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Q: Global market share of textile dyes and textile fibers ( Answered,   0 Comments )
Subject: Global market share of textile dyes and textile fibers
Category: Reference, Education and News > Consumer Information
Asked by: timaji-ga
List Price: $20.00
Posted: 15 Oct 2002 22:32 PDT
Expires: 14 Nov 2002 21:32 PST
Question ID: 77139
Can somebody say me in graphical form the global market share of,
1. Reactive dyes and other dyes in total textile dyes consumed
2.Cotton fiber and other fibers in all the fibers comsumed
    as latest as possible.

Request for Question Clarification by bobbie7-ga on 20 Oct 2002 11:08 PDT

I located the total global fiber production for 2000 broken down into
the following categories: (It is a table.)

Jute and other vegetable fibers
Polypropylene (incl. tape)
Elastane, aramids, etc 

I also have a table of world consumption of major textile fibers from
1960-2002 in these 5 categories:
Non Cellulosics 

Graph – World cotton consumption 1984-2004

I have a link to many colorful graphs and charts:

Graph - World cotton production and consumption in million bales.
        Year 90/91, 92/93, 94/95, 96/97, 98/99
Graph – World fiber consumption in million tons, divided in cotton and
   	 non cotton. 1960-2001 (estimate)
Graph – Cottons percentage of fiber use 1960-2001 (estimate)
Graph - World cotton use
Graph – Japan domestic consumption of cotton 1990-1998
Graph – U.S. domestic consumption of cotton 1990-1998

Unfortunately I was not able to locate anything on dyes.

If this information satisfies your needs, just let me know in the
clarification box and I will post it as an answer?

Thank you


Clarification of Question by timaji-ga on 21 Oct 2002 14:50 PDT
I have a graph for dyesstuff consumption taken from net before 5-6
months but I forgot to write doen the source i.e. the web address and
now I am not able to locate that. I asked the google people if they
can allow me to send the graphs as attachment but they said this
facility is not available.
   So if you have any email address I can send the graph for dyestuff
consumption and I can accept the answer as soon as you provide with
the source( website address)
   Please reply ASAP.

Request for Question Clarification by bobbie7-ga on 21 Oct 2002 15:22 PDT
Hello Timaji,

Google researchers cannot give out personal information.
If you give me the title of the graph and the subtitles with the exact
wording, and any information you have, I will try to find it for you.

Is the information that I already have for fiber satisfactory?

Thank you

-- Bobbie7-ga

Clarification of Question by timaji-ga on 22 Oct 2002 03:11 PDT
The information of fibers is satifactory.

The title of the graphs I was referring were,
1.Dyes stuff Market share
2.Global Market Share of the Principal Textile Fibres
   The reference for first and your fiber data will be satisfactory
reply ASAP
Subject: Re: Global market share of textile dyes and textile fibers
Answered By: bobbie7-ga on 22 Oct 2002 07:51 PDT
Hello Timaji,

Thank you for your question.

The total size of the world market for dyes, pigments and
intermediates is estimated at around US $23bn in 1999. Dyes and
pigments constitute the largest segment with a market size of 1.3mn
tonnes and a market value of US $16bn. The dyestuff industry is
currently facing oversupply as worldwide consumption of dyestuffs is
in the region of 0.8-0.9mn tonnes. The shift in textile usage pattern
and regional developments has lead to over capacity in the global
dyestuff industry.

Dyestuffs Global Scenario 
Infoline Sector Reports

Main players

“Dystar, the joint venture between HoechstAG and Bayer AG, is the
largest producer of dyestuffs with 15 percent market share in the
world market. This is followed by BASF which has the market share of
12 percent. The market share of Ciba Specialties is around 11 percent.
The share of Clariant AG, which was earlier spin-off from Sandoz AG,
is now close to 7 percent.”

Market Share

“Globally, reactive dyes account for around 25 percent while disperse
dyes account for 20 percent of total dyes production. These two dyes
have a dominant share in all the regions of the world. On the other
hand, market for Direct, Vat dyes and others has remained more or less

Dyes Stuff Global Market Share

Reactive dyes             25 percent
Disperse dyes             20 percent
Direct Dyes               10 percent
Vat Dyes & Indigo         10 percent
Others                    30 percent

The chart on this webpage depicts the share of various categories of

Regional Market Share

“Asia leads dye stuff production both in terms of volumes and value,
with a 44 percent share of the global dyestuff production; followed by
U.S with 24 percent and Europe with about 22 percent.”

The table depicts the production of dyestuff in various regions of the
Asia                       44 percent
U.S                        24 percent
Europe                     22 percent
Others                     10 percent

In the Asian Region, China, Korea and Taiwan are strong players in
disperse dyes while India leads in production of reactive dyes. India
is a strong player in reactive dyes is on account of easy availability
of intermediates like vinyl sulphone in the country.

