Hi, my question is about architectural illustration/animation studios
in USA and Europe.
As we are seeking for an oportunity to stablish business or work as
outsourced production consultants there are a few
information I´m looking for:
1) What are the top studios, both on what´s related to portfolio
(quality of work) and market presence (maybe it would be hard to
define market share in such a small industry however the client list
or portfolio extensiveness can be a good hint). A point person from
each studion (specially someone who manages production) is desirable.
Ps.: It´s important to narrow this list to studios who work
exclusivelly with computer graphics geneated imagery and animations.
2)How these services are priced in the US and Europe? Samples of
specific project or media price, or princing info of some studios is desirable.
3)Which of the listed companies currently outsource production, either
patially or intirelly?
4)What is the average sallary of: 3D Artist, 3D Modeler,
Project/production Manager in this industry for both EUA and Europe?
5)What is supposed to be the key Marketing argument of these studios?
6)How do these studios hire qualified staff?
7)Information on the production workflow is a plus.
8)Information or samples of outsourcing contracts/agreements(documents) is a plus.
There are some sources that can be useful to find the information:
- www.cgarchitect.com (there recently was a salary survey on this
website, but the numbers are rough averages only)
- www.asai.com
Some examples of high end companies are:
- www.screampoint.com
- www.neoscape.com
- www.dbox.com
- www.rayesdavidson.com
- www.smoothe.com
- www.spine3d.com
This is a complex question, therefore its understandable if not all
items can be properly addressed. However as this information can be
very important for me, I´m willing to provide a good tip for a great
answer. |