I've found the show. Apparently, the name of the show, song, and
character sounded like "Wanda Wanda", but was actually "Wunda Wunda".
"Wunda Wunda" aired on Seattle's KING-TV (KING 5) from 1953 to 1972.
"TV's magical early days", by Sharon Boswell and Lorraine McConaghy
(August 25, 1996)
The Seattle Times
According to one description, "Ruth Prins, who had been the Story Lady
in KING's 'Televenture Tales,' dons a pointed hat and tights to become
the story-telling clown host of the new local show, which is aimed at
young children."
"Norm Gregory's Pacific Northwest Television Time Line"
http://www.gregorys.com/shn/tvtl.html [under heading "1953"]
Another source describes the character Wunda Wunda as "the TV kiddie
star who was this sort of harlequin character, and her potted flower
Wilting Willie. When she watered it every day and sang the Wilting
Willie song, you never knew whether the flower would proudly rise up
to become Stand-Up Willie (with appropriate fanfare from the organist)
or stay Wilting Willie and lie there drooped over the edge of the
flower pot."
"9/90 Misc. Newsletter", by Clark Humphrey [under heading "How Come"]
From 1963 to 1971, there was also a character named "Mr. Music Man",
played by Dr. Edward Hansen.
"The Montre", January-February 1999 [under heading "National News"]
The Sarasota-Manatee Chapter, American Guild of Organists
It seems that the theme song is the best remembered aspect of the
show. The song itself, along with the lyrics, is available here:
"Kids TV Host Reunion"
The Don McClune Library
Here are two discussions on a Seattle newsgroup about the song and
"Stan Boreson, J. P. Patches, Captain Puget"
Postings on <seattle.general> (July 6-8, 1999)
Google Groups
"Stan Boreson vs. J.P. Patches"
Postings on <seattle.general> (Dec. 20-31, 1996)
Google Groups
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
Search term used on Google Groups, Google Web Search, and Ixquick:
"wunda wunda"
[Note: I found "Wunda Wunda" by searching on Google Groups for "Wanda
Wanda".] |