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Q: Please unmask The Black Baroness (Dennis Wheatley 1940) ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   11 Comments )
Subject: Please unmask The Black Baroness (Dennis Wheatley 1940)
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: probonopublico-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 19 Sep 2006 10:58 PDT
Expires: 19 Oct 2006 10:58 PDT
Question ID: 766638
According to Dennis Wheatley's autobio 'The Time Has Come ...
1919-1977 Drink and Ink', he met a woman at a pre-WWII party whom he
described as a 'little black haired Baroness'.

She was nicknamed 'The Black Baroness' and became the inspiration for
his 1940 novel 'The Black Baroness'.

My prime suspect (based on her known associates) is named in an MI5
file as Baroness Poncratz (but the actual spelling may have been

I have already Gurgled Poncratz and Ponkratz ...

Now is the time for time for the Black Baroness to be unmasked ...

Who will have the honour?

Many thanks!


Clarification of Question by probonopublico-ga on 19 Sep 2006 11:48 PDT
Many thanks for looking ... Whoever you are!

A good friend has now advised me ... 

It could be Pongratz (with "g") or Pongrácz (accent aigu on the "a").

Both these families are mentioned in the "Deutsches Adelslexikon".

And now is also the time for one of the times to be deleted. (Oops!)


Request for Question Clarification by answerfinder-ga on 20 Sep 2006 02:56 PDT

I tried this one last night without success, but your additional
information has now resulted in two possible suspects.

The first in one or two snippets from the Times. There seems to be
pre-war British connection with a Hungarian family by the name of
Pongracz / Pongrácz. I tried to cross check it with Deutsches
Adelslexikon, but my knowledge of German can be written on the back of
a very, very, small postage stamp.

The second is in the States and was married three times, and made an
attempt at suicide.

Perhaps some of this information may fit in with what you already have.
Did you have any clues re nationality? Have you the names of her known
associates? Does Wheatley say anymore about her? This may help in
further searches.

First the British Pongrácz.

This is a reference to a Baroness Hildegard Pongracz.

The Times, January 20, 1937
?J.H.J. Brooks and Baroness Hildegard Pongracz
The marriage between John Henry James only son of Mr Ernest J. P.
Brooks of Cygnent House,  King?s Road, S.W.3., and Mrs Carboys
Walcott, 19, Washington House, Basil Street, S.W.3., and Baroness
Hildegard Pongracz, elder daughter of Herr Arthur and Frau Oesterheld,
Boma, Germany, will take place tomorrow in Budapest.?

This was possibly Brook?s second marriage. A person with exactly the
same name married in 1929.
The Times, April 25, 1929

No further mention until 1946. I do not know if this is the same person.
The Times, July 16, 1946
Court circular.
?Baroness Pongracz gave a farewell reception yesterday for Senhor
Paschoal Carlos Magno (of the Brazilian Embassy) who is returning to

Going back in time, there are other references to the Pongrácz name.

Count von Pongraz was best man at a wedding in at Biddenden
The Times, July 09, 1938

Announcement of a marriage in Budapest.
The Times, August 04, 1939
Pongrácz : Gill
On July 29, 1939 at S. Christina?s Church, Budapest, Count Ferencz
Pongrácz, de St. Miklós et Ovár, Hungary to Bettine Mary Gill

They had a child in Budapest in 1941 and after the war Bettine re-married.

Obituary notice. Not known if this is connected.
The Times, December 12, 1939
Pongrácz. On Nov 23 1939, in Budapest, Count János Pongrácz, of Szent
Miklós and Ovár, only son of the late Count Edward Pongrácz, of Szent
Miklós and Ovár, and beloved husband of Muriel  Pongrácz (nee Eyre).

Finally, there is one later reference to Countess Pongracz who
attended a funeral and later her jewellery was sold at Christies.

The Times, December 10, 1948
Funeral attendees 
Countess Pongracz 

There is one reference to her in the National Archives.

