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Oil trading websites and discussion groups
Category: Business and Money > Consulting Asked by: curious711-ga List Price: $15.00 |
27 Oct 2006 09:30 PDT
Expires: 26 Nov 2006 08:30 PST Question ID: 777476 |
I am trying to find webites and discussion groups on oil business. 1. Website like the Petrofinder.com that I can register to post questions and bid on oil products. http://www.petrofinder.com/ 2. News group like Google's "OilDaily" that I can post questions. http://groups.google.com/group/OilDaily?start=10&sa=N Are thre any other places on the internet like these two? | |
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Re: Oil trading websites and discussion groups
Answered By: easterangel-ga on 29 Oct 2006 14:49 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hi! Thanks for the question. Yes the following websites are all related to oil. I also added the Oil and Gas equipment exchanges in case you may have a need for some of these. 1.Oil Products Exchanges World Bid Petroleum http://www.worldbidpetroleum.com/ Petro Silicon http://www.petrosilicon.com/ Petroleum Bazaar http://www.petroleumbazaar.com/ Petro Exchange http://www.petroexchange.com/ 2. OIl and Gas Equipment and Properties Gulf Oil and Gas http://www.gulfoilandgas.com/ Rig Zone http://www.rigzone.com/market/ Oil and Gas http://www.oilandgasonline.com/content/homepage/default.asp Oil Egypt http://www.oilegypt.com/ Energy Net http://www.energynet.com/ Oilfieldsurplus http://www.oilfieldsurplus.com/default.html Oil, Gas & Petrochem Equipment http://solis.365media.com/pbg/search.asp 3. Message Boards Peak Oil News http://www.peakoil.com/ ESRI http://www.esri.com/industries/petroleum/community/petrolconf.html Search terms used: crude oil gas petroleum marketplace exchanges communities crude oil gas petroleum "message boards" forums I hope this would help you in your research. Before rating this answer, please ask for a clarification if you have a question or if you would need further information. Regards, Easterangel-ga Google Answers Researcher | |
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Re: Oil trading websites and discussion groups
From: sethaus-ga on 07 Nov 2006 02:02 PST |
Those are all worthless sites which perpetuate the massive fake oil business. Do you really think you can take any of those postings seriously? Complete novices in their underwear trading trillions of dollars worth of oil on their home pc's? Not likely. Oil trading is the for the few, not the many. It is basically a closed business. To break in at your level would be harder than going to the moon. Any oil offer you see on the Internet will be fake. That also applies to Gold, Urea, Sugar, etc. |
Re: Oil trading websites and discussion groups
From: sethaus-ga on 11 Nov 2006 02:54 PST |
On your beloved Petrofinder someone's offering 50 million barrels a month of so called Saudi Light Crude Oil or SLCO (no such crude oil exists, by the way, this is a fake oil term. Tehe real disignation is Arabian Light Crude Oil). Another "trader" is offering 60 million barrels a month of so-called REBCO (another fake term; real disignation is Urals). Do you understand how ridiculous and laughable these offers are? These quantities represent nearly two weeks of each country's total production. Moreover, none of the biggest oil conglomerates in the word (Exxon-Mobile, Shell, BP)even come close to buying that quantity from either country. In fact, all 3 combined don't buy that much. Yet some unknown amatuer sitting in his apartment is offering this oil. You get the picture now? I truly hope you do. Some never get it, and they ruin themselves and their families chasing this junk. You will never, ever come across a real oil deal. Why would anyone with a real deal need you? Who are you? You're not in the business and you know nothing about the real business. And relying on sites like Petrofinder will only deepen your knowledge of the fake business, not the real business. Oh, and there is no money to be made in the fake business. It's all a mirage. Occasionally the scammers make money, that's it. |
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