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Tropical Aquarium Fish (freshwater) Top 100
Category: Family and Home Asked by: mikerex1960-ga List Price: $15.00 |
10 Oct 2006 16:10 PDT
Expires: 09 Nov 2006 15:10 PST Question ID: 772458 |
I need a list of the 100 most popular Tropical Aquarium Fish (freshwater) The list should look like this. Fish Fish Fish Fish Thanks Mike Rex | |
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Re: Tropical Aquarium Fish (freshwater) Top 100
Answered By: easterangel-ga on 11 Oct 2006 19:07 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi and thanks for the question. Based on how you answered the clarification requests of my colleague, bobbie7-ga, I will now post the list I found. This list has more entries but is a more accurate one. Adolfo\'s cory Afra African butterfly African spotscale African butterfly African snakehead Agassizi cory Agassizs dwarf Altum angelfish Amiets Lyretail Angel squeaker Angelfish Archer fish Argentine humphead cichlid Arulius barb cichlid Atlantic mudskipper Aulonocara benga Aurora cichlid Azureus pleco Bala shark pleco Banded dwarf Banded loach Banded gourami cichlid Bandit corydoras Banjo catfish Bengal loach Black ghost tetra Black pacu Black fin Black skirt cichlid Black neon cichlid Black banded cichlid Black arowana cichlid Black belt cichlid Black-spot barb apisto Bleeding heart Bleher\'s rainbowfish Blind cave Bloodfin tetra Bloodfin tetra Blue acara Blue lyretail Blue panda Blue tetra characin Blue loach Blue cory tetra Blue emperor Blue mbuna Blue eyed butterfly cichlid Blue Neon Blue zebra Blue gourami cichlid Blue-barred barb Blue-white labido Blunthead cichlid Boesemani rainbowfish Bond\'s catfish Brevis shelldweller Brichard\'s chalinochromis barb Brichard\'s slender Brichard`s synodontis barb Bristlenose catfish Bristlenose catfish pleco Bristlenose pleco Bronze cory Brown julie Bucktoothed tetra Buenos aires fish Bulldog pleco Bumble bee Bumblebee goby Burmese loach Burton\'s mouthbreeder Bushymouth catfish Bushynose pleco Butterfly pleco profile Butterfly cichlid Cardinal tetra Celebes rainbowfish Chain loach Checkered barb goby Cherry barb Chinese algae Chinese banded Chinese hillstream Chocolate gourami Clown loach Clown knifefish Clown pleco Cobalt cichlid Cockatoo dwarf Columbian tetra Common hatchetfish chalceus Common pleco Compressed cichlid Concolor cory Congo barb Congo tetra acara Congo\ tetra Connie\'s blue-eye Convict cichlid Coolie loach Cream loach Crimson spot Cuckoo Catfish Cylindricus Dainty cory Demason\'s cichlid Desert rainbowfish Dewfish Diamond tetra Discus tetra cory Discus Dority\'s rainbowfish Dwarf puffer Dwarf gourami catfish Dwarf corydoras Dwarf flag Dwarf rainbowfish Dwarf otocinclus Dwarf suckermouth Dwarf sucker Dwarf barb Dwarf tanganyikan cory Eastern rainbowfish cory Electric blue Elegant cory Elephant nose Emerald catfish Espe\'s rasbora Eyespot mouthbrooder Fairy cichlid Featherfin Finger fish Firemouth cichlid Fish's latin Fish's latin Fish's latin Fish's latin cory Fish's latin Fish's latin cory Fish's latin Fish's latin Fish's latin Fish's latin Five-bar cichlid Flag cichlid dolphin Flagfish Flagtail catfish Flier cichlid Forked-tail rainbowfish datnoid Forktail blue Frontosa cichlid Garnet tetra Giant Brochis Giant gourami Giant red Giant glassfish Giant puffer Glass goby eater Glass catfish Glass bloodfish Glowlight tetra Goby fish Gold nugget Gold ocellatus Golden banded Golden pheasant Golden julie Golden barb Goldfish Goldie river panchax Gomezi corydoras Grants peacock earth eater Greater