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for scriptor only
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: bearspaw-ga List Price: $2.00 |
01 Oct 2006 21:09 PDT
Expires: 31 Oct 2006 20:09 PST Question ID: 770055 |
I believe there is a German word "ver-schluken" (not sure if this is the correct spelling). Is this a real word in the German language or some form of slang. If it is a real word, could you: Provide a short sentence of a German example of the word usage along with an english translation. List any other languages that you are aware of (don't do any research, just if you know any off the top of your head), that also use a similar word. |
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Re: for scriptor only
Answered By: scriptor-ga on 02 Oct 2006 09:33 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Dear bearspaw, I'll gladly do my best to answer your question. First, there is a such word. Its correct spelling is "verschlucken" (in the basic infinitive form). And it is indeed a verb from the vocabulary of High German (standard German). "Verschlucken" will usually used with the meaning "to swallow something" ("schlucken" alone would just be "to swallow"). An example for this use is: "Ich verschlucke einen Bissen Brot." - "I swallow a bite of bread." Derived from this use of the word, "verschlucken" can also be used in a figurative way which has nothing to do with eating, like this: "Der Tunnel verschluckte den Zug." - "The tunnel swallowed the train." "Verschlucken" is also used to describe that someone's articulation is sloppy: "Wenn er spricht, verschluckt er die Endungen der Wörter." - "When he speaks, he swallows the endings of the words." Then, there is another way to use "verschlucken", "sich verschlucken". This translates literally as "to mis-swallow oneself". This would be used, for example, if you tried to swallow a bite too big or swallowed too hastily, so you have to cough. It would be used like this: "Ich habe mich an einem Bissen Brot verschluckt." - "I choked on a bite of bread." This variant, too, can be used in a figurative way; for example, if somebody stumbles across his own greed: "Die Firma hat sich bei der Übernahme ihres Konkurrenten verschluckt." - "The company came into trouble due to the take-over of its competitor." When it comes to other languages, all I can think of spontaneously is French, where "avaler" means simply "to swallow, to gulp"; "étouffer" means "to swallow" in the sense of "to swallow, to hush up, to supress"; and "s'étrangler avec quelque chose" means "to choke on something". Hope this answers your question! Best regards, Scriptor | |
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rated this answer:![]() Great answer, thank you |
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Re: for scriptor only
From: denco-ga on 02 Oct 2006 00:29 PDT |
I am sure that Scriptor is going to do the usual great job in answering your question, but I ran across this quote that might be amusing to translate. "Er wollte das Telefon und sie wollte es ihm nicht geben, also versuchte sie, es zu verschlucken ..." |
Re: for scriptor only
From: sublime1-ga on 02 Oct 2006 01:20 PDT |
That's hard to swallow... ; ) |
Re: for scriptor only
From: blinded-ga on 02 Oct 2006 01:48 PDT |
In German, the prefix "ver" is like the english "mis", e.g. you say "misheard", we say "verhört" (from "hören" = "to hear"). So "verschlucken" would mean "misswallowed", which makes no sense in English I think. Germans say "verschlucken" for two reasons: - You make a mistake by swallowing and are unable to breah and have to cough strong - You mean something has been "verschluckt", which would give the status "missed" to the thing, e.g. "firefox verschluckt meine passwörter" would mean "my passwords are missing in firefox" now to the times: - ich verschlucke mich (present) - ich habe mich verschluckt / ich verschluckte mich (past) - ich werde mich verschlucken (future) |
Re: for scriptor only
From: myoarin-ga on 02 Oct 2006 02:14 PDT |
Scriptor will certainly handle this with great skill. Sublime: I suspect that the phone in Denco's quotation was a cell phone. |
Re: for scriptor only
From: ro11-ga on 03 Oct 2006 01:28 PDT |
And in Dutch: 'slikken' or 'inslikken' means 'to swallow'; 'zich verslikken' means the same as 'sich verschlucken' as described by Sciptor. |
Re: for scriptor only
From: myoarin-ga on 03 Oct 2006 03:58 PDT |
Bearspaw, If you want or need a little grammatical terminology: "schlucken" as a verb does not take an object: "Er schluckt" He swallowed. (Nothing, but you could see his adamsapple move.) The active verb "verschlucken" is used when there is an object (einen Bissen Brot); in fact, "verschlucken" must have an object, hence the reflexive "sich": "Die Firma hat sich ... verschluckt." |
Re: for scriptor only
From: bearspaw-ga on 04 Oct 2006 17:46 PDT |
Thanks to all the commentors for their comments. I especially like the new word "mis-swallowed". For years I have thought that the German folk had a special word for choking when food or drink goes down the wrong passage. It would be so easy to just ask "Did you mis-swallow?" when seeing someone bent over gasping for air! :) Also interesting to see that "Verschlucken" is also used to describe "misplace", "lose" or "hide" |
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