I love this song! I've never heard it in Japanese. Sounds interesting.
Here are the English lyrics:
A Man And A Woman
Un Homme Et Une Femme)
When hearts are passing in the night, in the lonely night
Then they must hold each other tight, oh, so very tight
And take a chance that in the light, in tomorrow's light
They'll stay together so much in love.
And in the silence of the night, of the morning mist
When lips are waiting to be kissed, longing to be kissed
Where is the reason to resist and deny a kiss
That holds a promise of happiness?
Tho' yesterday still surrounds you
With a warm and precious memory
Maybe for tomorrow
We can build a new dream for you and me.
This glow we feel is something rare, something really rare
So come and say you want to share, want to really share
The beauty waiting for us there, calling for us there
That only loving can give the heart.
When life is passing in the night, in the rushing night
A man, a woman in the night, in the lonely night
Must take a chance that in the light, in tomorrow's light
They'll be together so much in love,
Together so much in love.
So tell me you're not afraid to take a chance, really take a chance,
Let your heart begin to dance, let it sing and dance
To the music of a glance, of a fleeting glance,
To the music of romance, of a new romance.
Take a chance, take a chance.
Lyrical Musings
And the French lyrics:
Un Homme Et Une Femme
Comme nos voix ba da ba da da da da da da
Chantent tout bas ba da ba da da da da da da
Nos cœurs y voient ba da ba da da da da da da
Comme une chance comme un espoir
Comme nos voix ba da ba da da da da da da
Nos cœurs y croient ba da ba da da da da da da
Encore une fois ba da ba da da da da da da
Tout recommence, la vie repart
Combien de joies
Bien des drames
Et voilà !
C'est une longue histoire
Un homme
Une femme
Ont forgé la trame du hasard.
Comme nos voix
Nos cœurs y voient
Encore une fois
Comme une chance
Comme un espoir.
Comme nos voix
Nos cœurs en joie
On fait le choix
D'une romance
Qui passait là.
Chance qui passait là
Chance pour toi et moi ba da ba da da da da da da
Toi et moi ba da ba da da da da da da
Toi et Toi et moi.
Lyrics Playground
To search for these lyrics, I chose a phrase that I remembered from
the English version of the song, "a man a woman in the night"
I hope this helps! If you need further assistance, or if either of the
links is nonfunctional, please request clarification before rating my
Best wishes,
pinkfreud |
Request for Answer Clarification by
18 Oct 2002 07:22 PDT
Hi Pinkfreund,
Thanks for your excellent work in
turning up English and French lyrics
for the song "A man and a Woman."
I don't know how well you know French,
but did you notice the English lyrics
have nothing to do with the French
lyrics. It wasn't a direct translation.
It must have been that someone decided
to write English lyrics for the song,
that had nothinig to do with what came
before. I know of only one singer who
recorded the song in English: Mat Monroe.
By the way, I got a Japanese import of
the compact disc of the original sountrack.
The songs were in French, it was the liner
notes (the song lyrics) that were written in
Which brings me to the next question. I went
to the website where you found the lyrics,
but did not discover any other lyrics from
the soundtrack except for the English
lyrics to "Plus Fort Que Nous."
Do you know where else I can look to find
the lyrics to the other songs, if possible
both in French and English?
The songs are:
Samba Saravah
Plus Fort Que Nous
Aujourdhi C'est Toi
A l'ombre de nous
Clarification of Answer by
18 Oct 2002 14:32 PDT
I'm afraid my luck at finding lyrics was not so good with the new set
of songs you listed. I found the English titles of three of the songs
(as expected, they are fairly literal translations from the French,)
and I found an alternate Portuguese title for another song, but no
lyrics. For what it's worth, here's the information I did locate:
"Samba Saravah" is also known by the name "Samba da Bênção." Karrin
Allyson's silky, jazzy performance of this song (in French) is
available for download here, in both audio and video versions:
The English version of "Plus Fort Que Nous" is entitled "Love is
Stronger Far Than We."
The English version of "Aujourd'hui C'est Toi" is entitled "Today It's
You." This song is featured on the soundtrack of "Vivre Pour Vivre"
("Live for Life.")
The English version of "À L'ombre de Nous" is entitled "In Our
I could not find lyrics for any of these songs in either English or
French. Since most online lyrics have been transcribed by fans, often
only the more popular hits are readily available.
In case you're interested in tools for finding lyrics, you'll find
several useful lyrics-related links here:
The best lyric databases, in my opinion, are these:
English lyrics: http://www.leoslyrics.com/
French lyrics: http://www.paroles.net/
One unexpected side-effect of this research: I now have an insatiable
hunger for bossanova. I think I will dig out my ancient vinyl Astrud
Gilberto albums and have a party. ;-)