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surnames in australia
Category: Reference, Education and News > Consumer Information Asked by: simrangambhir-ga List Price: $35.00 |
11 Oct 2006 01:17 PDT
Expires: 10 Nov 2006 00:17 PST Question ID: 772572 |
Hi, I'm trying to get a list of surnames that exist in australia. Reason: we want to build a web app that accept's people's names but we want to filter out obvious junk straight away... aka: * People filling in surnames like: superman, dodgybrothers, swearword, ... (we can then manually process anything that looks suspicious) What is ideal is if we can get a softcopy of the surnames in the white pages as they are *most likely* to be legitimate - as there is verifiction of people (when they get a phone line) and their names are listed... but short of that, another list that lists the names (or as many of them as possible) and how it derived those names would be good... |
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Re: surnames in australia
Answered By: pafalafa-ga on 11 Oct 2006 06:41 PDT Rated: ![]() |
This list of 5,000+ Australian surnames ought to be a good start: à Beckett Aaron Aarons Abbie Abbott Abdullah Abel Abercrombie Abigail Abrahams Ackermann Ackland Ackman Adair Adam Adams Adamson Adcock Addis Addison Adermann Adey Affleck Afford Agar Agaundo Agnes Agnew Agostini Ah Ket Ah Mouy Ahern Ahuia Ova Aikenhead Ainslie Ainsworth Aird Airey Aiston Aitken Akehurst Akeroyd Akhurst Alanson Albert Albiston Alcock Alcorn Alden Alder Alderman Alderson Alexander Alfred Algeranoff Alice Alison Allan Allard Allardyce Allcot Allen Alleyne Allingham Allison Allman Allnutt Allport Allsop Allum Allwood Alngindabu Alsop Alston Alt Amadio Ambrose Amess Amies Amiet Amos Ampt Ancher Andersen Anderson Andrade Andrew Andrews Andronicus Angas Angel Angela Angelo Angles Angliss Angus Angwin Anivitti Ann Anna Annand Annear Annois Ansell Anstey Anthon Anthony Antill Anton Antonieff Aplin Appel Appleroth Appleton Arabanoo Archdall Archer Archibald Arden Ardill Arek Argyle Arida Arkwookerum Armfield Armit Armitage Armstrong Armytage Arndell Arnold Arnot Arnott Aronson Arscott Arthur Arundale Asche Ash Ashbolt Ashburn Ashby Ashcroft Asher Ashkanasy Ashley Ashton Ashworth Aslatt Aspinall Astley Aston Athaldo Atherton Atkin Atkins Atkinson Auld Aunger Auricht Austin Austral Avery Axon Ayers Babbage Babbidge Baccarini Backhaus Backhouse Backler Bacon Badcoe Baddeley Badger Badgery Badham Bage Bagot Bagshaw Baile Bailey Baillière Baillieu Bain Baines Bainton Baird Baker Balcombe Baldessin Baldwin Baldwinson Bale Balfe Balfour Ball Ballard Ballow Balls-Headley Balmain Balmer Balsillie Balson Bamford Bancks Bancroft Band Banfield Banks Bannan Bannerman Banning Bannister Banvard Baracchi Baragwanath Barak Barber Barbour Barclay Barclay-Harvey Bardolph Bardon Bardsley Barff Barge Barker Barkly Barkman Barlee Barling Barlow Barnard Barnes Barnet Barnett Barney Barr Barraclough Barrallier Barrenger Barrett Barrington Barron Barrow Barry Bartlett Bartley Barton Barunga Barwell Basedow Baskerville Bass Basser Bassett Bastow Bastyan Batchelor Bate Bateman Bates Bateson Bath Bathurst Batman Batt Battarbee Batty Battye Baudin Baudinet Bauer Baughan Baume Bavin Bavister Baxter Bayldon Baylebridge Baylee Bayles Bayley Baylis Bayly Baynes Baynton Bazley Beach Beadle Beak Beal Beale Beamont Bean Beaney Bear Beardsmore Beasley Beatham Beattie Beatty Beauchamp Beaumont Beaurepaire Beavis Beazley Becher Becke Becker Beckett Bedford Bedggood Bednall Bee Beeby Beeston Beet Beeton Beg Begg Beggs Behan Behrend Beirne Beit Bejah Belbin Belcher Belisario Bell Bellasis Bellew Bellingshausen Belmore Belstead Belt Belz Bendrodt Benham Benjafield Benjamin Benn Bennelong Bennet Bennett Bennetts Benny Benson Benstead Bent Bentham Beor Bergin Bergman Bermingham Bernacchi Bernays Berrick Berry Bertie Bertles Bessell-Browne Best Betche Bethel Bethune Bettington Betts Beuzeville Bevan Beveridge Bevington Biaggini Bibb Bice Bicheno Bickersteth Bickford Biddell Biddlecombe Bidencope Bidmead Bidwill Bigge Biggs Bignold Billson Bindi Bindon Bingle Bini Binney Binnie Binns Biraban Birch Birchell Bird Birdseye Birdwood Birkbeck Birks Birnie Birrell Birtles Birtwistle Bischof Biscoe Bisdee Bishop Bjelke-Petersen Black Blackall Blackburn Blacket Blackett Blackham Blacklock Blacklow Blackman Blackmore Blackwood Bladen Bladin Blair Blake Blakeley Blakeney Blakey Blamey Blanc Blanch Blanchard Bland Blandowski Blaubaum Blaxcell Blaxland Bleakley Bleasdale Blesing Bligh Bloch Blomfield Bloodsworth Blosseville Blue Bluett Blumenthal Blundell Blundstone Blyth Boag Boake Boan Board Boas Boase Bochsa Bock Bodenwieser Body Boehm Boelke Bogle Boismenu Boland Bold Bolden Bolliger Bolton Bon Bond Boniwell Bonney Bonnor Bonwick Bonython Boote Booth Boothby Boothman Booty Borchgrevink Boreham Borella Borovansky Borrie Borthwick Bosanquet Bosch Bosisto Bostock Boston Boswell Bosworth Bottrill Boucaut Boucher Boucicault Boulger Bourchier Bourke Bourne Bouton Bowden Bowe Bowen Bower Bowes Bowhay Bowker Bowles Bowling Bowmaker Bowman Bowser Boxall Boxer Boyce Boyd Boyer Boyes Boyland Boyle Brabyn Bracegirdle Bracewell Braché Bracker Bracy Braddon Bradfield Bradford Bradley Brady Bragg Brahe Braim Brain Braine Brake Bramston Brand Brassey Braund Bray Brazenor Brazier Breen Breillat Breinl Bremer Brenan Brennan Brentnall Brereton Brett Brewer Brewis Brewster Bride Bridgeford Bridges Brient Brier Brierly Brifman Brigden Briggs Bright