'll tell
me its easy BUT you don't know the environment) versus a self driven
unit that just starts counting when a button is pressed
thanks for the info on notifications & contact ... arggh
Request for Question Clarification by
04 Oct 2006 09:45 PDT
Sheesh! Doesn't seem like this should be a tough one...but!
Not sure if you've seen this one already:
Not as low-profile as you need, and priced pretty high, but worth noting, anyway.
You might also want to give these folks a call:
It seems likely they would carry what you need (if it exists) but
their site is sketchy on details and specs, so I can't be sure.
Let us know how things turn out.
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Oct 2006 21:06 PDT
This is last RFC : what is the required range and resolution?
Resolution means : count seconds or minutes or ...
range is maximal count required.
I have seen some counters which will count seconds up to 24 hours.
Is that sufficient?