Howdy albertr-ga,
First, here is how to copy a video file from the minidisc to your computer.
Place the minidisc into your computer. If Windows Media Player opens, just
quit out of it.
Next, go to "My Computer" and right click on the DVD drive, then left click
on "Open." You should see a folder named "DCIM." Open it, and inside of it
should be at least two folders. Open the one named "VIDEO;" most likely it
will be named "VIDEO_TS."
Inside of that folder should be your video files. If there is more than one
you should be able to double click on one and preview them in Media Player
to find the one you want.
Once you locate the one you want, right click on the file name, then left
click on "Copy." Then go to "My Documents," and then "My Videos," right
click within that folder, and left click on "Paste."
It might takes a little bit of time for the file to get copied, but that
is what you want to do to copy videos from your minidisc to your computer.
If you have any problems with the above steps, make sure you ask for some
clarification, so I can help you get the job done.
To edit your videos you will need to get a program such as Pinnacle Studio.
"Introducing Studio version 10.5, the most complete, powerful and easy-to-use
home video editing software available today."
There are all sorts of video editing software packages out there, but when
you go to buy some, you will want to make sure it can import MPEG2 videos, as
that is the format the DCR-DVD105 creates.
If you need any clarification, please feel free to ask.
Search strategy:
Looked through the DCR-DVD105 manual on the Sony website.®ion_id=1
Personal experience with video editing and file copying.
Looking Forward, denco-ga - Google Answers Researcher |
Clarification of Answer by
23 Oct 2006 11:59 PDT
Howdy albertr-ga,
The "AllforMP3" website addresses your file extension problem.
"What are .IFO, .VOB, and .AOB files? How can I play them?"
"The .IFO files contain menus and other information about the video and audio.
The .BUP files are backup copies of the .IFO files. The .VOB files
(for DVD-Video) and .AOB files (for DVD-Audio) are MPEG-2 program
streams with
additional packets containing navigation and search information.
Since a .VOB file is just a specialized MPEG-2 file, most MPEG-2 decoders and
players can play them. You may need to change the extension from .VOB to .MPG.
You may also run into .VRO files created by DVD video recorders using
the -VR format. In some cases you can treat the files just like .VOB
files, but in other cases they are fragmented and unplayable."
So, the first thing to try is to rename a .VOB file to a .MPG file and see if
that plays.
You are still going to need a program such as Pinnacle Studio to edit them.
As for an DVD burner, the commenter is correct in that you will want an
external one to use with your laptop. There are several you can choose from,
many for under $100.00, such as this one, as listed on the PriceGrabber site.
"Sony DRX-820U External Dual Layer DVDÄ…RW Writer",__18072638/
"DVD+R Double/Dual Layer burning and standard dual format 4.7GB DVD burning
is supported at 16X max."
The above DVD burner, just like other ones similar to it, hook to your laptop
via a USB cable, and can be used to not only create DVD movies, it can also
used to back up the files on your laptop, create music CDs, etc.
Looking Forward, denco-ga - Google Answers Researcher