Brigstocke Brill Brinsmead Brisbane Broadbent Broadby Broadhurst Brock Brockman Brodie Brodney Brodribb Brodzky Broger Broinowski Bromby Bromham Bromilow Bromley Bronner Brooke Brooker Brookes Brookfield Brookman Brooks Broome Broomfield Brophy Brose Brough Broughton Broun Brown Brownbill Browne Brownell Browning Brownlee Brownless Brownlow Brownrigg Bruce Bruche Brumby Brunker Brünnich Brunning Brunskill Bruntnell Brunton Bruny Bruton Bruxner Bryan Bryant Bryce Brydon Buchanan Buck Buckingham Buckland Buckley Buckmaster Budd Buddicom Bugden Buggy Bugnion Buhôt Builder Bukowski Bulcock Buley Bull Bullen Bunbury Bunce Buncle Bundey Bungaree Bunker Bunning Bunny Buntine Bunton Burbidge Burbury Burdekin Burdett Burfitt Burford Burge Burges Burgess Burgmann Burgoyne Burhop Buring Burke Burke-Gaffney Burkitt Burley Burn Burnage Burne Burnell Burnett Burns Burnside Burrell Burrowes Burrows Burston Burt Burton Burwell Bury Busby Bushby Bushell Buss Bussau Bussell Bustard Butler Butlin Butt Buttenshaw Butters Button Buttrose Butts Buvelot Buxton Buzacott Byatt Byles Byrne Byrnes Byron Cabena Cade Cadell Cadman Caesar Caffyn Cahill Cain Caird Caire Cairnduff Cairns Calder Caleb Caley Callaghan Callanan Callaway Callinan Callister Calvert Calwell Calyute Cambage Cambridge Camden Cameron Camfield Camidge Camm Campbell Campion Candler Cani Cann Cannan Canning Cantamessa Canterbury Cantor Cape Carandini Carboni Card Cardell Cardell-Oliver Cardus Cardwell Carew-Smyth Carey Carington Carlile Carlton Carmichael Carmody Carnarvon Carne Carnegie Caron Carpenter Carr Carr-Boyd Carr-Glyn Carrington Carrodus Carroll Carron Carruthers Carslaw Carson Carson-Cooling Carter Cartledge Cartwright Carver Carvosso Cary Cascarret Case Casey Cash Cashin Casimaty Cass Cassell Cassidy Castella Castellano Castles Castleton Catalan Catani Catchpole Cathcart Cato Catt Cattanach Catts Cavenagh Cavill Cawker Cawood Cawthorn Cawthorne Cayley Cazaly Cazneaux Cecil Cecilia Cerutty Chabrillan Chaffey Challinor Challis Chalmers Chamberlain Chamberlin Chambers Champ Champion Champion de Crespigny Chan Chandler Chanter Chapman Chapple Charles Charleston Charlesworth Charley Charlton Charteris Chartres Chase Chataway Chatfield Chauncy Chauvel Chave Checchi Cheeke Cheel Cheeseman Chelmsford Cheney Cheong Cheok Hong Chermside Cherry Chester Chevalier Chewings Cheyne Chidley Chifley Child Childe Childers Childs Chin Kaw Chinn Chinner Chinnery Chipper Chippindall Chirnside Chisholm Chomley Chowne Christian Christie Christison Christmas Chubb Chumleigh Chung Gon Church Chute Chuter Ciantar Cimitiere Claire Clamp Clancy Clapp Clare Clarey Clark Clark-Duff Clarke Clarkson Claxton Clay Clayton Cleary Cleburne Clegg Cleggett Cleland Clemens Clement Clements Clemes Clendinnen Clews Clibborn Clift Clifton Climpson Clint Clisby Clogstoun Close Clow Clowes Clubbe Clucas Clune Clunie Clunies Clutterbuck Coaldrake Coane Coates Cobb Cobbett Cobby Coburn Cochran Cockburn Cockburn-Campbell Cockerill Cockett Cockle Cockram Cocks Code Coe Coffill Coghlan Cohen Cohn Colbourne Coldham Cole Colebatch Colebe Colechin Coleman Coles Colleano Collee Collett Collick Collicott Collie Collier Collin Collingridge de Tourcey Collings Collins Collits Collocott Colls Colman Colquhoun Colson Colton Colvin Combes Comino Compton Conacher Conde Conder Condon Coneybeer Congreve Coningham Conley Conlon Connah Connal Connell Connelly Connely Connibere Connolly Connor Conolly Conrad Conrick Considen Considine Conybeare Conyers Cooch Coode Cook Cooke Cookson Coombe Coombes Cooper Coote Cope Copeland Copeley Copland Copley Coppel Coppin Coppleson Corbett Corbin Corbould Corby Cordeaux Cordner Corey Corfield Corin Corkill Corlette Corlis Cornish Cornwall Corones Corran Corrie Corrigan Corser Cory Cosgrove Cosh Costello Cottee Cotter Cotton Cottrell Coughlan Coull Coulter Coungeau Counsel Couppé Courtice Courtney Cousens Cousin Couvreur Coventry Coveny Cover Coverdale Cowan Coward Cowen Cowie Cowles Cowley Cowlishaw Cowper Cox Coxen Coyne Crace Cracknell Craig Craigie Cramp Crampton Cramsie Cran Crane Cranswick Cranwell Craven Crawford Creal Creed Creer Cremean Cremin Cremor Crespin Creswell Creswick Crews Cribb Crick Crisp Crist Croft Crofts Croll Crombie Crommelin Crompton Cronin Crook Crooke Crookes Crooks Cropper Crosby Cross Crossley Crotty Crouch Crowder Crowe Crowley Crowther Crummer Cubadgee Cudmore Cullen Culley Culpin Cumberlege Cumbrae Cumbrae-Stewart Cuming Cumming Cummins Cumpston Cuni Cuningham Cunneen Cunningham Cuper Curlewis Curley Curmi Curnow Curr Curran Currey Currie Curry Curtain Curthoys Curtin Curtis Cusack Cussen Custance Cuthbert Cuthbertson Cutlack Cutts Cyril Dacey Dacomb Dacre Dadson Dadswell Daglish Dahlenburg Daintree Dakin D'Albertis Dale Daley Dalgarno Dalgety Dalgleish Dallachy Dallas Dalley Dalley-Scarlett Dalrymple Dalton D'Alton Daly Dalyell Dalziel Dame Dampier Dana Dane? Dangar Danglow Danks Dann Dannevig Daplyn Darbyshire Darcy D'Arcy D'Arcy-Irvine Darke Darker Darley Darling Darnell-Smith Darrell Dartnell Darvall Darwin Dash Dashwood Davenport Davey David Davidson Davies Davis Davison Davitt Davy Dawbin Dawes Dawn Daws Dawson Day De Bavay De Bernales De Beuzeville De Boos De Burgh de Castella De Chair De Garis De Gillern De Groot De Gruchy De Hamel De La Condamine De La Rue de Largie De Lissa De Little De Loitte De Maistre De Mestre De Mole De Neeve De Pury De Rougemont De Salis De Satgé De Vis Deacon Deakin Deamer Dean Deane Dearth Dease Deasey Debenham