Thanks for taking the time to check this. I have been struggling to
solve the following system of equations:
(mb^(rb/ra))* (x^((1/ra)-1))*((1-x)^(-1-(1/ra)))*(1/(ra da))
and the symmetric equation
(ma^(ra/rb))* (y^((1/rb)-1))*((1-y)^(-1-(1/rb)))*(1/(rb db))
where 0<x<0.5(1-(1/ra)), 0<y<0.5(1-(1/rb)) are the variables, 1< ra,
1< rb, 1< ma, 1< mb, 0<da<1, 0<db<1 are the parameters.
It comes up as the equilibrium condition to a game theoretic model, I
am trying to get an explicit solution, or at least get a complete
characterization of the solution. While it looks very messy, it
behaves quite nicely. The RHS of first of equation is monotonically
decreasing and the LHS of second equation is monotonically increasing
for 0<x<0.5(1-(1/ra)). The RHS of second equation is monotonically
decreasing and the LHS of first equation is monotonically increasing
for 0<y<0.5(1-(1/rb)).
Do you have any suggestions? Thank you for your time. |