scissortail Green terror Green fire Green chromide pleco Green pufferfish Greenface sandsifter Griems tetra tetra Guapore Cory Guenther\'s mouthbrooder eater Guenthers notho Guppy tetra Halfbeak Head and Hi-spot rasbora Hognosed brochis tetra Honey gourami Honey gourami Honeycomb tatia tail light tetra Horseface loach Indian glassfish tetra Inornate rainbowfish Iridescent corydoras Jack dempsey Jaguar cichlid January tetra Jewel cichlid Jordans catfish pleco Juba cichlid tetra Julii catfish Kenyi cichlid tetra Keyhole cichlid Kissing gourami tetra Kribensis Labeo frenatus Lake malawi Lake tebera Lake kutubu tetra LDA-33 Lemon tetra Lemon cichlid Leopard cory Lifalili cichlid Lionhead cichlid Long-band rasbora Longfin tetra Longnosed cory black shark Lyretail killifish Madagascar rainbowfish Malabar danio Malawi blue cichlid Malawi eye-biter Malawi golden leporinus Malawi shell Marbled headstander Marbled hatchetfish Marbled whiptail Marlieri cichlid eel Masked julie Midas cichlid cichlid Midnight peacock Mini cory mbuna Moonlight gourami Mottled loach Multiradiatus pleco Mustax rainbowfish Myanmar botia rainbowfish Napo corydoras Neon rainbowfish rainbowfish Neon tetra rainbowfish Nyasa peacock Ocellated synodontis Olivegreen ufipa rainbowfish One Spot Ornate cory Oscar Pacific blue-eye Palespotted corydoras Panchax Panda dwarf Panda cory Paradise fish Parallel striped Paratrygon laticeps Parkinsoni rainbowfish Pearl danio Pearl gourami tetra Penguin tetra Peppered corydoras shark Peruvian panther Pictus catfish Pike livebearer Pink tailed Platy Pondondetta rainbowfish Porthole catfish Powder blue Pretty cory Purple mbuna Queen danio Rainbow cichlid fin gourami Raphael catfish Red terror Red devil Red eyed Red port Red Fin Red striped pleco Red rainbowfish Red tailed fish Red bellied Red discus Redchin panchax Regal rainbowfish Roberts catfish Ropefish perchlet Rostratus Rosy barb Rosy tetra Ruby rainbowfish Ruby barb tetra Rummy nose Sailfin molly catfish Salmontail catfish San juan Sand\'s Corydoras molly Scat Schallers mouthbrooder Schwartz\'s cory Senegal bichir Sepik glass Serpae tetra loach Severum Shark catfish eye Short finned Siamese fighting Siamese tiger Siamese algae Silver tipped Silver dollar Silver arowana dweller Sixbar panchax Six-bar lamprologus cichlid Skunk cory Slender cichlid Slender rainbowfish Slender mbuna Smudge spot Snakeskin gourami barb Spanner barb Spiny cichlid Splashing tetra Spotted medusa Spotted ctenopoma Spotted sailfin Spotted hoplo Spotted blue-eye Starlight bristlenose piranha Sterbas corydoras Stinging catfish Striped headstander Striped panchax Striped julie Striped raphael Sunset dwarf hap Sunshine pleco Swordtail T-Barb Thick lip Thorny catfish Threadfin rainbowfish Thread-finned cichlid Tiger barb Tiger barb Tire track Trewavas mbuna Twig catfish Squeaker Two spot Twospot livebearer Upside-down catfish Viejita mountain minnow Wanam rainbowfish cichlid Western rainbow Whiptail catfish fish White lamprologus White cloud Wolf cichlid Xingu corydoras Yakati rainbowfish gourami Yellow acara Yellow dwarf YoYo loach Zebra loach Zebra danio cichlid FALSE firemouth FALSE blochi cichlid FALSE bandit FALSE julii FALSE rummynose Source: http://www.aqua-fish.net/show-aquarium-fish.php I hope this would help you in your research. Before rating this answer, please ask for a clarification if you have a question or if you would need further information. Regards, Easterangel-ga Google Answers Researcher |
rated this answer:![]() Perfekt and fast. |
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