Covering dates: 1947 
Scope and content:Application for naturalization by Countess Muriel Pongracz

Now to the States Pongrácz.

A number of newspaper articles on the attempted suicide of Baroness
Irene Pongrácz. You will have to buy these articles to see if there is
more to the article ( I don?t know if my fellow researchers are
already subscribers). One appears to have a picture of the baroness
(Lowell Sun - 9 March). Note that the British connection to Cyril
Tolley is denied in one article.
I could not find her death in the Social Security death index

Lowell Sun, The
Tuesday, March 08, 1938
?Baroness Is Poison Victim 
LOS ANGELES, March 8 Writhing in pain on an emergency hospital cot,
the Baroness Irene Pongracz, wife of a former Hollywood actor, was
treated today for the effects of self-administered poison, according
to police. Detectives who investigated said she Is the former wife of
Cyril Tolley, British golfer, and also of a Leo Palmer of Chicago. The
Baron PONGRACZ is in Budapest, Police said she has been working as a
dress model in a shop.?

Lowell Sun, The
Wednesday, March 09, 1938
?Recovering from Poison?
A woman identified by police as Baroness Irene PONGRACZ, wife of a
Hollywood actor, and a Leo Palmer of Chicago, is shown in an emergency
hospital at Los Angeles where she was recovering from the effects of

Daily Courier, The
Tuesday, March 08, 1938
?Baroness Attempts Suicide. LOS ANGELES, Mar. 
Irene PONGRACZ, 45, thrice-married dress model and divorced wife of
Cyril Tolley, British Golf star, today attempted suicide by poison in
her hotel-room, police reported.?

Evening State Journal
Tuesday, March 08, 1938
?Barones Irene PONGRACZ, 45, dress mode attempted suicide by poison in
he hotel room. Police said she was the divorced wife of Cyril Tolley
American amateur golf player an no relation to the British Cyril

Another possible name which I tried is Pongraczde.

Any more information would be of great help!


PS Did you see this news article?
May be useful in tracing people. Trouble is, you need to pay for it.

Clarification of Question by probonopublico-ga on 20 Sep 2006 03:18 PDT
Hi Answerfinder

Well done!

As usual, you have exceeded my expectations.

You have rounded up a great list of suspects and I do like the
Hungarian and Brazilian angles.

Wheatley was very discreet and changed the names of the suspected spies.

I will now check things out and get back to you. 

Incidentally, the reference to "Deutsches Adelslexikon" should have
been just "Adelslexikon". I have some German-speaking friends who can
do the necessary, if necessary.

All the Best


Clarification of Question by probonopublico-ga on 20 Sep 2006 07:52 PDT
Here's some more info and, at first glance, all the current suspects
are exonerated.

I have an MI5 report (May 1941?) which says that she is Hungarian and
is being kept (in London) by a man called Brock who is the brother of
'the firework king'. Being very wealthy, Brock would kick up a fuss if
she were interrogated.

Her first name probably begins with 'J'.

Will do some more digging later.

I guess that Baronesses were 10 a penny in pre-war Hungary.


Request for Question Clarification by answerfinder-ga on 20 Sep 2006 08:48 PDT
Still no luck. In 1932 the Times reported that Arthur Brock owned C.T.
Brock and Co., and had 5 sons. Two may have been Roland Benjamin Brock
and Christopher Dewdney Brock. There was also an Alan St Hill Brock
who in 1949 wrote a book on the history of fireworks. It appears he
organised many displays at Crystal Palace in the 30s. I am unable to
state if he was a son of Arthur or a brother.

Still doesn?t get me any nearer to the ?Black Baroness?.

Clarification of Question by probonopublico-ga on 20 Sep 2006 09:33 PDT
Hi Again Answerfinder

I am worried that you have put in a stack of work without any luck so far.

I would like you to dig further (if you are up for it) but you have
already earned your $10 and more.

How to proceed?

I can up the price to reflect further effort on the understanding
that, even if you don't produce all that I require, I would happily
settle for an answer based on the work you've done.