Dechaineux Dedman Deeming Deen Deering Deffell Degotardi Degraves Del Fabbro Delamothe Delaney Delany Dellit Delprat Demaine Dempster Dendy Denehy Denham Deniehy Denison Denman Denning Dennis Denny Dennys Denovan Denton Derbyshire Derham Derrick Derrington Derry Desaillly Desailly Deschamps Desmond Despeissis Dethridge Dettmann Deuchar Devaney Devanny Devine Dew Dexter D'Hage Dhakiyarr Dibbs Dibdin Dick Dickens Dickinson Dicks Dickson Diesendorf Dietrich Diggles Dilke Dill Dillon Dinah Ding Disher Disney Ditter Dittmer Divine Dixon Dixson Dobbie Dobell Dobie Dobson Docker Dodd Dodds Dodery Dodge Dodgshun Dods Dollery Dolling Don Donaghy Donald Donaldson Donnelly Donnithorne Donoghue Donohoe Donovan Doolan Doolette Dooley Doorly Dore Dorrington Dorron Dorsch Dorsey Dougharty Dougherty Douglas Douglass Dove Dovey Dow Dowie Dowling Down Downer Downes Downey Downie Downing Dowse Doyle Doyne Drake Drake-Brockman Drakeford Dransfield Draper Drennan Drew Dreyer Driscoll Driver Druitt Drummond Drury Dry Dryer Drysdale Du Cane Du Croz Du Faur Du Rieu Duckworth Dudley Duesbury Duff Duffield Duffy Dugan Dugdale Duggan Duhig Duigan Dulhunty Dullo Dumaresq Dumas Dumolo Dun Dunbabin Dunbar Duncan Dunckley Duncombe Dundalli Dundas Dunhill Dunkley Dunlea Dunlop Dunn Dunne Dunningham Dunrossil Dunshea Dunstan Durack Duras Duryea Duterrau Dutton Dwight Dwyer Dwyer-Gray Dyason Dyer Dyett Dymock Dynon Dyring Dyson Eade Eades Eady Eagar Eager Eales Eames Eardley-Wilmot Earl Earle Earnshaw Earp Earsman East Easterbrook Easterby Eastwood Easty Eather Eatock Eaton Ebden Ebsworth Ecuyer Edden Eddy Eden Edgar Edge Edgell Edgerton Edgley Edinburgh Edith Edkins Edman Edments Edmond Edmonds Edmondson Edmondstone Edmund Edmund la Touche Edmunds Edouard Edward Edwards Edwin Edye Egan Egge Eggers Eggleston Eipper Elder Eldershaw Eleanor Elias Eliott Elisha Elizabeth Elkin Elkington Ellen Ellery Elliot Elliott Ellis Elliston Ellwood Elmslie Elphinstone Elsässer Elsey Eltham Elyard Emanuel Embley Embling Embry Emery Emma Emmett Enderby England English Ennor Enright Enticknap Erédia Erlikilyika Ernest Erskine Ervin Esmond Espie Esson Estell Ethel Etheridge Eumarrah Eva Evans Evatt Eve Evenden Everard Everett Evergood Everingham Ewan Ewart Ewen Ewers Ewing Eyre Fabinyi Fabro Facy Fadden Fahey Fairbairn Fairbridge Fairfax Fairley Fairthorne Fairweather Faithful Faithfull Falconer Falk Falkiner Falleni Fallon Falstein Fanning Fanny Fantin Fantl Farber Fargher Farleigh Farmer Farncomb Farnell Farquharson Farr Farran-Ridge Farrar Farrell Farrelly Farrer Farrow Farthing Farwell Fatnowna Faucett Fauchery Faulding Faunce Favenc Fawkner Fawsitt Feakes Feetham Feez Fegan Fehon Feint Felan Feldt Fell Fellows Felton Fenbury Fenner Fennescey Fenston Fenton Fereday Ferguson Fergusson Fernando Fernie Ferrari Ferres Ferrier Ferry Fetherston Fetherstonhaugh Fewings Fiaschi Fidler Field Fielder Fielding Fihelly Finch Fincham Finch-Hatton Finckh Findlay Findley Fink Finlay Finlayson Finn Finnan Finnerty Finney Finnis Finniss Finsch Fishbourne Fisher Fisk Fisken Fison Fitch Fitchett Fitz Fitzgerald FitzGibbon Fitzgibbons Fitzhardinge Fitzpatrick FitzRoy Fitzsimmons Fitzsimons Fiveash Fizelle Flack Flakelar Flanagan Flannery Flecker Fleetwood-Smith Flegg Fleming Fletcher Flick Flierl Flinders Flinn Flockhart Flood Florance Florence Florey Flower Flowers Floyd Flynn Focken Foelsche Foletta Foley Folingsby Foll Follett Fong Foott Foran Forbes Ford Forde Forlong Forlonge Fornachon Forrest Forro Forster Forsyth Forth Fortune Forwood Fosbery Fosbrook Foskett Fossey Foster Fouché Foveaux Fowell Fowler Fowles Fox Foxall Foxton Foy Fraire Frame Francis Frank Franki Frankland Franklin Franklyn Fraser Frater Frayne Frazer Freame Frederic Frederick Fredricksen Freedman Freehill Freeleagus Freeling Freeman French Frencham Frewer Frewin Freycinet Friend Friström Frith Fritzsche Frodsham Froggatt Frome Frost Froude Fry Fryar Fryer Fryett Fuhrman Fullagar Fullarton Fuller Fullerton Fullwood Fulton Funnell Furber Furneaux Furnell Furphy Fyans Fysh Gabb Gabriel Gaby Gadsden Gadsdon Gaffney Gagai Gainford Gair Gairdner Gale Galea Gall Gallard Galleghan Gallop Galvin Galway Game Gandon Gannon Gant Garden Gardener Gardiner Gardner Gargett Garland Garlick Garling Garnsey Garran Garrard Garratt Garrett Garrick Garsia Garside Gartrell Garvan Garvin Gascoigne Gask Gatehouse Gatenby Gates Gatliff Gatty Gaunson Gaunt Gawler Gay Geach Geake Geddes Geiger Geikie Geils Gell Gellatly Gellert Gellibrand Genders Geneff Gentile Geoghegan Georg George Georgina Gepp Gerald Gerard Gerrald Gerstaecker Gertrude Gether Gibb Gibbes Gibbons Gibbs Giblin Gibney Gibson Giffen Gilbert Gilchrist Giles Gilfillan Gill Gillan Gillbee Gillen Gilles Gillespie Gillies Gillison Gillott Gilmore Gilpin Gilray Gilroy Gilruth Ginn Giorza Gipps Girardin Girdlestone Gisborne Givens Gladman Gladys Glasfurd Glasgow Glasheen Glass Glassey Glassop Glauert Gleadow Gledson Gleeson Glencross Glenelg Glennie Glenny Glew Glossop Gloucester Glover Glyde Glynde Glynn Goble Gocher Goddard Goderich Godfrey Godson Goe Goethe Goffage Goldberg Goldfinch Goldhar Goldie Golding Goldman Goldsbrough Goldsmith Goldstein Goll Gollan Goloubev Goninan Gooch Goodchap Goodchild Goode Goodenough Goodisson Goodlet Goodman Goodwin Goold Goold-Adams Gooseberry Goossens Gopinko Gordon Gore Gorman Gormanston Gormly Gosling Gosman Gosse Gotch Gottschalk Gottshall Goudie Gouger Gough Goulburn Gould Gourgaud Governor Govett Gow Goward Gowing Gowlland Gowrie