What are the most effective proven ways to publicize an award aiming
to reach teams involved in alleviating visual problems in affected
communities in developing countries?
Target Groups for information will include, among others:
? Clinicians (ophtalmologists, health practioners, local doctors).
? National and international organizations working in the field
(governmental or NGOs).
? Humanitarian workers and confessional and non-confessional aid groups.
? Visual Scientists.
Please back up your answer with specific references and specify
publication types, websites, forms of advertising, etc.
Ps.Visual?related problems are a major public health problem (90% of
the world?s blindness is in developing countries, 80% of which could
be treated or prevented). This is thus a difficult question, but one
needing a good effective answer? |
Request for Question Clarification by
01 Oct 2006 19:07 PDT
Can you tell us more about this award?
Is it money? How much?
Is it a non-monetary award? Why would a group be interested in it?
Must a group apply for the award? Be nominated?
The better we understand what's at hand, here, the better we can focus
our research.
Clarification of Question by
01 Oct 2006 20:47 PDT
A very large sum or very prestigious award. That could receive either
applications or nominations. Groups would be interested for the
visibility and support the award would give them.
Not a grant, more of a prize for people currently working in eye care
projects in developing countries. THUS the need to reach people
working in the field.
Since the target groups mentioned are diverse and spread around the
world what are best methods to target such information to them
effectively (need not be a single way)?
Clarification of Question by
02 Oct 2006 23:20 PDT
I D REALLY LIKE AN ANSWER... (and am no tycoon...). Am I stating it
badly? Failing to clarify it acceptably? or is the price wrong?
Request for Question Clarification by
03 Oct 2006 20:14 PDT
I'd love to be able to assist you on this, but it's hard to know where to begin.
The question you asked is a difficult one, because it's not
particularly clear what it is you hope to offer to the international
community working on visual impairment issues. Nor is it clear which
members of that community you most hope to reach out to...the groups
you mentioned cover an awful lot of territory.
You've also set a very high bar of not only asking for demonstrably
effective methods of communication, but for references as to their
effectiveness -- I'm not sure what sort of proof or references a
researcher could offer.
There are numerous organizations with a specialized focus on
international work on vision-related problems, and as a first step, at
least, it would certainly make sense to team up with these folks, and
have the award announced in newsletters, at conferences, and so on.
Here are a few to consider:
International Society for Low Vision Research and Rehabilitation
Note that they are planning for their 9th International Conference on
Low Vision -- a good place to have the award publicized, it would
...VisionConnection partners are organizations that share the common
mission of helping people prevent, or overcome the challenges of,
vision loss.
There are a large number of organizations listed -- and linked to --
at the above site, including:
Lighthouse International
African Union of the Blind
American Optometric Association
Art Education for the Blind
The Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Centro De Rehabilitacion Para Ciegos Y Debiles Visuales
Hong Kong Society for the Blind
International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment
International Council of Ophthalmology
Nadi Al Bassar
Orbis International
and many others.
All of these, it seems to me, would be potential resources for
circulating information on the award in question.
Is this the type of information you are seeking? Or is this
information with which you are already very familiar?
If it doesn't help, please let us know in a bit more detail what you
have in mind, and how we can best assist you in your quest.
Thanks....and best of luck.