C'mon live up to your name ...

And give me an answer to this question within a question.

All the Best


I really do appreciate what you've done so far and I will not let it go unrewarded.

Request for Question Clarification by answerfinder-ga on 21 Sep 2006 00:48 PDT

You have been a good customer for many years now and I am perfectly
happy to carry on researching this question. I know that you will `do
the ?right thing?. At the same time, you know from previous experience
that I don?t like to post an answer unless I actually have an answer
to post. Let me do some more digging and see what I come up with. 
Freddy?s comments are also very helpful.

I have looked at, and the recently released telephone
directories have a listing for Baroness C. Pongracz between the years
of 1948 - 1954, and 1959 - 1981. One directory has the name as
Baroness C. oh. D. Pongracz, and another one has Baroness G. Pongracz.
Would you like me to purchase copies of these entries to try and get
an address (costs £4.95)?


Clarification of Question by probonopublico-ga on 21 Sep 2006 01:17 PDT
Hi Answerfinder

You are such a nice guy ... Many thanks!

However, as regards the telephone directories quoted, these are really
well outside the frame of reference, so I doubt if they will be very

Maybe a search of the 1939/1940 era would be more productive. BT used
to have these available at their Research Unit in Holburn but I
suspect that this may have closed.

In the meantime, I've been ploughing through the MI5 files but, as you
would expect, the most interesting ones have been 'weeded'.

How do I know? Because there are references in The Minutes (a kind of
Index) but the actual docs have disappeared.

Still some way to go though!

All the Best


Request for Question Clarification by answerfinder-ga on 21 Sep 2006 04:43 PDT
The search did include the 1939/1940 period and there was no entry for
Baroness. There was only an entry for A. Pongracz for 1939 and 1941.

I think I've exhausted everything. I'll wait to see if your review of
the files produces anything.


Clarification of Question by probonopublico-ga on 21 Sep 2006 06:54 PDT
Hi A/F

I am about half-way through the stuff and I don't expect to finish
them today or tomorrow (when I'm out all day).

However, I am very hopeful so please don't go on holiday again, just yet.

Many thanks


Clarification of Question by probonopublico-ga on 21 Sep 2006 07:25 PDT
I have now discovered a reference to Baroness Toddy Pongraft.

The baroness's surname appears in several different spellings, probably all wrong.


Request for Question Clarification by answerfinder-ga on 21 Sep 2006 08:11 PDT
Nothing on Toddy Pongraft. Looks to be a very bad spelling. The other
variations may be useful. They may appear as that in the Times, etc.
Earlier I made reference to Countess Pongracz. I've tied her
approximate d.o.b. to 1913 - in case that comes up.

Request for Question Clarification by answerfinder-ga on 21 Sep 2006 09:37 PDT
On further source I had forgotten: London Gazette.
Never know if these may come up at some time.

London Gazette 19 April 1921
MARCH IST TO 31sT, 1921.

Pongracz, Muriel F. M.

London Gazette 22 March 1949
LIST of ALIENS to whom Certificates of Naturalisation have 'been
granted by the Secretary of State, and whose Oaths of Allegiance have
been registered in the Home Office during the month of February, 1949.
The date shown in each case is the date on which the Oath of
Allegiance was taken.

Pongracz, Gertrude; Hungary; Independent;
14. Sussex Lodge,. Sussex Place, London, W.2.
8 February, 1949.


Clarification of Question by probonopublico-ga on 21 Sep 2006 10:52 PDT
Hi Again, A/F ...

Many thanks for the new info.

I've now found references to Tody and to Toddi Pongracz.

Also, on one occasion, the Baroness was accompanied by Jose Cochran de
Alencar of the Brazilian Embassy.

There is never any mention of the Baron and she seemed to like playing around.

Well, that's all for today.

I'm off to Kew tomorrow where I'll check with some of my mates to see
if they can suggest anything.

