Dear Mongolia,
Let's start with his son's biography:
My Father, Envar Hoxha (by Ilir Hoxha)
There is also an autobiography:
The Artful Albanian: Memoirs of Enver Hoxha / by Enver Hoxha, Jon Halliday - 1986
There are a couple of comprehensive book in French:
L'Albanie d'Enver Hoxha: 1944-1985 by Gabriel Jandot
Thomas Schreiber: Enver Hodja: le sultan rouge, Paris 1994
And in German:
Enver Hoxha, der Pharao des Sozialismus und der Söhne des albanischen
Adlers / Rino Benincasa
Two academic books recommended by Wikipedia are:
Albanian Stalinism, Pipa, Arshi, Boulder: East European Monographs, 1990
Albania in Occupation and War, Owen S. Pearson, I.B. Tauris, London 2006
and another useful book about Hoxha might be:
James O“Donnell: A coming of age: Albania under Enver Hoxha, Boulder 1999.
One can also find a list of books written by Hoxha at the site (this guy has fans?)
Some of his works are available through
You should definitely read
Comrade Loulo and the Fun Factory
And Isma'il Kadare has written this book, which is a fictional account
of the topic:
The Successor (Pasardhėsi) 2003 (trans. by David Bellos 2005)
I hope this answers your question. Please contact me if you need any
clarification on this answer before you rate it. |