Find or tell me how to find--specifically, not generally--resumes of
young people mentioned in this story and/or resumes of
people with the similar background. (I am NOT recruiting, btw).
The story from the September 17, 2006 Washington Post can be found at
this link (free registration required, sorry)
I assume there are others with similar backgrounds mentioned in the
book the story was excerpted from. Those would be fine as well.
Please see the story for details on how their credentials and
suitability for their jobs was called into question?
First i'm interested in the resumes of the actual people mentioned or for
others like them who were hired and did the jobs to see what they had
on them.
Second, I am interested in what these resumes look like in general for
people with the background discussed in the story. (I.e. how do they
communicate that experience and point of view to resume readers.) So,
i am also interested in resumes that represent people of the type
described in the story. Maybe there is even an online clearinghouse of
resumes for these young folks?
Tips for speed, quantity, and tip at least equal to the fee (if not a
multiple of it) for more than one actual resume used to apply. |