All the Best


Request for Question Clarification by answerfinder-ga on 21 Sep 2006 11:57 PDT
That may link in with the Brazilian reference further above.
Alencar was second secretary at the embassy in 1930, in charge of
commercial matters in 1942, and by 1961 was the Ambassador.
Hope you have a productive day.

Request for Question Clarification by answerfinder-ga on 21 Sep 2006 12:10 PDT
Final one for tonight.
Register of deaths.

Name: Gertrude Pongracz 
Birth Date: 16 Jul 1898 
Death Registration Month/Year: Jan 1997 
Age at death (estimated): 98 
Registration District: Kensington And Chelsea 
Inferred County: London 
Register Number: A54A Entry number: 67

Name: Elisabeth Pongracz 
Birth Date: 15 Jul 1912 
Death Registration Month/Year: Dec 1998 
Age at death (estimated): 86 
Registration District: Surrey Northern 
Inferred County: Surrey 
Register Number: NSD5 Entry number: 230

Clarification of Question by probonopublico-ga on 21 Sep 2006 22:29 PDT

This is amazing: a terrific example of one amazing Researcher and one
amazing Commenter (fp-ga) working together to ferret out an amazing

I had wondered what Toddy could be short for but it's obvious, after
Freddy has pointed it out. Previously, I had only heard of Trudy.

I am now sure that Gertrude is The Black Baroness.

Please Answerfinder, Find me an Answer forthwith because I have yet
another related question that I want to throw at you ... and, with the
next one, we may have to enlist the help of Boquinha-ga ... but, at
this stage, NO CLUES!

All the Best


Clarification of Question by probonopublico-ga on 22 Sep 2006 00:12 PDT
In a further search of the MI5 files, I've just found two addresses in
a book maintained by one of Toddy's associates:

Baroness Pongracz
19 Albion Street

(Crossed out)

30 Sussex Lodge
Sussex Gardens

Now, I'm off or I will miss my train.


Request for Question Clarification by answerfinder-ga on 22 Sep 2006 02:34 PDT

It?s looking good and we may be almost there, but there may be still a
little fly in the ointment. It may be useful to summarise what you
have so far.

The address of 30 Sussex Lodge, Sussex Gardens, appears in the London
Gazette entry referred above for list of aliens naturalised.

Pongracz, Gertrude; Hungary; Independent; 14. Sussex Lodge,. Sussex
Place, London, W.2. 8 February, 1949.

And as indicated above, there is a death certificate available for a
Gertrude Pongracz who may be identical.
Name: Gertrude Pongracz 
Birth Date: 16 Jul 1898 
Death Registration Month/Year: Jan 1997 
Age at death (estimated): 98 
Registration District: Kensington And Chelsea 
Inferred County: London 
Register Number: A54A Entry number: 67

Freddy has provided some useful information on Gertrud Gisella (Toddy)
and the connection with the day and date of birth. It is interesting
to note that the death registered above shows the age as estimated.

I decided to purchase images of the London phone book to confirm the
address. These are the results.

1949 and 1956 shows the following entry:
Pongracz Baroness C. CH. D., 14 Sussex lodge W.2.  PADdngtn 8161
The same name appears in the Paddington area up to 1981.

The 1969 entry is interesting as it shows two person by that surname.
Pongracz Baroness C, ChD, 14 Sussex Ldg W2 01 723 8161
Pongracz Countess Elizabeth, 10/2 Strathearn Pl W2 01 723 0440

The Elizabeth Pongracz may be the same as the death certificate
referred to further above, but I will repeat again here.

Name: Elisabeth Pongracz 
Birth Date: 15 Jul 1912 
Death Registration Month/Year: Dec 1998 
Age at death (estimated): 86 
Registration District: Surrey Northern 
Inferred County: Surrey 
Register Number: NSD5 Entry number: 230

The fly in the ointment is the listing for the Baroness is shown as
initial C. and then the intials CH. D. I do not know what these mean
or represent. Why C? should it not be G? Is there another Baroness
with the name C***?
I don?t know if Freddy has any ideas, seeing as he cracked the Toddy,
Trudy, Gertrude link.

