I'm having the hardest time finding a place to purchase a particular
kind of accessory for my cellphone. The Motorola V70
(http://www.cnet.com/wireless/0-1923403-8-9813688-1.html) is kind of a
"style-over-substance" phone, and as an example of this, they offer
colored replacement bezels for the silver area around the display.
Trouble is, they don't offer any colors I like anywhere I can get my
hands on. US vendors offers only a set 3-pack of "satin, honey glow,
and sable" (http://www.1800mobiles.com/motbez3pacfo.html)
Whereas, the Motorola Singapore site, for example
(http://sg.motorola.com/pcs/l3_access.asp?prodKey=v70) claims to sell
"pink, blue, cyber blue-green, red and cyber sky blue", though I can't
seem to find a way to purchase through them directly, or can't seem to
find any e-tailers worldwide that sell any non-US colors, new or used.
I have searched newsgroups, including http://www.howardforums.com
where I found a lot of people who seem to like the look of
fake-jewel-encrusted bezels
Searching auctions led me to this page
(http://www.lovehopefaith.com/cellphone-bezels.htm) where I found
samples of a few more colors, and was able purchase a red one (though
other colors like blue and purple seemed to be out of stock and she
did not know when more would be available)
Simply put, I'd just like to find as many colors as I can (at very
least, blue, sky blue, or blue-green since the phone "glows" blue),
and how I might be able to purchase them. |
Clarification of Question by
17 Oct 2002 22:14 PDT
Based on an email from the proprieter of the last page I linked to
(http://www.lovehopefaith.com/cellphone-bezels.htm), it seems that the
dark and light blue bezels ARE, for the moment anyway, back in stock,
rendering the bulk of my question moot. Though, since this is my first
question to Google Answers, I would still be willing to pay the $5 if
anyone can find a blue-green one, or a place which sells any colors I
haven't found yet.