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Executive Jets
Category: Sports and Recreation > Travel Asked by: mongolia-ga List Price: $9.99 |
08 Oct 2006 11:20 PDT
Expires: 07 Nov 2006 10:20 PST Question ID: 771743 |
I understand that there are now services where one can travel in a privately owned jet (or one owned by a large company). One advantage of this service is that you can forego all the frustrating security checks which people traveling on normal commercial airlines have to put up with. Of course the fare is usually more expensive. My question Why would it be that people who use these services be less likely to be terrorists? And is there any reason why private/executive jets are more difficult to hijack (and fly into skyscrapers) than normal commercial aeroplanes? Regards Mongolia-ga |
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Re: Executive Jets
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 08 Oct 2006 13:27 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Mongolia, This search has been an eye-opening (and hair-raising) project. I've gathered some more links for you on the subject of private jets' security (or lack of same). I've begun by reposting the links from my earlier comments. Some of the information I've found is quite disturbing. EzineArticles: UK Worried About Private Jets and International Terrorism http://ezinearticles.com/?UK-Worried-About-Private-Jets-and-International-Terrorism&id=294279 Financial Times: Private jets could be used in terror raids http://www.ft.com/cms/s/7c783698-ffd3-11da-93a0-0000779e2340.html Blog of Nigel Hastilow: The rich are different http://nigelhastilow.blogspot.com/2006/09/rich-are-different.html DynRec: Are Our Airports Secure? And does anyone care? http://www.dynrec.com/airportsecurity.html Guardian Unlimited: Hire firms boom as executive jets take the strain out of travel http://www.guardian.co.uk/terrorism/story/0,,1844829,00.html Guardian Unlimited: Terror law watchdog warns of executive jet risk http://www.guardian.co.uk/terrorism/story/0,,1801265,00.html from The Wall Street Journal: Travelers Rush to Private Planes http://www.bluestarjets.com/news_wsj_01_10_05.html Financial Times: Executive jets seen to pose terror risk http://www.ft.com/cms/s/e56c0370-fff9-11da-93a0-0000779e2340.html MSN Money: Air travel chaos could boost exec jets demand http://news.moneycentral.msn.com/provider/providerarticle.asp?Feed=OBR&Date=20060811&ID=5941539 Lord Carlile's report is mentioned in several of the articles linked above. In case you are interested in reading the report, the full document may be downloaded in .pdf format here: Home Office Security: Report on the operation in 2005 of the Terrorism Act 2000 by Lord Carlile of Berriew Q.C. http://security.homeoffice.gov.uk/news-and-publications1/publication-search/independent-reviews/tact-2005-review My Google search strategy: Google Web Search: "private OR executive jets" terrorists OR terrorism security ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22private+OR+executive+jets%22+terrorists+OR+terrorism+security Thanks for a fascinating question. I wish I could answer the "why." I hope this will not be one of those cases in which the stable door is locked after the horses have been stolen. Best regards, pinkfreud |
rated this answer:![]() Pink Apologies for the late rating. My simple motivation in posing this question was an article I had read that after the "soap Opera" at British Airports with the increased security where mny passengers were using te services of Private Jets. As well as avoiding line ups , I read somewhere that one could forego the normal security checks. Your links have astounded me and it appears there is a huge security hole with privately owned aeroplanes. Kind regards Mongolia |
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Re: Executive Jets
From: pinkfreud-ga on 08 Oct 2006 11:28 PDT |
There is some concern that private jets might be used by terrorists: http://ezinearticles.com/?UK-Worried-About-Private-Jets-and-International-Terrorism&id=294279 http://www.ft.com/cms/s/7c783698-ffd3-11da-93a0-0000779e2340.html |
Re: Executive Jets
From: mongolia-ga on 08 Oct 2006 11:41 PDT |
Hmmm Very interesting references Pink. I still understand that people who use these services do NOT go through the normal security checks. Mongolia |
Re: Executive Jets
From: pinkfreud-ga on 08 Oct 2006 11:49 PDT |