Of course, we then have the Brazilian connections as additional evidence.

The telephone book images are available to you on this link for the
next 7 days. Let me know when you have them.


Clarification of Question by probonopublico-ga on 22 Sep 2006 11:20 PDT
Hi Answerfinder

It is a puzzlement!

I've downloaded the telephone directories. Many thanks. What's the damage?

Freddy has now found an expert on the Pongracz family ... Maybe he can
throw some light on this?

Over to you, please, Freddy.

Signing off for now ...


Request for Question Clarification by answerfinder-ga on 23 Sep 2006 01:10 PDT
It turned out to be only £1.50 for the lot.
I think I've exhausted every possible internet source now. Looks like
back to the physical archives.

Clarification of Question by probonopublico-ga on 23 Sep 2006 02:30 PDT
Hi Answerfinder

Thanks for the outlay And your time - I will sort these out one way or another.

So far, I haven't found anything else that's relevant.

I'm now pinning my hopes on Freddy ...


All the Best

Subject: Re: Please unmask The Black Baroness (Dennis Wheatley 1940)
Answered By: answerfinder-ga on 23 Sep 2006 04:54 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Dear Bryan,
Thank you. I'm sorry I wasn't able to tie it down for you. It's very
frustrating, the name not quite matching and the address a few doors
out 14/30.
Enjoyed the chase though.
For answer see above and below.
probonopublico-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $15.00
Many thanks Answerfinder

As always, you are one of the best.

Also, a big thank you to Freddy.


Subject: Re: Please unmask The Black Baroness (Dennis Wheatley 1940)
From: fp-ga on 20 Sep 2006 05:50 PDT
I would like to add some genealogical details, i.e. based on a book
published in Germany:
Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Band 77, Gräfliche Häuser X, 1981:

According to page 346:
Count Ferencz Pongrácz was born in 1911. After their divorce both
re-married (Ferencz in Washington D.C. 1979). In 1981 Ferencz was
living in Australia, together with his second wife. 
I, therefore, assume that he is identical with "Count Ferencz
Pongrácz" who died in 1983:

In 1981 Bettine Mary and her daughter were living in London.

According to the 1981 book Bettine Mary was born in "Ashville, Kent"
(Ashville ?, probably a mistake) in 1912, daughter of bank director
John Gill and Bettina Hosier.

According to page 336:
Count János Pongrácz married Muriel Eyre in London 1906:

Muriel was born in 1879. Her parents were (according to the 1981 book)
Vincent Thomas Eyre and Barbara Giffard,
i.e. (I suppose)
Subject: Re: Please unmask The Black Baroness (Dennis Wheatley 1940)
From: fp-ga on 20 Sep 2006 06:58 PDT
"Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Gräfliche Häuser" last published
an article on the Pongrácz family (Count) in 1981.

Genealogical details referring to the other branch (Baron) were last
published in 1935 (Hildegard and Irene not mentioned).
Subject: Re: Please unmask The Black Baroness (Dennis Wheatley 1940)
From: fp-ga on 20 Sep 2006 15:04 PDT
These are the members of the Pongrácz family who were born between
1890 and 1920 and whose first name begins with 'J' (or 'I'):

"Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Freiherrlichen Häuser"
(Baron Pongrácz), 1935, p. 388:
Ilona, born 1896 (not married)

"Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Gräflichen Häuser" (Count
Pongrácz), 1935,

p. 357: Irene, born 1895 (not married, she died in 1979)

p. 358: Jeanne, born 1905 (wife of Eugen (=Jenö) Count Pongrácz)

This, however, is not necessarily a list to be considered as being complete.
Subject: Re: Please unmask The Black Baroness (Dennis Wheatley 1940)
From: probonopublico-ga on 20 Sep 2006 22:02 PDT
Many thanks, Freddy ...