Goyder Grace Graebner Graham Grahame Grahamslaw Grainger Gramp Grandi Grano Grant Granville Grasby Grattan Gratton Gratwick Grave Graves Gray Grayndler Grayson Greaves Green Greenaway Greene Greener Greenfield Greenhalgh Greenham Greenup Greenway Greenwood Greeves Gregg Gregor Gregory Gregson Greig Grenda Gresham Gresswell Greville Grey Grey-Smith Gribble Grice Grieve Griffen Griffin Griffith Griffiths Grills Grimes Grimley Grimm Grimmett Grimshaw Grimstone Grimwade Grishin Griver Groom Grose Grosse Grout Grove Grover Groves Grubb Gruner Gsell Guerard Guerin Guest Guilfoyle Gullett Gunn Gunning Gunson Gunter Gunther Gurner Gurney Guthrie Gutteridge Guy Gwendolen Gwynn Gwynne Gye Gyles Hack Hackett Hacking Haddon Haenke Hagai Hagelthorn Hagen Hagenauer Hague Haigh Hailes Hain Haines Haining Haire Hake Halcomb Hale Hales Haley Halfey Halford Hall Hallahan Hallen Haller Halley Halliday Halligan Halloran Hallstrom Halpern Halse Haly Ham Hambly Hamilton Hamlet Hamlyn-Harris Hammer Hammond Hampden Hampton Hancock Handcock Handfield Handt Hanger Hanigan Hankinson Hanlon Hann Hanna Hannaford Hannah Hannam Hannan Hannell Hanran Hansen Hanslow Hansman Hanson Hanton Harcus Hardacre Hardess Hardey Hardie Harding Hardman Hardwick Hardwicke Hardy Hare Harford Hargrave Hargraves Hargreaves Harington Haritos Harker Harmer Harney Harold Harper Harpur Harrap Harrhy Harricks Harries Harriet Harriman Harrington Harris Harrison Harry Hart Hartigan Hartley Hartnett Hartog Hartung Harvey Harwood Hassall Hassell Haswell Haszler Hateley Hatfield Haugh Hauslaib Havelock Haverfield Haviland Hawdon Hawes Hawken Hawker Hawkins Hawthorn Hay Hayden Haydon Hayes Hayes-Williams Haylen Hayman Haynes Hays Hayter Hayward Hazon Head Heading Headlam Heagney Heales Healy Heane Heap Hearn Heath Heathershaw Heaton Hebblethwaite Hedditch Hedley Heffron Heidenreich Heighway Heinicke Heinig Helbig Helena Hellyer Helmore Helms Helpman Hely Hemmant Henderson Heney Henley Henn Hennessy Henning Hennings Henry Henschke Henslowe Hensman Henty Hentze Herbert Hercus Herington Heritage Herlitz Herman Hermann Hernsheim Heron Herring Herrod Herron Hervey Herz Hester Hetherington Hewlett Hey Heydon Heyer Heyes Heymann Heyne Heysen Hibbins Hickey Hicks Hickson Hides Higgins Higgs Highett Higinbotham Hilder Hill Hillary Hillgrove Hilliard Hillier Hills Hinchcliffe Hincks Hinder Hindley Hindmarsh Hindwood Hingston Hinkler Hinton Hipkiss Hirsch Hirschfeld Hirschfeld-Mack Hirst Hislop Hitchcock Hixson Hmelnitsky Hoad Hoadley Hoare Hobart Hobbs Hobler Hobson Hocking Hoddle Hodel Hodge Hodges Hodgetts Hodgkinson Hodgson Hoff Hoffnung Hogan Hogarth Hogben Hogue Hoinville Holden Holder Holdsworth Holland Hollick Hollinworth Hollis Holloway Hollway Holman Holme Holmes Holmes à Court Holmwood Holroyd Holt Holtermann Holtze Holyman Homburg Hone Honey Honner Hood Hook Hooke Hooker Hoolan Hooley Hooper Hooton Hoover Hope Hopetoun Hopkins Hopley Hopman Hopwood Horder Hordern Horgan Horn Horne Horner Hornibrook Horniman Hornung Horrocks Horseman Horsfall Horsley Hort Horton Hose Hosking Hoskins Hotchin Hotham Houghton Houlding Housley Houston Houtman Hovell Howard Howarde Howarth Howchin Howden Howe Howell Howell-Price Howey Howie Howitt Howse Hoy Hoysted Hübbe Hudd Huddart Hudson Huffer Hugh Hughes Hughes-Jones Hugo Huie Huish Hull Hulme-Moir Humble Hume Humffray Humphery Humphrey Humphries Hungerford Hunt Hunter Huntingfield Huon de Kerilleau Huon De Kermadec Hurley Hurst Hussey Hutchens Hutcheon Hutchins Hutchinson Hutchison Hutt Hutton Huxham Huxley Hyam Hyde Hyett Hyland Hyman Hynes Hytten Ibbott Ibsch Icely Ida Idriess Ievers Ifould Iliffe Illingworth Imlay Ingamells Ingham Ingle Inglis Ingram Innes Innes-Noad Inwood Iredale Ireland Ironside Irvine Irving Irwin Isaac Isaachsen Isaacs Isaacson Isabel Isles Israel Iverson Ives Ivory Jack Jacka Jackey Jackson Jacob Jacobs Jacoby Jaeger Jageurs James Jamieson Jamison Janssen Jaques Jardine Jarman Jarvis Jasprizza Jauncey Jeanneret Jeffcott Jefferies Jefferis Jefferson Jeffery Jeffrey Jeffreys Jeffries Jenkin Jenkins Jenks Jenner Jennings Jensen Jenyns Jephcott Jerger Jerome Jerrems Jersey Jervois Jess Jessep Jessop Jevons Jewell Jobson Johann John Johns Johnson Johnston Johnstone Jolly Jonathan Jones Jonsson Jordan Jorgensen Jorgenson Joris Jose Joseland Joseph Josephson Joshua Joske Joubert Jowett Joyce Joyner Juan Judd Jude Judkins Jukes Julia Julian Julius Jull Jury Kaawirn Kaberry Kable Kabu Kaeppel Kaleski Kane Karloan Kashiwagi Kater Kates Kauffmann Kauper Kavanagh Kavanaugh Kavel Kay Kaylock Kayser Kean Keane Keaney Kearney Keartland Keast Keating Keatinge Keats Keble Keegan Keen Keenan Keene Keighley Keir Keith Keldie Kellaway Kelleher Kellermann Kellett Kelley Kelliher Kellow Kellway Kelly Kelsall Kelynack Kemble Kemp Kempt Kendall Kenneally Kennedy Kennerley Kenniff Kennion Kenny Kent Kentish Kenyon Keogh Kepert Kerferd Kermode Kern Kernot Kerr Kerrigan Kerry Kershaw Kessell Kesteven Kethel Kevin Keynes Keys Keysor Khull Kibble Kibby Kidd Kiddle Kidman Kidston Kiek Kieran Kiernan Kilburn Kilfoyle Kilgour Killian Kilvington Kimpton Kincaid Kinchela Kindler King Kingsbury Kingsford Kingsley Kingsmill Kingston Kinnear Kinross Kinsela Kinsella Kintore Kippax Kirby Kirk Kirkby Kirkcaldie Kirke Kirkhope Kirkland Kirkpatrick Kirkwood Kirsova Kirtley Kirton Kirwan Kisch Kitamura Kitchen Kitson Kleeberg Kleeman Klein Knaggs Knatchbull Kneebone Kneeshaw Knetes Knibbs Knight Knipe Knopwood Knorr Knowles Knox Koch Koerstz Kohler