I was not successful in locating any books republished by Borden
Publishing in the 1990s. Here are my findings regarding older books
from this publishing house.
The Library of Congress catalog lists eight books published by Borden
Dance in Art. Introd. by Stephen Longstreet, 1968
More Figures in Art. Introd. by Emanuel Borden, 1968
Our Unseen Guest; introduction by Stewart Edward White, 1943
Washington Enterprise, 1906
Band, Max, 1900- Art of Max Band, by Arthur Millier, 1945
Kley, Heinrich, 1863-1945. Drawings of Heinrich Kley; Introduction by
Arthur Millier, 1941
Moses, Walter Farrington. Artistic anatomy, by Walter Farrington
Moses, 1939
Oliver, Frederick Spencer, 1866-1899. [from old catalog] Dweller on
two planets, 1940
To find more details on the books listed above, go to the Library of
Congress Online Catalog. In the search window, type "Borden
Publishing" (be sure to include the quotation marks.) Next there is a
little pull-down menu listing "any of these," "all of these," or "as a
phrase." Click "as a phrase." Then click "Begin Search."
Library of Congress Online Catalog
Four additional books are listed in the online British Library Public
The Drawings of Ingres, Arthur Millier, 1955
The Palomino Horse, Doreen Martin Norton, 1949
The Mauser Self-loading Pistol, Belford, James C. N., 1969
Painting Flowers, Bohlin, William Lane, 1967
To find more details on these books, click the link below and enter
"Borden Publishing" (in quotes) in the "Publisher Details" window.
British Library Public Catalogue
Here is a list that resulted from a search of Harvard University's
online library listings. The keyword I used was "Borden," and some of
these are similar names such as "Borden Institute" and "Borden and
Bowen Publishing," but there are several art books listed that may be
of interest to you:
Hollis Catalogue, Harvard University
I know that the lists above are not exhaustive, since I am aware of
one book that is not listed by the Library of Congress, the British
Library, nor Harvard University: "An Earth Dweller's Return," the
sequel to "A Dweller on Two Planets," also written by Phylos the
Thibetan (Frederick Spencer Oliver).
My search strategy:
Since search engines are not ideal for this purpose, I went directly
to the search pages of the Library of Congress Online Catalog, the
British Library Public Catalogue, and Harvard University's online
library catalog.
I hope this information will be helpful. If anything is not clear, I
will be glad to provide further assistance if you request
clarification before rating my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |