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cosmetic face masks how to find champions for our cause
Category: Health Asked by: aldol-ga List Price: $100.00 |
17 Oct 2006 15:01 PDT
Expires: 16 Nov 2006 14:01 PST Question ID: 774479 |
we have developed a very soft gel that we have produced and sold on medical devices since 1998 and we have a lot of history behind it. now we have developed a mask for cosmetic using this gel which increases the blood flow to the epidermis and contains antioxidants and some other ingredients, with obsrvable beneficial effects for the appearance of the skin overall. in fact this is what we have observed over the last 8 years or so especially on diabetic patients who tend to develop ulcers( this was a side benefit of the gel, which is used mostly for the cushioning chahraxterisics). we know how to market medical devices but we would like to find someone with credibility who is willing to evaluate these masks and if he likes them spread the word. these masks are unlikely to be endorsed by dermatologists nor beauty salons because they are so effective and easy to use and inexpensive that dermatologists and beauty salon would lose the customer they sell the mask to. in the medical device industry we are bable to find champions who care about patients and are not "hired guns", then in turn when these champions do lectures or workshops they include the features of thos prodcuts that they think are of superior performance and if a certain manufacturer product is considered to be superior in performance or functionality, then that product is mentioned in more or less detail depending on the degree of superiority with respect to others. the fact that we are not kown in the cosmetic or health and beauty industry works against us. we want to find some champions can you suggest where and how to look? | |
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Re: cosmetic face masks how to find champions for our cause
Answered By: easterangel-ga on 17 Oct 2006 18:53 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi! Thanks for the question. I think people who will care about your industry and at the same time, have an unbiased look, are those who dedicate their careers for research on biomedical engineering. I think the best way to lead you to these people will be to contact leaders of organizations that cater to this field. Personalities who are behind the scientific journals within this industry will be good as well. ------------------------------------- ORGANIZATIONS: Biomedical Engineering Society http://www.bmes.org/officers.asp American Society of Biomechanics http://www.asbweb.org/html/exec/exec_board.html International Society of Biomechanics http://isbweb.org/o/content/view/77/78/ American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (Click on the links to see different committee members) http://www.aimbe.org/staff/index.php http://www.aimbe.org/content/index.php?pid=51 http://www.aimbe.org/content/index.php?pid=56 http://www.aimbe.org/content/index.php?pid=77 http://www.aimbe.org/content/index.php?pid=52 http://www.aimbe.org/content/index.php?pid=62 http://www.aimbe.org/content/index.php?pid=63 http://www.aimbe.org/content/index.php?pid=85 Society for Biomaterials http://www.biomaterials.org/Welcome/welboard.htm http://www.biomaterials.org/Welcome/welvl.htm ------------------------- Journal Writers and Editors.: (Click on the links to get the names of people behind the publications. COntacting contributors will be good as well.) BioMedical Engineering Online http://www.biomedical-engineering-online.com/edboard/ Critical Reviews? in Biomedical Engineering http://www.begellhouse.com/ii/4b27cbfc562e21b8.pdf Annals of Biomedical Engineering http://www.springer.com/west/home/biomed?SGWID=4-124-70-35587680-detailsPage=journal|editorialBoard Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/journal.asp?issn=1025-5842&linktype=5 Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering http://www.annualreviews.org/people/peopleedcom.aspx?series=bioeng -------------------------- Journal of Biomechanical Engineering - Editorial Staff Email Editor: Frank Yin - yin@biomed.wustl.edu Washington University in St. Louis Associate Editors Andrew A. Amis - a.amis@imperial.ac.uk Ellen M. Arruda - arruda@umich.edu University of Michigan Philip V. Bayly - pvb@me.wustl.edu Washington University Cheng Dong - cxd23@psu.edu Penn State University David FitzPatrick - David.FitzPatrick@ucd.ie University College Dublin David Fyhrie - david@fyhrie.com Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Clark T Hung - cth6@columbia.edu Columbia University Jacques M. Huyghe - j.m.r.huyghe@tue.nl Eindohven University of Technology Christopher Jacobs - crjacobs@stanford.edu Stanford Fumihiko Kajiya - fkajiya@md.okayama-u.ac.jp Department of Cardiovascular Physiology, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry Noshir A. Langrana - langrana@rutgers.edu Rutgers The State University of NJ Yoram Lanir - yoram@bm.technion.ac.il Technion B. Barry Lieber - blieber@miami.edu Susan Margulies - margulies@seas.upenn.edu University of Pennsylvania Andrew D McCulloch - amcculloch@ucsd.edu University of California San Diego Avinash Patwardhan - apatwar@lumc.edu LUMC Michael Sacks - msacks@pitt.edu Elaine P. Scott - scottep@vt.edu Virginia Tech Lori A. Setton - setton@duke.edu Duke University, Department of Biomedical Engineering David A. Steinman - steinman@mie.utoronto.ca Jennifer S. Wayne - jswayne@vcu.edu Virginia Commonwealth University Jeffrey A. Weiss - jeff.weiss@utah.edu Ajit Yoganathan - ajit.yoganathan@bme.gatech.edu Source: http://scitation.aip.org/ASMEJournals/Biomechanical/ -------------------------- Search terms used: biomedical engineering journals societies organizations I hope this would help you in your research. Before rating this answer, please ask for a clarification if you have a question or if you would need further information. Regards, Easterangel-ga Google Answers Researcher | |
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rated this answer:![]() i won't use this answer. i need something i can use. this answer probably cna be argued to be in line with what i requested but the fact is that i asked to find opinion leaders in the cosmetic, toiletries type of field . in the medical device industry we already have a bunch of opinion leaders on our side |
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Re: cosmetic face masks how to find champions for our cause
From: easterangel-ga on 22 Oct 2006 13:21 PDT |
Thanks for the tip. |
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