Here's my problem: I am a Caucasian female, just over 50 , in
general good health. I had dental surgery ten months ago, on my upper
right jaw, at the base of a tooth that had been root canaled, but had
later developed an infection on the root. All has healed there and the
x-rays show all is clear. About 3 weeks ago I woke up with a searing
pain in my right jaw, felt like an exposed nerve, and a sore throat
and ear ache. Checked with my dentist, whose X-rays showed no
inflamation. Checked with my doctor, who did lab tests for strep
throat, and TMJ X-rays, both sides, and no mechanical problems there.
This morning I have swollen glands in my right neck, under right side
of my tongue, pain radiating to my right ear and unable to close my
teeth together on the right side because of the excruciating pain.
There is no evident swelling. I have had swollen lymph glands in my
neck, when fighting off an infection, all my life. But never with such
pain in my teeth, jaw, and ear. For weeks I have been taking Ibuprofin
as an anti-inflamatory, nasal spray in case it is a sinus issue and
Motrin as a pain killer. And I use an ice pack. This is not getting
better on its own. I am in constant pain. Why is this on only the
right side? Why are my lymph glands swollen, and why are my teeth in
such pain? ? Who should I talk to next? |
Clarification of Question by
17 Oct 2006 19:26 PDT
Question update: I experienced a tooth flare-up at about 14:00 this
afternoon, lower right molar,dentist again x-rayed,this time found an
abcess in an otherwise healthy tooth, no cavity, but root and nerve
under major trauma. So. Root canal surgery reecommended. I asked, "Can
I have the tooth pulled?" I asked this not for financial concerns, but
for procedural considerations. I have had 6 previous root canal
opeations. I would appreciate your comments, thoughts, on this,