Hello Rainking!
Thanks so much for using Google Answers and trusting our researchers'
educated opinions on such a broad range of topics!
Interesting question that you have asked, considering it requires the
researcher to use their own judgment based on research to identify a
"best" in the permanent makeup industry.
First, it is important to note that there are no official, definitive
rankings of permanent makeup institutes. It seems as there is a
recent trend towards NOT attempting to quantify such a qualitative,
subjective thing as being "best" at a certain type of education. For
instance, in 1997, the American Dental Association stopped ranking
dental schools because they believed that no matter how hard one tries
to objectively rank an entity as complex as a learning institution,
the results will still be skewed. Rather, they leave it up to the
prospective student to decide which factors they hold to be the most
This is where I come in! I take it that you have entrusted the Google
researcher to decide on which factors are the most important in
choosing a school of permanent cosmetics. I have decide to base my
opinion on the following factors:
1) Approval by an unbiased organization dedicated to the effective
education of permanent cosmetics professionals, as well as schools
owned by accredited professionals in the field.
Rationale: in such an up-and-coming industry, I feel that it is
important to have an organization that sets and maintains the industry
standard for permanent cosmetics.
2) Extensive class listing
Rationale: A good school will have a comprehensive, extensive class
listing. One cannot learn to be an effective cosmetic makeup artist
if only a few classes have been taken in the field.
3) Degree offered.
Rationale: After researching, I will determine what types of degrees
are offered in the field, and then go to websites that appeal to
clients seeking permanent makeup. I will peruse their job listings
and then find out what is required of a permanent cosmetic artist.
Because, in the end, you don’t just want to learn how to apply
permanent makeup, you want to put your skills to good use and make
some money!
And now, the answer!
Based on criterion #1, I found the Society of Permanent Cosmetics
Professionals, who tout themselves as:
"the largest non-profit professional association in the United States
and internationally for the permanent cosmetics industry."
(http:www.spcp.org) have compiled a list of those accredited to
perform and teach permanent cosmetics.
The list can be found here:
2) I have researched the institutes on SPCP’s website and found that
the International Institute of Permanent Cosmetics has the most
comprehensive course listings. A list of their beginners and advanced
classes can be found here:
-I also liked the fact that Susan Church’s school (IIPC) offers
classes in all three methods of permanent makeup application, which
include: Hand Method, Rotary Machine, Coil Machine and Digital
**Note: SPCP "believes it is not effective, nor ethical, to offer an
educational program for permanent makeup application that does not
include the essential minimum of forty hours of training that includes
color theory, in-house training and hands-on experience for the
student." (http://www.spcp.org/beware.htm) I have based my
filtration on this statement.
3) Accreditation: Based on my research, there are many ways by which
one can go about becoming accredited to perform the procedures
involved in permanent cosmetology. Here is a link to who sits on the
Board of the "American Academy of Micropigmentation," who is
responsible for certifying micropigmentation practitioners in the
United States. They should be able to give you a good idea of who is
properly licensed and accredited!
In sum, I am strongly compelled to state that the International
Institute of Permanent Cosmetics has the most comprehensive
combination of factors which make this a school worth checking into.
Please continue to bear in mind that this is merely an educated
opinion, and should not take the place of professional medical advice!
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