Hello lnoton30,
Thank you for your question.
There are some studies conducted regarding different forms of benefits
and how they affect employee retention. Here they are!
Family Leave Policies--
"Family Responsive Policies and Employee Retention Following Childbirth"
Jennifer L. Glass, Lisa Riley
Social Forces, Vol. 76, No. 4 (Jun., 1998), pp. 1401-1435
"Results showed that several employer policies significantly decreased
job attrition after controlling for the effects of wages, partner's
income, and number of existing children-the most important being the
length of leave available for childbirth and the ability to avoid
mandatory overtime upon return."
"Unionization, Compensation, and Voice Effects on Quits and Retention"
John E. Delery, Nina Gupta, Jason D. Shaw, G. Douglas Jenkins, Jr. &
Margot L. Ganster
Industrial Relations
Volume 39 Page 625 - October 2000
"Unionization was associated with lower quit rates, higher tenure, a
better compensation package, and stronger voice mechanisms. The
relationship of unionization to quit rates and tenure becomes
nonsignificant after accounting for compensation (pay and benefits),
and voice mechanisms do not add explanatory variance."
Ability to voice concerns--
"Employee Voice and Employee Retention"
Daniel G. Spencer
Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Sep., 1986), pp. 488-502
"This study investigates the relationship between the extent to which
employees have opportunities to voice dissatisfaction and voluntary
turnover in 111 short-term, general care hospitals. Results show that,
whether or not a union is present, high numbers of mechanisms for
employee voice are associated with high retention rates. Implications
for theory and research as well as management practice are discussed."
Flexibility in work schedule--
" Family-Responsive Variables and Retention-Relevant Outcomes Among
Employed Parents"
Journal: Human Relations
"Results of regression analysis revealed that satisfaction with work
schedule flexibility and supervisor work family support were related
to both retention-relevant outcomes. Contrary to our prediction,
gender did not moderate the influence of any of the family-responsive
variables on the retention-relevant outcomes."
Social atmosphere and culture
"Employee Investment and Commitment: The Ties That Bind"
Barbara S. Romzek
Public Administration Review, Vol. 50, No. 3 (May - Jun., 1990), pp. 374-382
"This study investigates the relationship between the extent to which
employees have opportunities to voice dissatisfaction and voluntary
turnover in 111 short-term, general care hospitals. Results show that,
whether or not a union is present, high numbers of mechanisms for
employee voice are associated with high retention rates. Implications
for theory and research as well as management practice are discussed."
Family Responsiveness
"The Family Responsive Workplace"
Journal article by Sarah Beth Estes, Jennifer L. Glass; Annual Review
of Sociology, Vol. 23, 1997
Lactaton Programs--
"Duration of breast milk expression among working mothers enrolled in
an employer-sponsored lactation"
J Ortiz, K McGilligan, P Kelly - Pediatr Nurs, 2004 - breastfeedingworks.org
Family friendly workplace--
Title: The ?family friendly? workplace: Origins, meaning and
application at Australian workplaces
Author(s): Glenda Strachan, John Burgess
Journal: International Journal of Manpower
"Are female managers quitters? The relationships of gender,
promotions, and family leaves of absence to Voluntary Turnover"
KS Lyness, MK Judiesch - Journal of Applied Psychology, 2001 - apa.org
Case study on general work-family programs
"The Business Case for Work-Family Programs"
Journal article by Arlene A. Johnson; Journal of Accountancy, Vol. 180, 1995
Maternity leaves--
"Work and Pregnancy: Individual and Organizational Factors Influencing
Organizational Commitment, Timing of Maternity Leave, and Return to
Journal: Sex Roles
Karen S. Lyness, Cynthia A. Thompson, Anne Marie Francesco and Michael K. Judiesch
"Women whoseorganizations offered guaranteed jobs after
childbirthplanned to work later into their pregnancies and toreturn to
work sooner after childbirth. Women whoperceived supportive
work-family cultures were morecommitted to their organizations and
planned to returnmore quickly after childbirth than women who
perceived less supportive cultures."
401k plans
"How Much Choice is Too Much? Contributions to 401 (k) Retirement Plans"
SS Iyengar, W Jiang, G Huberman - Pension Design and Structure: New
Lessons from Behavioral ?, 2004 - rider.wharton.upenn.edu
Phased retirement
"The Impact of a New Phased Retirement Option on Faculty Retirement Decisions"
Linda S. Ghent
Eastern Illinois University
Steven G. Allen
North Carolina State University
Robert L. Clark
North Carolina State University
Benefits in General
W Even, D MacPherson - Benefits for the Workplace of Tomorrow"
Search terms:
(on Google Scholar)
employees benefits retention
employee retention sick leave
employee retention medical leave
employee retention personal leave
employee retention retirement
If you need any additonal clarification, let me know and I'll be glad
to assist you.
--keystroke-ga |