I shall plough through some more MI5 files today and I hope that I can
be as productive as you.

Subject: Re: Please unmask The Black Baroness (Dennis Wheatley 1940)
From: fp-ga on 21 Sep 2006 12:22 PDT
Thank you, Answerfinder, very kind of you!

A bit of information on Paschoal Carlos Magno (farewell reception in
1946, mentioned by Answerfinder):
Born 1906, died 1980

He started his diplomatic career 1933 in London:
"Em 1933, Paschoal Carlos Magno inicia sua carreira diplomática como
vice-cônsul do Brasil no Consulado Geral, em Londres"

He was in London during WW II:
"esteve em Londres durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial"

Well, I should add that I do not speak Portuguese (Brazilian).
Subject: Re: Please unmask The Black Baroness (Dennis Wheatley 1940)
From: fp-ga on 21 Sep 2006 13:36 PDT
According to "Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der
Freiherrlichen Häuser" (Baron Pongrácz), 1935, p. 387:

"Gertrud Gisella (Toddy) von Willheim" was born 16 July 1901 (place of
birth not mentioned),

second wife of Albert (Béla) Baron Pongracz. They married in Budapest
8 July 1927. According to the 1935 edition they (he ?) lived in

Béla was born in 1887 und died in 1944. He married his first wife,
Vera von Pongratz (yes, with "tz") in 1913 (divorced 1926). More on
Vera and her family in "Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels", Band 41,
Adelige Häuser VIII, 1968, p. 295.

I'll try to find out more about the von Willheim family.

It is odd that both "Gertrud Gisella (Toddy)" and "Gertrude Pongracz"
(death registered in 1997) were born "16 July". Are they one and the same person?
Subject: Re: Please unmask The Black Baroness (Dennis Wheatley 1940)
From: probonopublico-ga on 21 Sep 2006 22:31 PDT
Very many thanks, Freddy ...

You've made the impossible possible.

All the Best

Subject: Re: Please unmask The Black Baroness (Dennis Wheatley 1940)
From: fp-ga on 22 Sep 2006 03:59 PDT
Currently, I have no idea what "C. Ch. D." could stand for.

Countess Elizabeth (born 15 Jul 1912) is, according to 
Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Band 77, Gräfliche Häuser X, 1981,
p. 346 (as referred to in my first comment),
the sister of Count Ferencz (= Franz) Pongrácz.

Elizabeth, born "Budapest 15. 7. 1912", married in Vienna 1937 Ludwig
(Louis) Freiherr (i.e. Baron) Kuhn v. Kuhnenfeld. Divorce in 1965 (i.
e. a few years before the 1969 entry).
In 1981 Elizabeth was living in London.

Elizabeth being called "princess" (erroneously, I suppose).
Subject: Re: Please unmask The Black Baroness (Dennis Wheatley 1940)
From: fp-ga on 23 Sep 2006 03:13 PDT
Well, just speculating ... "C. Ch. D." ....

Three initials, i.e. as many initials as first names (including Toddy):
"Gertrud(e) Gisella (Toddy)".

Could her handwriting have been misread? The "C" actually being a "G"?
And the "Ch" a "Gis"? Difficult to prove (without an example of her
handwriting - especially as there are several ways of writing the
letter "s").

I'll write a letter (no e-mail) to the Hungarian genealogist whose
address I received frrom the "Deutsches Adelsarchiv" in Marburg,

Well, as "every possible internet source" has been examined why not
end this question with an official answer?

All the best,
Subject: Re: Please unmask The Black Baroness (Dennis Wheatley 1940)
From: probonopublico-ga on 23 Sep 2006 03:47 PDT
Great, Freddy ... Many thanks!

I agree that Answerfinder should now post an answer because I have
another realted question that I want to throw at him!

Subject: Re: Please unmask The Black Baroness (Dennis Wheatley 1940)
From: answerfinder-ga on 23 Sep 2006 07:12 PDT
Many thanks for your generous tip.

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