In the spring/early summer of 2006 my right eye was hit by a ball
(ball hockey ball). It was quite painful but symptoms subsided within
15-20 minutes. I did not see a doctor since the pain was gone and no
visual problems of any kind were present at the time.
Over the past 6 months or so, problems have developed with my right
eye, quite possibly relating to this eye injury.
I am requesting:
1. quality list of Eye trauma treatment specialists - preferably in or
around Hamilton or The Greater Toronto Area (Ontario, Canada)
The injury has resulted in chronic eye pain in and around the eye (4+
months of constant pain) This is by no means an emergency but is a
major problem. I have been seen by: a family doctor, an optomologist
and a neurologist. All three have said they are unable to determine
the problem! MRI, CTScan, Slit Lamp and Eye Pressure tests all came
back NEGATIVE (no problems found)
I am also requesting:
2. Some links to documents regarding similar eye injuries, or web
pages which contain stories and treatment options ect. regarding
*SIMILAR* eye injuries (both the injury itself (blunt trauma,
resulting in a slighly rotated or displaced eye) and, more
importantly, the painful symptoms. (see description of the pain in the
paragraph below) Treatment options must be included.
The only visual symptom is occasional "floaters" (definition: A dark
or gray spot or speck that passes across your field of vision and
moves as you move your eye. Floaters are very common and may look like
clouds, strands, webs, spots, squiggles, wavy lines or other shapes.)
These floaters occur just once or twice a day and are not much of a
concern for myself, but may be useful in finding some kind of
treament. The pain is the main area of concern. The pain may be
described as pricking, pinching, throbbing, stabbing and 'boring'. In
occurs in and around the right eye (side of the nose, above the eye
and below the eye.) the pain is very severe and is constant. Both the
neurologist and the opthomologist noticed my right eye appears to be
very slightly higher than the left, which is likely caused by the ball
hitting the eye.
I am taking 4-8 "percocets" (325&5mg) per day currently for the pain.
I am a 21 year old male.
Please seperate these list of specalists into places that require a
referral by a doctor and those which do not (I require at least 3 in
each category)
I also require 3 or more links to websites discussed in request number
2 (the pages about similar eye injuries with stories, treatment
options ect.)
Best Regards! |