Request for Question Clarification by
10 Oct 2006 20:00 PDT
Dear sealsly-ga;
Honestly there are far too many variables to make much of an
"educcated guess". Because of that I will offer you this FIRST and let
YOU decide if it is worthy of consideration. Without knowing the
various environmental and roadway factors it is virtually impossible
for anyone to answer your question definitively. As a trained accident
investigator myself I can confidently say that the based on your
description of what took place the best you could hope for is a ball
park guess from ANYONE.
You see, each accident has its own characteristics and these
characteristics, whcn taken into account individually or combined, is
what often (but not always) creates a relatively predictable scenario.
A number of issues can have a dramatic impact (no pun intended) on the
way in which an collision evolves. Some of the more important issues
Vehicle weight (year, make, model, engine size, etc)
The drag factor and the coefficient of friction (the physics that
affects the way in which the vehicles? tires grip the surface and the
mathematical formula that can closely determine how profound or how
liberal the drag factor might have been)
The weather (ice, snow, heat, water, etc.)
The pre-collision condition of the vehicles (most importantly the
condition of both vehicles? tires and brakes)
The presence, depth, width, and direction of yaw marks (skids), post
impact slide, falls, flips, vaults, (or flips ?and? vaults, which are
calculated differently in some instances and in others are combined or
"gathering" speeds).
And finally the testimony of the drivers (Did the impacted driver
apply the brakes and for how long? Did the impacting driver apply his
brakes? etc)
These are only a few examples of the many issues an investigator uses
to help determine how fast a vehicle is traveling at impact. But keep
in mind that no investigator ? no matter how clever he says he is ?
can tell you exactly how fast a vehicle was traveling. The best
accident reconstructionists can sometimes provide the smallest range
of possibilities using known data applied to a proven algorithm but
this is only in excellent case scenarios and certainly not based on
sketchy information alone.
With at in mind one can apply the formula: Speed = sqrt(30 x CD x
Length) [where ?CD? is ?roadway conditions? and ?Length? is the
?length of skid?) which can provide a rough estimate of the impacting
vehicle?s speed based on skid marks alone. This will produce an
?estimate? of the speed assuming the impacted vehicle is stationary,
the drag factor of the surface is consistent with that of new, dry
asphalt AND that the impacted vehicle (with brakes applied) left 300
feet of skid marks. Now I understand that these are probably not all
an accurate depiction of what took place but just to give you some
idea (educated guess, as you put it), the speed of the impacting
vehicle may have been roughly 91.5 mph (147 kph) at the time of
I came to this conclusion using a CLAIMSTAR impact calculator
You might also have some luck with these calculators, the latter of
which requires more detailed input which you may have at your
All these tools offer the same disclaimer I warned about, they ?should
not be used as a substitute for a proper accident reconstruction
investigation.? This answer merely reflects the rough estimate you
requested. The caveat here of course is that if your vehicle laid down
less skid in response to the impact the speed of the impacting vehicle
was likely less than what I have indicated, but this should give you a
very good idea of what speeds you can expect.
The intent of these calculators is not to measure the speed based on
the transfer rate of speed at impact, rather they are designed to show
the speed of the original vehicle when THAT vehicle leaves 300 feet of
skid marks. With that said, here is a chart that may more accurately
illustrate the speed of the vehicle you described.
Taking into account the transfer of velocity, the post impact skid of
the vehicle and the post impact slide, and assuming the vehicle that
hit you left 60 feet of straight-line skid or post impact slide marks,
it would be safe to assume that the impacting vehicle was traveling at
a most probable speed range of about 30-40 mph (48-64 kph). This, I
believe, is a more likley scenario. While it seems relatively low in
comparison to the earlier scenario, a 30-40 mph straigh-line collision
is actually a tremendous impact and quite capable under certain
conditions of causing the transfer of velocity to the degree you
Please let me know if this is suitable to you as an answer, as
?educated guesses? go.