This may interest you: http://nigelhastilow.blogspot.com/2006/09/rich-are-different.html |
Re: Executive Jets
From: mongolia-ga on 08 Oct 2006 12:15 PDT |
I must say i sort of asked this question totally on a whim. Your last link has only confirmed my worst fears. if you are rich you do not have to worry about security. But then terrorist organisations are not exactly poor either (and i am pretty sure they do not care what class they fly, what type of aeroplane it might be or for that matter the company they are flying with) Very Kind Regards Mongolia |
Re: Executive Jets
From: pinkfreud-ga on 08 Oct 2006 12:19 PDT |
Mongolia, I find this subject quite interesting, and would be glad to gather more links for you, but I really don't think I can answer the "why" portion of your original question. How would you like to proceed? ~Pink |
Re: Executive Jets
From: mongolia-ga on 08 Oct 2006 12:28 PDT |
Pink I did not expect such relevent links. Please do proceed. Many Thanks Mongolia |
Re: Executive Jets
From: myoarin-ga on 08 Oct 2006 14:18 PDT |
Okay, the risk is there, of course. But even a large private jet is not the "bomb" that a medium sized, fully fueled commercial jet is. Private jet services and charterers don't have to accept anyone who calls. They have their own best interests at heart, as do the flight personnel. Commercial airlines accept anyone who can pay, hence the boarding controls. Not just anyone can buy a plane (another suggestion). It is common that planes registered in a country must be majority owned by nationals, individuals or locally registered corporations. Sure, this can be gotten around by straw men/firms or native born terrorists, but they would be leaving a long trail, and there would be a some time between the purchase and the flight. And again, the pilots would have their own best interests at heart. The article(s?) decrying that there was also no security check after landing are alarmist. There are NO security checks of this type for commercial passengers. Maybe their baggage is controlled for importing illegal items, sniffed for drugs, but worries about bombs are no longer the concern. We're talking about 9/11 type incidents. I am NOT saying that there is no risk from general aviation flights. The recent accident in Brazil shows that a private plane can cause a commercial airliner to crash and still survive itself. But that is not 9/11, unfortunate as the accident was. I do believe, however, that there are personal interest and other controls that make the possibility of terrorist efforts in this area very much less likely than the articles would like to suggest. Myoarin |
Re: Executive Jets
From: stanmartin1952-ga on 08 Oct 2006 22:36 PDT |
Terrorists want to kill as many people as possible, so a private jet would not be suitable. |
Re: Executive Jets
From: pinkfreud-ga on 09 Oct 2006 09:59 PDT |
From what I have read, I believe a major concern about private jets is not that they would be used as weapons in 9/11 fashion, but that they might be vehicles for transporting dirty bombs or other devices of mass destruction. |
Re: Executive Jets
From: pinkfreud-ga on 14 Oct 2006 15:57 PDT |
Mongolia, Thank you very much for the five stars and the lavish tip! And thanks for providing one of the most interesting research projects I've had on GA. As my grandmother used to say, "This scared the bejingo out of me." ~Pink |
Re: Executive Jets
From: mongolia-ga on 14 Oct 2006 15:57 PDT |
The idea that a terrorist would not use a smaller plane because it will kill fewer people or not be as effective when crashing into a building is in my opinion simply ludicrous. Of course everything comes down to a matter of risk and so I pose the following question Which scenario would you be most worried about - You hire the services of a private Jet where you discover that neither your stored luggage or your carry your luggage is searced. The same goes for your fellow passengers (who are of course total strangers to you) This scenario is confired by some of Pinkfreuds excellant links. - You travel by a normal commercial airline which goes through all the normal rigourous checks except that they forget to ask you to throw out your toothpaste,Mouth Wash,Skin cream and Bottled water. You get somewhat worried that someone on the aeroplane will spent half an hour in the Bathroom constructing a bomb out of these materials. Sincerely Mongolia |
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