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Indian Head Massage
Category: Health > Alternative Asked by: probonopublico-ga List Price: $2.00 |
17 Oct 2006 23:23 PDT
Expires: 02 Nov 2006 23:30 PST Question ID: 774588 |
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There is no answer at this time. |
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Re: Indian Head Massage
From: kemlo-ga on 18 Oct 2006 00:43 PDT |
NO Bryan A currie is a type of comb used for cobming what little hair u hav left |
Re: Indian Head Massage
From: frde-ga on 18 Oct 2006 02:06 PDT |
I suppose it is optional - Rug Vindaloo or Barnet Vindaloo for an authentic one - Rug Madras - Rug Masala Probably not Rug Tikka Masala - as putting ones head in a clay oven is a bit painful. |
Re: Indian Head Massage
From: myoarin-ga on 18 Oct 2006 04:25 PDT |
It depends how much favour you need. Would you like some alternate expressions? |
Re: Indian Head Massage
From: pafalafa-ga on 18 Oct 2006 05:03 PDT |
Are you asking in regard to your date with the Queen? |
Re: Indian Head Massage
From: steph53-ga on 18 Oct 2006 07:51 PDT |
Hmmmm.....not sure how to respond to Bryan's question. Either he wants to make a meal of someone's head...or....?????? I just dunno..... Steph53 |
Re: Indian Head Massage
From: answerfinder-ga on 18 Oct 2006 08:12 PDT |
If I was Australian it would depend. It could be something ike, ?probonopublico you?re going very bald?. Or, ?probonopublico! Will you stop moving about! I?m trying to massage you!? Oxford English Dictionary. ?to give (a person) curry - Australian Slang. To give someone curry, to abuse, reprove, express anger at a person.? |
Re: Indian Head Massage
From: pafalafa-ga on 18 Oct 2006 09:03 PDT |
On the other hand, if pbp is trying to curry favor, something a little more fawning would be in order: --what a beautiful head you have...really...so smooth...luxurious, actually... and so on. |
Re: Indian Head Massage
From: pinkfreud-ga on 18 Oct 2006 12:46 PDT |
According to Marshall McLuhan, the medium is the massage. So it seems logical to use a medium amount of curry, if any. Personally, I prefer a less spicy massage, since I believe that the most delightful spiciness comes from within the massagee. ~Pink Spice |
Re: Indian Head Massage
From: probonopublico-ga on 18 Oct 2006 20:54 PDT |
Wow, thanks, Pink ... I never realised that you were a Spice Girl ... (A now defunct UK pop group) I recall that when I was planning to join them, my daughter suggested that I should be named 'Old Spice' ... (A UK after-shave) Bryo |
Re: Indian Head Massage
From: answerfinder-ga on 19 Oct 2006 00:10 PDT |
Bryan, You?ve been abandoned on this question. Sorry. Here?s the low down as a comment. These various sites give an explanation of Indian Head Massage which is also known as Champissage from the Hindi word champi. The benefits include: ?1. Improved circulation and lymphatic drainage to the head, neck, scalp, face and shoulder area 2. A deep sense of relaxation and a feeling of total well-being 3. Relief from headaches and migraine 4. Relaxation of the muscles of the head, neck and shoulder area 5. Stimulation of hair growth 6. Improvement in concentration and memory 7. Relief from anxiety and insomnia 8. Alleviation of eyestrain 9. Healthy skin 10. Confidence and improved self-esteem? http://www.beaumontcollege.co.uk/page0005.html There are quite a few colleges offering courses in Indian Head Massages. This is the syllabus from one of them. Syllabus ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Indian Head Massage http://www.beaumontcollege.co.uk/indian_head_massage_syllabus.pdf This is another one. Originating in the East over a thousand years ago, Indian Head Massage, known as Champissage, (the Indian word for massage is champi), is based on the Ayurvedic system. It is believed to encourage growth and health. The massage deals with the balance and uniqueness of the individual. http://www.kevala.co.uk/courses/head_massage.php This froma complementary health advice website. ?Indian Head Massage (IHM) Indian Head Massage is a treatment based on old Ayurvedic techniques involving work on the upper back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face. A variety of massage movements are used to relieve accumulated tension, stimulate circulation and restore joint movement. IHM is also used to aid the condition and health of the hair, particularly when combined with the use of natural organic oils. Indian Head Massage is used by practitioners to help reduce stress and fatigue, increase mental clarity, and relax and rejuvenate the receiver. A treatment will last between 20 minutes to one hour.? http://www.chisuk.org.uk/bodymind/whatis/ihm.php History of Indian Champissage (Head Massage). This is from the website of Narendra Mehta who apparently introduced it into the UK. http://www.indianchampissage.com/champissagehistory.htm Here?s a couple of people who discuss the massagie service they offer. This is from the BBC regional websites. http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/southeast/sites/mind/pages/headmassage.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/lincolnshire/content/articles/2005/08/16/wdy_indian_head_massage_feature.shtml Amazon.co.uk have quite a few books on the subject including self-teach books. http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_w_h_/202-1755907-0356635?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Indian+Head+Massage+&Go.x=16&Go.y=15&Go=Go I feel that a massage would suit me fine. I?m off out now. answerfinder-ga |
Re: Indian Head Massage
From: answerfinder-ga on 19 Oct 2006 00:12 PDT |
Sorry, I said, "The benefits include:". That should read "the benefits are said to include". For, as like any alternative therapy, not everyone agrees with its benefits. |
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