Kolios Komine Kopsen Korff Korner Kornweibel Kosovich Kossak Kotai Kraegen Kramer Kranewitter Krausé Krefft Kreitmayer Krichauff Krimmer Krimper Krischock Kroemer Krome Krüger Kruse Kruttschnitt Kubary Kulakowski Kumm Kwok Kyngdon Kyte La Billardière La Pérouse La Trobe Labilliere Laboureyas Laby Lacey Lack Lackey Lade Laffer Lahey Laidlaw Laidler Laidley Laing Lake Lakeland Lalor Lamaro Lamb Lambe Lambert Lambie Lamble Lambrick Lamilami Lamington Lammon Lamond Lampe Lampungmeiua Lancaster Landale Landor Landsborough Landseer Lane Lane-Poole Lang Langdon Langer Langford Langham Langlands Langler Langley Langridge Langslow Langton Langwell Lanigan Lansell Laporte Lapsley Larcombe Lardner Larkin Larnach Larra Lascelles Laseron Lasseter Lassetter Latham Latimer Latour Laura Laurantus Laurens Laurie Lavarack Lavater Laver Law Lawes Lawless Lawley Lawlor Lawrence Lawrenson Lawry Lawson Lawton Lay Laycock Layh Lazar Lazarev Lazarus Lazenby Lazzarini Le Couteur Le Fanu Le Gallienne Le Grand Le Hunte Le Messurier Le Rennetel Le Souef Lea Leach Leadbeater Leahy Leak Leake Leakey Leal Leane Learmonth Leary Leason Leckie Leddy Ledger Lee Leehy Leeper Lees Leeson Lefroy Legg Leggatt Legge Leggett Leggo Leibius Leichhardt Leidig Leigh Leighton Leist Leitch Lemberg Lemmon Lemmone Lempriere Lenehan Lennon Lennox Leon Leonski Leschen Lesina Leslie Lester L'Estrange Letcher Letters Leverrier Levey Levi Levien Levvy Levy Lew Lewers Lewin Lewis Leworthy Ley Lhotsky Liardet Liddell Liebe Lienhop Ligar Ligertwood Light Lightfoot Lihou Lilley Lillico Lillie Lilly Lind Lindell Lindeman Lindesay Lindon Lindrum Lindsay Lindt Ling Linger Linton Lionel Lions Lipscombe Lister Liston Litchfield Lithgow Little Littlejohn Littler Liversidge Livingston Livingstone-Learmonth Llewelyn Lloyd Loader Loane Loch Lochée Lock Locke Lockie Lockington Lockwood Lockyer Loder Lodewyckx Loewe Loewenthal Loftus Loftus-Hills Logan Logic Logue Löhe Lombard Lonergan Long Longford Longman Longmore Longstaff Longworth Lonsdale Lord Lording Lorenzini Lorimer Lort Lothian Loton Louat Loughlin Louise Loureiro Love Lovegrove Lovekin Loveless Lovell Lovely Lovett Low Lowe Lower Lowerson Lowes Lowin Lowrie Loxton Loyau Loynes Lucas Ludowici Luffman Luisini Luke Luker Lukin Lukis Lumholtz Lumsdaine Lundie Luscombe Lush Luttrell Lutwyche Luxton Lyall Lycett Lyell Lyle Lymburner Lynas Lynch Lyne Lyng Lynn Lynravn Lynton Lyon Lyons Lysaght Lyster Lyttle Lyttleton Maas Macadam MacAdie Macalister Macandie Macansh Macarthur Macarthur-Onslow Macartney Macaulay MacBain Maccallum MacCarthy MacCormick MacCullagh Macdermott MacDevitt Macdonald Macdonell MacDonnell Macdougall Macdowell Macfarlan MacFarland Macfarlane Macgeorge Macghey MacGillivray MacGregor Macgroarty Macintosh Macintyre Mack Mackaness Mackay Mackellar Mackennal Mackenzie Mackerras Mackersey Mackey Mackie MacKillop Mackinlay Mackinnon Mackinolty Mackintosh Mackness Macknight Mackrell Maclanachan MacLaurin Maclean Macleay Macleod Maclurcan MacMahon Macnaghten Macnamara MacNeil Maconochie MacPherson Macquarie Macqueen Macredie MacRory Macrossan Mactier Macvitie Madden Maddock Maddocks Madgwick Madigan Madirazza Madsen Magarey Magnus Magoffin Magrath Maguire Mahomed Mahomet Mahon Mahoney Mahony Maiden Mailey Main Mair Mairinger Mais Maitland Makin Makinson Makutz Male Maley Malley Maloney Maltby Manchee Mandalis Mander-Jones Manessis Manifold Mann Manning Mannix Mansell Mansergh Mansfield Mansom Mansour Manton March Marchant Marconi Marden Margaret Margarot Margolin Maria Marian Marie Marin Marina Mario Marion Marks Marlay Marlowe Marmion Marou Marquet Marr Marriott Marryat Marsden Marsh Marshall Marshall-Hall Marston Martel Martens Martin Martindale Martinovich Martyn Maruff Marx Mary Masel Mashman Mason Massey Massie Massina Massola Masson Massy-Greene Masters Mate Mather Matheson Mathew Mathews Mathias Mathy Matra Matson Matters Matthaei Matthews Matthias Mattingley Mattner Maudsley Mauger Maughan Mauldon Mault Maum Maund Maurice Mawby Mawson Maxted Maxwell Maxwell-Mahon May Maygar Maynard Mayne Mayo Mayrhofer Mazure McAdam McAlpine McAlroy McArthur McAulay McAuley McBeath McBride McBrien McBryde McBurney McCabe McCaffrey McCall McCallum McCann McCarron McCarten McCarthy McCarty McCash McCathie McCaughey McCawley McCay McClelland McClemans McClemens McClintock McCloughry McClure McColl McComas McCombie McConachy McConnan McConnel McConnell McCorkindale McCormack McCormick McCourt McCoy McCracken McCrae McCrea McCready McCrone McCubbin McCue McCulloch McCutcheon McDermott McDonagh McDonald McDonell McDonnell McDougall McDowall McDowell McEacharn McEachern McElhone McEncroe McEvilly McEwan McEwen McFarland McFarlane McGahey McGarry McGarvie McGavin McGaw McGee McGeorge McGibbon McGill McGillivray McGirr McGlinn McGovern McGowan McGowen McGrath McGregor McGrowdie McGuffog McGuigan McGuinness McGuire McGuirk McHale McIlrath McIlveen McIlwraith McInnes McIntosh McIntyre McKay McKean McKeddie McKellar McKelvey McKenna McKenny McKenzie McKeon McKeown McKerihan McKillop McKinlay McKinley McKinney McKinnon McKivat McLachlan McLaren McLarty McLaughlin McLaurin McLean McLeay McLeish McLellan McLeod McLerie McLucas McMahon McMaster McMeckan McMillan McMinn McMorran McNab McNair McNamara McNaughtan McNeil McNeill McNess McNicoll McNulty McPhee McPherson McPhillamy McRae McSharry McVey McVicars McVilly McWhae McWilliam McWilliams Mead Meagher Mealmaker Meany Meares Medland Medley Medworth Meehan Meekin Meeks Meeson Mehaffey