Hi there,
The following is just my educated opinion. Only a Google engineer
could tell you the exact date for the next update, if there is one.
At WebMasterWorld there is a chart showing all the previous index
updates at Google:
In my experience, after submitting your site, you will typically not
be listed in the next update, but the one after. The updates occur
roughly every 4 weeks (and many people believe it happens every full
moon), so the next one will probably be in the last week of October.
Having said that, they made major changes to their ranking algorithm
last month, and there is undoubtedly some fine-tuning taking place,
which could delay the next update by a few days.
There is always the possibility that for some reason they don't list
your sites. I had a good look at them, and airrider.com, and could see
no reason for not being listed. So, as long as the sites weren't down
on multiple occasions which coincided with the GoogleBot visiting, I'd
expect to see them in Google search results in a couple of weeks.
Search Strategy:
Personal experience
I trust this answers your question. If any portion of my answer is
unclear, please ask for clarification.
Best wishes,
robertskelton-ga |