Clarification of Question by
22 Oct 2006 09:21 PDT
Good Morning Politicalguru-ga and Pafalafa-ga
Having looked at the link provided ,I am sure most of them can be eliminated
as real communist parties. As well as the various Nazi parties listed,
I am sure the royalist party, Boston tea party, Pot party , Surfers
Party, Common sense Party or the SuperHappy women's party would not
fall under any real definition of a communist Party.
So to clarify ,a communist party would broadly adhere to the political
philosophy of Marx and Engels. They could also draw inspiration from
the various communist icons of the twentieth century (i.e. Lenin,
Stalin, Trotsky,
Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Kim Il-Sung, Enver Hoxha, Che, Castro, Tito etc)
To further par down the list you may wish to include only
organisations which have successfully elected candidates at the local,
state or Federal level.
I am sure between the two of you , you can come up with a pretty good
list which would adhere to my requirements (Of course you will have to
decide which one of you get the ten bucks).