Mei Mein Melba Melbourne Meldrum Mellor Melocco Melrose Melville Melvin Mendelsohn Mendes Mendis Menge Menhennitt Menkens Mennell Menzies Mercer Meredith Merewether Merion Merlin Merrett Merriman Merrylees Messenger Meston Mészáros Metcalfe Metters Meudell Mewton-Wood Meyer Michael Michaelis Michel Michelides Michell Michie Mickey Micklem Middleton Miethke Mighell Mikluho-Maklai Mileham Milerum Miles Milford Miljanovic Millen Miller Milligan Milliner Millington Mills Milne Milson Minahan Minchin Mingay Minifie Minns Minogue Mirams Mitchel Mitchell Mitford Mobourne Mobsby Mocatta Mockridge Moffat Moffatt Moffitt Mofflin Moir Mokare Molesworth Molineux Molle Mollison Molloy Moloney Molvig Monahan Monash Monckton Moncrieff Mondalmi Monds Money Monger Monk Monnier Monson Monsoor Montagu Montague Montefiore Montez Montford Montgomery Moonlight Moor Moore Moorhouse Moowattin Moran Morant Mordaunt Morehead Morell Moreno Moresby Moreton Morey Morgan Morgans Moriarty Morice Morison Morisset Morley Moroney Morphett Morres Morrice Morrill Morris Morrison Morrow Morshead Mort Mortimer Mortlock Morton Morwood Moseley Moses Mosman Moss Moten Mott Moubray Mould Moulden Moulds Moulton Mountford Mountgarrett Mouton Mowbray Mowle Mowll Moyes Moynihan Moysey Mudie Muecke Mueller Muir Muirden Mulga Mulgrave Mullagh Mullah Mullaly Mullan Mullawirraburka Mullen Mullens Muller Müller Mulley Mulligan Mullins Mulquin Mulvany Mummery Mundy Mungomery Munro Muntz Munz Murakami Muramats Murdoch Muriel Murnin Murphy Murray Murray-Prior Murtagh Muscio Musgrave Musgrove Muskett Musquito Mussen Mustar Mutch Myer Nagle Nairn Namatjira Nan Nangle Nankervis Nanson Nanya Napier Narelle Nash Nathan Naylor Neale Neales Neighbour Neil Neild Neilson Neitenstein Nelson Nemarluk Nepean Nerli Nesbit Nesbitt Ness Nettlefold Nettleton Neumann Neumayer Nevile Neville Newbery Newbigin Newbold Newcastle-under-Lyme Newcomb Newdegate Newell Newland Newling Newman Newman-Morris Newson Newton Ngabidj Niall Nibbi Nicholas Nicholls Nichols Nicholson Nickel Nickle Nicklin Nickson Nicol Nicolay Nicoll Nicolle Nielsen Niland Nilsen Nimmo Nina Nisbet Niven Nivison Nixon Nixon-Smith Noack Nobbs Nobelius Noble Noblet Nock Nolan Nona Norman Normanby Norrie Norriss North Northcote Northcott Northey Northfield Northmore Norton Norway Noskowski Nosworthy Nothling Nott Nowland Nugan Nunan Nutt Nuttall Nuyts Nyhan Nyholm Oakden Oakes Oakley Oala-Rarua Oatley Oberg O'Brien O'Bryan O'Callaghan O'Connell O'Connor O'Conor Octoman Oddie O'Dea O'Doherty O'Donnell O'Donovan O'Dowd O'Driscoll O'Farrell O'Ferrall Officer O'Flaherty O'Flynn Ogden Ogg Ogilby Ogilvie Ogilvy O'Grady O'Halloran O'Hara O'Haran O'Hea O'Kane O'Keefe O'Keeffe Old Oldaker Olden Oldfield Oldham O'Leary Oliphant Oliver Olney O'Loghlen O'Loghlin O'Loughlin Olsen O'Mahony O'Malley O'May O'Meara O'Neil O'Neill Onians Onslow Onus Oom Opas Oppen Orchard Ord Ordell O'Reilly O'Reily Ormond Orr Orton Osborn Osborne Osburn Osburne O'Shanassy O'Shane O'Shaughnessy O'Shea Osman Oster O'Sullivan O'Toole Outhwaite Outtrim Ovens Owen Owens Oxenham Oxley Packard Packer Packham Padbury Page Paget Paine Palazzi Palfreyman Paling Palmer Palmerston Palmos Paltridge Pamphlett Pankhurst Panton Papathanasopoulos Paramor Pardey Parer Parish Parker Parkes Parkhill Parkin Parkinson Parnell Parramore Parrott Parry Parry-Okeden Parsons Partridge Paschke Pasco Pasley Paspalis Paten Paterson Paton Patrick Patten Patterson Patteson Pattison Paul Pavy Pawsey Payne Payten Peach Peacock Peake Pearce Pearse Pearson Pease Peck Pedder Peden Pedley Peel Peeler Pelensky Pell Pelloe Pelsaert Pelzer Pemulwuy Pendred Penfold Penington Penman Pennefather Pennington Penton Pepper Peppin Percival Percy Perdriau Perivolaris Perkin Perkins Permewan Péron Perrett Perrier Perry Persse Pescott Petchy Peter Peters Petersen Peterson Pethard Pethebridge Petherick Petre Petrie Petterd Pettigrew Peyser Pflaum Phelan Philip Philipp Phillip Phillipps Phillips Philp Phocas Pickworth Picot Picton Piddington Pidgeon Pie Pierce Piesse Pigdon Pigot Piguenit Pike Pilcher Pillinger Pilpel Pink Pinner Pinnock Pinschof Piper Piquet Pitcairn Pither Pitman Pitt Pittard Pittman Pizzey Plain Plant Plante Plate Platt Playfair Playford Plowman Plume Plummer Plunkett Poate Pocock Pohlman Poidevin Polding Polglaze Polini Pollak Pollard Pollock Poltpalingada Pomeroy Poninski Poole Poore Pope Porcelli Port Porteous Porter Porteus Portus Post Postle Potter Pottie Pottinger Potts Poulson Pound Poupinel Powell Power Powers Powlett Pownall Poynton Praed Pratt Pratten Preece Preiss Prell Prendergast Prendiville Prentice Prenzel Prerauer Prescott Preston Prevost Price Prichard Priddle Pridham Priestley Prieur Primrose Pring Prinsep Prior Pritchard Probert Proby Proctor Proeschel Propsting Proud Prout Provan Prowse Pryke Pryor Puddy Pugh Pugliese Pulleine Pulsford Pumpkin Purcell Purdy Purser Purton Purves Putilin Püttmann Pye Pyke Quaife Queale Quentin Quick Quilty Quinlivan Quinn Quirk Quiros Quong Rabin Rabinovitch Radcliffe Radcliffe-Brown Radecki Radford Rae Raff Raggatt Raine Raiwala Ralston Ramaciotti Ramsay Ramsbotham Ramsden Ranclaud Randall Randell Ranford Ranken Rankin Rankine Ranking Ransford Ransom Raper Raphael Rapke Rason Rasp Ratcliffe Ratten Raven Raw Rawling Rawlings Raws Rawson Rayment Raymond Rays Read Reade Reading Real Reay Rebell Rechner Reddall Rede Redfern Redmond Reed Reeks Rees Reeve Refshauge Reginald Rehfisch Reibey Reichstein Reid Reilly Reimann Reinhold Rembert