India Info Online Industry report


“World demand for manufactured fibers is forecast to expand 5.4
percent per year to nearly 44 million metric tons in 2005, valued at
US$120 billion. Manufactured fibers will continue to expand their
market share at the expense of natural fibers, expanding to nearly
two-thirds of total mill fiber consumption in 2005 based on expanding
applications in apparel and home furnishings, as well as continuing
strength for synthetics in tufted carpeting and industrial
Source: Textile info

In the Global Fibers & Feedstocks Report by Barry Davies, I located a
information on fibers. On page 2 and 3 of this publication you will
find three charts as well.
Source: David Rigby Associates (DRA),


“Final Fiber Consumption now over 62 million tones. According to
figures published by Fiber Organon, over 63 million tons of fiber was
produced in 2000, using "actual" man-made fiber production figures and
estimates of average production levels of natural fibers (to
compensate for fluctuations in harvests). Polyester accounts for 30
percent of the total with polyamide a further 6.5 percent (see Exhibit
1). In the absence of any information on changes in fiber stock
levels, we have taken this production figure as an approximation for
mill consumption. From this figure we estimate that some 830,000 tons
of fiber in total are lost to the system as a result of wastage during
processing, leaving some 62,236 kilo-tons as our estimate for final or
citizen consumption in 2000.”

Global Fiber Production, 2000

Fiber                              (000t)
Cotton                             19,754
Flax/linen/ramie                      593
Jute and other vegetable fibers     4,015
Silk                                   86
Wool                                1,250
TOTAL NATURAL                      25,698
Polyester                          18,908
Polyamide                           4,099
Acrylic                             2,666
Polypropylene (incl. tape)          5,984
Elastane, aramids, etc                312
Cellulosics                         2,819
Glass                               2,580
TOTAL MAN-MADE                     37,368
Total                              63,066

Source: David Rigby Associates (DRA),

The 98 page report “World Textile Demand” by the International Cotton
Advisory Committee - September 2001 has many tables and charts that
may be of  interest for you. I am indicating the page number and title
as the tables are too large to reproduce here.

Page 41
(Cotton, Wool, Chemical Fibers, All Non Cellulosics, Cellulosics)

Page 43
Figure 18 – Graph - World Mill Consumption of Cotton 1984- 2004
“Mirroring increases in end-use consumption, world mill consumption of
cotton increased by 330,000 tons to reach 19.7 million tons in 2000
and is expected to increase at an average annual rate of 1% over the
next four years to reach 20.5 million tons in 2004. As in the previous
two years, the increases in mill consumption of cotton in 2000 were
the result of increases in developing countries (2.9%) and Central and
Eastern Europe and the former USSR (9.5%), offset by declines in
industrial countries (-4.9%). The same regional trends are expected to
continue over the next four years.

Page 44
Figure 19 – Graph – Mill Consumption of Cotton Industrial Countries
“Mill consumption of cotton in industrial countries declined for the
third year to 3.5 million tons in 2000, 181,000 tons less than in
1999. Increases in Italy, Greece, Canada, and Germany and relative
stability in Austria, Belgium, Ireland and Switzerland, were more than
offset by declines in other industrial countries. The largest decline
took place in the United States, where mill consumption of cotton
declined by 190,000 tons in 2000. Other important declines took place
in Japan (15,000 tons less) and in France (6,000 tons less). Mill
consumption of cotton in industrial countries is expected to continue
to decline to 3.3 million tons in 2001 and to 3.1 million tons in

Page 24 - Table 4 
“The average rate of growth of textile fiber consumption declined from
3.7% during the 1960s, to 3.1% during the 1970s, 2.5% during the 980s,
but increased to 2.7% during the 1990s. Lower rates of growth in world
textile fiber consumption are mainly associated with lower GDP growth
(from 5.3% during the 1960s to 3.3% during the 1990s) and lower growth
of the world population (from 2.1% during the 1960s to 1.7% during the
1990s). World cotton consumption is projected to expand at an annual
average rate of 1% to reach 21 million tons in 2005 and 21.8 million
tons in 2010. Cotton’s share of the world textile fiber market is
projected to decline to 38.5% in 2005 and 36% in 2010.”

The Global Outlook for Cotton by Lawrence H. Shaw, Executive Director
International Cotton Advisory Committee includes over 25 chats and

Page 5 - Graph - World cotton production and consumption in million
bales. (Year 90/91, 92/93, 94/95, 96/97, 98/99)

Page 7 - Graph – World fiber consumption in million tons, divided in
cotton and non cotton. 1960-2001 (estimate)

Page 7 - Graph – Cottons percentage of fiber use 1960-2001 (estimate)

Page 7 - Graph - World cotton use

Page 8 - Graph – U.S. domestic consumption of cotton 1990-1998

Page 9 - Graph – Japan domestic consumption of cotton 1990-1998


Additional Information that may interest you:

The U.S. Textile Industry

India Info Online Cotton Textile report

Search Criteria:

global textile fiber consumption
dyes stuff market share
global dyestuff market 
cotton consumption worldwide

I hope this information meets your needs.

