Hello, rdlan026-ga!
I found some basic information for you concerning street-level
advertising that might help you understand this process a bit better.
Suffice it to say that some of these advertisers operate legally,
while others are illegal.
Q. "Who puts up all those wheatpaste posters on the streets of NYC? Is
it legal? Do they have permits? Can anyone do it?
A. "Some are legal, some are illegal but the city mostly ignores it.
Lots of them are just done by whoever. In the business, this is called
either 'sniping' or 'wildposting'. Generally, the ones you see for big
companies like American Express are done legally, by companies like
NPA, who lease space on those plywood walls that they put up around
construction sites from construction companies. This isn't always
true, though. Microsoft got in trouble for illegal sniping during
their MSN campaign (remember those butterflies on the subway signs?)"
"Also, the people that make a business of this are fiercely
territorial, so if you go and wheatpaste over a bunch of NPA's
posters, within a couple days, their checkers will generally find out
and get someone to repaste over your posters. This is why NPA costs so
much money. They have a staff that goes around and photographs all the
posters every so often and sends the proof to the clients. Generally,
the risk in doing this is less in getting fined by the city and more
in getting poor results because without going out and reposting the
posters all the time they'll get covered up pretty quickly (unless
they are in crappy spots) by someone who is doing a better job."
SNIPING - The act of pasting up outdoor posters over billboards or on
empty structures, walls, and traffic poles, often without permission.
From "Sometimes the best marketing campaign is a staple gun and a good
pair of sneakers," By Michelle Chihara.
"As a street team, Allen and his crew might also pile into a car late
at night to slap stickers onto NO PARKING signs and parking meters and
car bumpers. Just before a hip-hop album is about to "drop," they
might paper entire city blocks with posters trumpeting Dr. Dre's 2001.
They might do some "sniping," which means plastering posters across
every available wooden surface or stapling them back to back around a
light pole and pushing them up until the entire pole is sheathed in
"Rob Norman's got it going on. He has his own skateboard team. He's
hosted numerous break-dance and other underground events, and he's the
force behind the poster sniping that has New York City youths
whispering the name of his new clothing line: Propaganda Apparel."
Here are some examples of companies that do this type of
"street-level" poster marketing:
Outdoor Advertising: Wild Posting - Poster Sniping
Street Team Promotion.com offers "Wild Posting" and Outdoor
Advertising across the United States in most major markets. Our
premier locations across the United States have allowed clients to
showcase their brands in the most vital, high profile and busy areas
in every major market. This is
What is GoPoster? - "GoPoster places advertising posters on street
level poster boards located on high traffic streets in major cities.
GoPoster is a widely recognized and accepted element of the American
pop culture scene. GoPosters are small format posters, usually 2 feet
wide by 3 feet tall, which are especially suitable for street level
posting. These small posters are ideal, as they are inexpensive to
produce and are, therefore, easily, quickly and cheaply refreshed in
case of damage."
Poke around on the website using the sidebar links. It is pretty cool!
You can download the posting rate sheet to get an idea of how they
charge their customers.
You would have to contact them directly to find out who they hire and
what they pay their employees to post the material on location.
Unit one
- "Poster Sniping and Wheat Pasting is a guerilla marketing tactic
that is highly used in many of our projects. With out Local Area
Marketing Representatives, we will discuss specific areas, such as
major intersections, streets, and highways that will fit the current
project. Our poster sniping and wheat pasting will catch potential
comsumers attention through repition while creating a buzz about the
project in the local market."
Want to find out more about joining a street team? See:
It's free to join. Who knows what they pay?
Street Team USA
They might do some of this type of poster advertising as well.
I hope this information helps!
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street-level marketing
street-level marketing or poster advertising
sniping poster marketing
"street team" marketing
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