Remington Renard Rendall Rene Rennie Rentoul Renwick Repin Resch Reveley Revell Reye Reymond Reynell Reynolds Rhodes Ribush Ricardo Rich Richard Richards Richardson Richmond Rickard Rickards Ricketson Riddell Riddle Riddoch Ride Ridgeway Ridley Rigby Rigg Rignall Riley Rimmer Ringrose Rintel Riordan Rischbieth Ritchard Ritchie Rivers Rivett Rix Roach Robb Robe Robert Roberts Robertson Robey Robin Robinson Robson Rocher Rodd Roderic Rodgers Rodius Rodway Roe Roemer Rofe Rogers Rohu Rolando Rolland Rolleston Rolph Romano Romilly Ronald Ronan Rooke Roper Rosa Rosanove Rose Roseby Rosenhain Rosenstengel Rosenthal Rosetta Rosevear Rosman Ross Rossi Rossiter Ross-King Ross-Watt Roth Rotton Roughley Rounsevell Rous Rouse Rowallan Rowan Rowcroft Rowe Rowell Rowland Rowlandson Rowley Rowntree Roxon Royal Royston Ruatoka Rubbo Rubensohn Rubeo Rubin Rubinstein Rudall Rudd Rudduck Rule Rumble Rümker Rumpf Rumsey Rundle Rupp Rusconi Rusden Ruse Russell Ruth Rutherford Ruthven Rutledge Ruwolt Ryan Ryder Rydge Rylah Ryland Rymer Rymill Ryrie Sachse Sadleir Sadler Sadlier Sage Sainthill Salier Salisbury Salkauskas Salmon Salmond Salomons Saltau Salter Salting Salvado Sambell Sampson Samson Samuel Samuels Sanderson Sandes Sandford Sandover Sands Sanger Sani Santo Saranealis Sargent Sargood Sasse Sato Saunders Savage Savery Savige Saville Saville-Kent Sawers Sawtell Sawyer Sayers Saywell Scaddan Scammell Scanlan Scantlebury Scarf Scarfe Scerri Sceusa Schaaf Schaffer Schardt Schauer Schaw Schenk Scherf Scherk Schey Schiassi Schirmeister Schlapp Schleinitz Schlink Schlunke Schmella Schmidt Schnaars Schneider Schoenheimer Schofield Schomburgk Schonell Schramm Schreiber Schroder Schuler Schulz Schürmann Schurr Schutt Schwarz Scobie Scollen Sconce Scorfield Scott Scratchley Scrivener Scrymgeour Scullin Scully Scurry Scutt Seabrook Seager Seal Sear Searcy Searle Seccombe Secombe Seddon See Seekamp Seery Seidel Seiffert Seitz Selby Selfe Sellar Selle Selleck Sellheim Sellwood Selwyn Semmens Sennitt Seppelt Septimus Serena Sergeyev Serisier Serle Serra Service Seton Sewell Sexton Seyler Seymour Seymour-Symers Shackell Shackleton Shadforth Shakespeare Shand Shang Shann Shapcott Sharkey Sharland Sharman Sharp Sharwood Shaw Shea Sheahan Shearer Shearston Shedden Sheean Sheehan Sheehy Sheil Sheldon Shelley Shellshear Shenton Shephard Shepherd Shepherdson Sheppard Sher Sheridan Sherlock Sherrard Sherriff Sherwin Shields Shiels Shiers Shillinglaw Shillito Shipp Shirley Shirlow Shoebridge Sholl Shoobridge Shore Short Shortland Shout Shumack Sidaway Siddins Siddons Sidney Siebenhaar Siede Sievier Sievwright Silas Silcock Simcha Simmonds Simmons Simoi Simon Simonds Simonetti Simonov Simons Simos Simpkinson Simpson Simson Sinclair Sinclaire Sinclair-Maclagan Singh Singleton Sinnett Sisley Sissons Sixsmith Sizer Skeats Skelton Skemp Skene Skerst Skertchly Skeyhill Skillen Skinner Skipper Skirving Skurrie Skuthorp Slade Sladen Slapoffski Slater Slattery Sleath Sleeman Sleep Sleigh Slessor Sligo Slim Sloane Sloman Sly Small Smalley Smart Smeaton Smerd Smith Smithers Smithies Smorgon Smyth Smythe Sneddon Snelling Snider Snodgrass Snook Snow Snowball Snowden Soares Sodeman Sodersten Solander Solly Solomon Somers Somerset Somerville Sommerlad Sorell Sorensen Sorenson Sorlie Soubeiran Soul Soundy Souter South Southee Southern Southwell Soutter Soward Sowden Sowerby Spafford Spain Spargo Spark Sparkes Sparks Spaull Spears Speckman Spedding Speight Spence Spencer Spicer Spielvogel Spivakovsky Spode Spofforth Spooner Spowers Spragg Sprent Spring Springfield Springthorpe Spruson Spyer Squire Squires St Clair St George St Julian St Ledger St Leon Stable Stace Stackhouse Stacy Stähle Stainforth Stanbury Standish Standley Stanfield Stanford Stang Stanley Stansfield Stanton Stapleton Stapley Stapylton Starke Starling Starr Statton Stawell Stead Stedman Steel Steele Steere Steffanoni Steigrad Steinberg Steiner Steinfeld Stelzer Stenhouse Stephen Stephens Stephensen Stephenson Sternberg Sterne Stevens Stevenson Steward Stewart Sticht Stiles Stillwell Stirling Stoate Stobie Stockdill Stodart Stoddard Stokes Stone Stonehaven Stonehouse Stoneman Stones Stone-Wigg Stonham Stonor Stopford Storey Storkey Story Stott Stout Stow Strachan Stradbroke Strahan Stralia Strange Strangways Stratton Street Streeten Streeton Strehlow Strele Strempel Stretch Stretton Strickland Strong Struth Strutt Strzelecki Stuart Stuckey Stump Sturdee Sturgess Sturt Stutchbury Styles Suffolk Sugden Sugerman Sullivan Sulman Summerfield Summers Summerville Summons Sumsuma Sunderland Sunners Supple Süssmilch Sutcliffe Sutherland Sutton Suttor Sverjensky Swadling Swain Swallow Swan Swanson Swanston Swanton Swayne Sweet Sweetapple Swift Swinburne Sykes Syme Symes Symon Symonds Symons Synan Synnot Szabados Taber Tait Takasuka Talbot Tallis Tancred Tanner Taplin Tarczynski Tardent Tarenorerer Tarrant Tasman Tate Taubman Tauchert Taverner Tayler Taylor Tazewell Teague Teakle Tearle Teasdale Tebbutt Tedbury Teece Tegg Teichelmann Telfer Temple Templeton Ten Tench Tenison Tenison-Woods Tennant Tennyson Tepper Teresa Terry Tewksbury Thatcher Theodor Theodore Therry Thirkell Thom Thomas Thompson Thomson Thorby Thorn Thornber Thornton Thorpe Thow Threlfall Threlkeld Thring Throsby Throssell Thrower Thurgood Thurston Thwaites Thyer Thynne Tickell Tiegs Tier Tierney Tietkens Tighe Tildesley Till Tilley Tilly Tillyard Timbery Timms Timperley Tims Tindal Tindale Tinline Tipper Tipping Tisdall Tishler Titheradge