Best Regards,

Request for Answer Clarification by timaji-ga on 28 Oct 2002 08:39 PST
The answer is not satisfactory unless I get the information the graphs
like 1.

    for the year 2000 at least. The above graphs are for 1994 and 1999
and I want graphs for year 2000 at least. I dont consider the above
question satisfactory till then.

Clarification of Answer by bobbie7-ga on 28 Oct 2002 09:07 PST
Dear Timaji,

I will do more research and will try to find the information you seek
in order to  satisfy you. I will get back to you as soon as I do.

Thank you for your patience.


Clarification of Answer by bobbie7-ga on 28 Oct 2002 14:57 PST
Hello Timaji,

“Can somebody say me in graphical form the global market share of, 
1. Reactive dyes and other dyes in total textile dyes consumed 
2.Cotton fiber and other fibers in all the fibers comsumed 
as latest as posible.”

Quoting your original question, you mentioned that the information
should be “as latest as possible”.

I did extensive research and gave you the “latest as possible”
information I was able to locate. Consequently my research is
satisfactory according to your original question.

In addition, through the question clarifications you said the
information I located for fiber was satisfactory as well.

The following information I gave you for the global share for dyestuff
market is 1999 information,  is from an Infoline Sector Report
published Tue, 25-Jun-2002 12:11:12 IST (GMT+5:30) as you can see on
the right hand of the webpage.
The information is from 1999, but it was published in 2002 so it can
be presumed that this is the latest as possible information available.

Dyestuffs Global Scenario  
Infoline Sector Reports 

Nevertheless, I did many hours of research today and detailed market
data for the date which you seek is usually only available in
proprietary reports which often cost thousands of dollars. What I
found for you for free was the best available internet data as “latest
as possible” as you specified in your original question. Maybe the
graph you saw 5-6 months ago is no longer on the web. As we all know,
websites change their site contents and the same information you see
today may not be available later on.

The following proprietary report priced at $3,700 made available by
The Freedonia Group offers excellent information of the type you seek,
but note, their most current information is for the year 2000. Free
data is generally is not as current as fee based data.

Dyes & Organic Pigments
Published by: The Freedonia Group 
Pub Time: 2001/06  
Price US $ 5700 (PDF by E-mail (Corporate License))   
US $ 3700 (PDF by E-mail (Single User License))   
US $ 3700 (Hard Copy)

Here is another fee based report:

Publisher: Freedonia
Publication Date: 01-JUN-00   
“Global dye and organic pigment demand will grow over five percent
annually, driven by the organic pigments segment. Dye demand is
concentrated in the textile producing countries of Asia, while organic
pigment demand remains centered in North America, Western Europe and
Japan, where most inks and coatings are produced. This study analyzes
the $11 billion organic colorant industry. It presents historical
demand data (1989, 1994 and 1999) and forecasts to 2004 and 2009 for
dyes and organic pigments by type and market (e.g., textiles, printing
inks, plastics, paints and coatings).

Note: this fee based report is based upon data from 1989, 1994 and
1999 done by an internationally renowned research company.

Perhaps this report will be of your liking as it may be purchased by
topic. Each mini report costs $30.00.

Search Criteria:

dyes stuff market share +2000
dyes stuff market share +2001
dyes stuff market share +2002
global dyestuff market +2000
global dyestuff market +2001
global dyestuff market +2002
worldwide dyestuff market +2000
worldwide dyestuff market +2001
worldwide dyestuff market +2002
“reactive dyes” “textile dyes” +2000 share
“reactive dyes” “textile dyes” +2001 market
“reactive dyes” “textile dyes” +2002 market share
“reactive dyes” “textile dyes” +2002  world market share
reactive dyes and other dyes in total textile dyes consumed
textile dye market share reactive disperse 2000 OR 2001 OR 2002
textile dye market share reactive direct vat disperse 2000 OR 2001 
textile dyes  global market share
reactive dyes for textiles  global market share
global dyes market share graph reactive

I am sorry you feel my research is not satisfactory but if you read
your original question again, my answer did fulfill your requirements,
as I gave you the information for the dye stuff market as "latest as

The textile fiber part of the answer was fully satisfactory as you
said in the clarification. I did extra research for you and the
information you are seeking now for 2000 is not freely available or I
would have been more than happy to have added it

There are no comments at this time.

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