Hi Mike,
Google Directory is sourced from the:
Open Directory Project (aka Dmoz or ODP)
Your site is already listed in the main directory, which is viewable
by UK Google users:
They also have the same category, but only for UK related sites:
You can submit your site by following the above link, and clicking on
"add URL" at the top of the page.
Although on the submission page it says they will not list the same
site twice:
"Do not submit an URL that contains only the same or similar content
as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Multiple
submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion
and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites."
It is generally ok to have a second listing in a regional category:
"There are a few occasions in which a site could be listed in more
than one category.
Sites that are relevant to a subject category and a specific local
geographic area. Many sites can be listed once in a topical branch of
the ODP, and once in the Regional category."
"The Regional branch includes all sites that are about, of interest
to, or focus on, a particular geographic region."
The URL being .co.uk or .net makes no difference.
When reviewing your submission, the editor is alerted to the fact you
are listed in another category. In my opinion (as a Dmoz editor), your
site would not qualify to be listed in the UK Sports Medicine
category, as the information is not UK specific.
But it is worth submitting. Dmoz editors are a mixed bunch, and you
don't know what the mood or attitude of the editor will be, or how
fast they are trying to get their editing chores done. Your index page
has a couple of £ symbols on it, and your About Us page makes it clear
you are UK based. If I were in a hurry, I would list it.
The entire UK Health category is without an editor:
Which means that whoever looks at your submission, of the editors
listed at the bottom of this page...
...is most likely to very busy.
Search Strategy:
Personal experience
I trust this answers your question. If any portion of my answer is
unclear, please ask for clarification.
Best wishes,
robertskelton-ga |