Tivey Tjalkabota Tjangamarra To Rot Todd Toft Toliman Toll Tolmer Tolmie Tom Tomholt Tomkinson Tomlinson Tompson Tonga Tonkin Toohey Toomey Toosey Tooth Topp Torode Torpy Torr Torrance Torreggiani Torrens Torres Tost Tout Toutcher Tovell Town Towner Townley Towns Townsend Townson Tozer Tracey Tracy Traeger Traill Train Tranter Treacy Treasure Treflé Tregurtha Treloar Trenerry Trenwith Trethowan Trevascus Triaca Tribolet Trickett Trigg Triggs Tripp Tritton Troedel Trollope Trompf Trott Trouette Troup Trout Trouton Trower Troy Truchanas Truebridge Trugernanner Truman Trumble Trumper Trundle Truscott Tryon Tubb Tuck Tucker Tuckett Tuckfield Tuckson Tudawali Tudor Tufnell Tulaba Tulk Tullipan Tulloch Tully Tunbridge Tunn Tunnecliffe Turley Turnbull Turner Turriff Tweddle Twopeny Tyas Tye Tyers Tyrrell Tyson Uhr Ullathorne Ulm Ulrich Umbagai Unaipon Underwood Unwin Upfield Upjohn Upton Uren Urquhart Using Uther Utz Vaccari Vale Vallis Van De Velde Van Otterloo Van Raalte Vance Vancouver Vanthoff Vanzetti Vardon Varley Vasey Vassilieff Vaude Vaughan Vaughn Vaux Veale Veitch Venables Venn Vennard Venning Verbrugghen Verco Verdon Verge Verjus Vernon Verran Vial Vicars Vickers Vickery Victor Vida Vidal Vidler Vigano Vincent Viner Viney Virgo Virtue Vlamingh Vogel Vogt Voigt Von Doussa Von Stieglitz Vonwiller Vosper Voss Vosz Vroland Waddell Waddy Wade Wadham Wadsworth Wager Wagner Wagstaff Wainewright Wainwright Waite Wakefield Wakehurst Wakelin Walch Walcott Walder Waldock Wales Waley Walker Walkley Walkom Wall Wallace Wallen Waller Walling Wallis Wallwork Walpole Walsh Walstab Walter Walters Walton Wand Wang Wanganeen Wanliss Want Warburton Warby Ward Wardell Wardill Wardlaw Wardle Warfe Waring Wark Warlow-Davies Warner Warnes Warne-Smith Warren Waterfield Waterhouse Waters Waterworth Watkin Watkins Watling Watriama Watsford Watson Watt Watterston Watts Waugh Wawn Way Waylen Wayn Wearing Wearne Weatherburn Weatherly Weathers Weaver Webb Webber Weber Webster Wedge Wedgwood Weedon Weekes Weeks Weigall Weigel Weindorfer Weingarth Weir Wekey Welch Weld Wellish Wells Welsby Welsh Wemyss Wendt Wentcher Wentworth Wentworth-Shields Wenz Were Wertheim Wesché West Westacott Westall Westgarth Westmacott Weston Westwood Wetherspoon Wettenhall Whatmore Wheare Wheatley Wheeler Wheelwright Wheen Whelan Wheller Whiddon Whinham Whish White Whitefoord White-Haney Whitehead Whitehouse Whitelaw Whitelegge Whitfeld Whitfield Whitford Whitham Whitington Whitlam Whitley Whitta Whittell Whittingham Whittle Whitton Whitty Whitworth Whyte Wicken Wickens Wickham Wicks Wieck Wiedermann Wienholt Wiggins Wight Wilcox Wild Wilder-Neligan Wilding Wildman Wilfred Wilhelm Wilkes Wilkie Wilkin Wilkins Wilkinson Wilks Willason Willcock William Williams Williamson Willis Willmore Willmott Willoughby Wills Willshire Willson Wilmot Wilshire Wilsmore Wilson Wilton Wiltshire Wimble Winchcombe Winder Windeyer Windich Windradyne Windsor Winifred Winn Winneke Winning Winsor Winspear Winston Winter Winterbotham Winter-Irving Wintle Wirth Wisdom Wise Wiseman Wisewould Withers Withnell Witt Wittenoom Wolfe Wolff Wolinski Wollaston Wollstonecraft Wolseley Wonggu Wood Woodbury Woodcock Woodd Woodfull Woodger Woodhouse Woodriff Woodruff Woods Woodward Woolacott Woolcock Woollacott Woollard Woolley Woolls Woolner Woolnough Woore Wootten Wootton Worgan Wormald Worrall Worsnop Wortman Wragge Wray Wreford Wren Wrench Wrenfordsley Wright Wrigley Wrixon Wroblewski Wroe Wunderlich Wunderly Wurth Wyatt Wylde Wylie Wylly Wymark Wyndham Wynn Wynne Wynter Wynyard Wyselaskie Yabsley Yagan Yali Yarnold Yates Yelverton Yencken Yeo Yewen Yip Yirawala Youl Young Younger Yuen Yuill Yuille Yuranigh Zadow Zahel Zeal Zelman Zepps Zercho Zerner Zichy-Woinarski Ziesemer Zimin Zimpel Zinnbauer Zöllner Zouch Zox Zwar Let me know if there's anything else you need. pafalafa-ga search strategy -- Used bookmarked sites for several Australian references, and extracted surnames lists from biographical sources, etc. | |
rated this answer:![]() Thanks pafalafa. Many of the names of my friends are missing from the list - but seeing the search/gather strategy, i know that the list could not have been comprehensive. It probably will have to do for now... i did like buywrite-ga's answer better as it leads to a much more comprehensive result... |
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Re: surnames in australia
From: buywrite-ga on 11 Oct 2006 07:19 PDT |
Hi Simrangambhir, I'm an Aussie. My surname does not appear on Paf's list. A better source may be DTMS Phonedisc depending on your application; target audience; and use. It cost me all of $50. Although illegal to do so in Aus, if sorted correctly it can be used as a reverse telephone directory. The Yanks don't mind a reverse directory as there are so many of them. Us Aussies get a touch paranoid however, as we have grown to only 20M+ since the invasion upon the aboriginals of 1777. So, everyone knows everyone. Look up www dot dtms dot com dot au Regards. |
Re: surnames in australia
From: pafalafa-ga on 11 Oct 2006 07:53 PDT |
Out of 20 million Aussies, I'm bound to miss a surname or two...! |
Re: surnames in australia
From: simrangambhir-ga on 16 Oct 2006 17:22 PDT |
Hi Paf, The phonedisc can still be bought... we decided not to buy it (as the price seems to have risen to $2000)... but you can. Also, i'm sure if one wanted to they could download it using emule or bittorrent etc... |
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