Please tell me the name of this painting, and the name of the artist
who painted it. It's a blurry photo of maybe 80% of it - but the
photo is good enough that if you already know this painting, it
should be immediately identifiable. I think it's by a major artist.
The photo of the painting can be viewed here: |
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Oct 2006 13:27 PDT
It might help if we knew where you obtained this photo of the
painting. If you know the location where this painting is displayed,
that could provide a clue.
Clarification of Question by
27 Oct 2006 13:32 PDT
Sure, thanks for the question. Unfortunately, I don't think this
clarification will be of much help though:
The photo is of a print, not the original painting. I bought this
print on a college campus sometime around 1995. The person who I
bought the print from was selling prints of Salvator Dali paintings,
Renoir etc... major artists.
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Oct 2006 14:00 PDT
The picture is too blurry to distinguish anything in it. Please
describe what we're looking at. Is this a forest scene? Is it a stage
set? What is the white space in the middle of the picture? steps?
rocks? What is the mushroom cap object at the back of the clearing? Is
it a gravestone?
Better yet. Can you take a better picture and post that? Thanks.
Clarification of Question by
27 Oct 2006 14:09 PDT
Thanks for the clarification request. I wish I could take a better
picture, but this is all I have... it's a photo of what was on my wall
10 years ago.
It's an all-nature scene, so that might be some steps carved in rock,
or a little waterfall. Those are trees on the left and right, and
some brush in the foreground, and it looks like more trees, brush, and
a little sky in the background.
Also, although this photo is obviously blurry... its not quite as
blurry as it seems. This painting had a kind of pastelly, surreal
feeling to it. There were no sharp details, the way it's painted is
pretty blurry and dreamlike.
Clarification of Question by
27 Oct 2006 14:37 PDT
I think it's probably/almost definitely a painting in the style of
impressionism. So perhaps it was painted by a major impressionist
Clarification of Question by
27 Oct 2006 14:47 PDT
My picture definitely looks a lot like this, by Renoir -
and this
maybe it's another Renoir?
Request for Question Clarification by
28 Oct 2006 01:16 PDT
Was snow depicted in the painting? The painting appears to resemble
-- though it isn't the same as -- this Renoir snowy landscape:
"Pierre Auguste Renoir: Landscape with Snow (Paysage de neige)"
Abacus Galleries
Clarification of Question by
28 Oct 2006 01:38 PDT
Thank you for the clarification request!
It certainly does resemble that painting. I don't think the painting
we're trying to identfy had snow in it, but absolutely may have.
Unfortunately I don't remember.
For whatever it's worth, I do think that it's very possible that my
print was a Renoir. It's extremely similar to these 3 other Renoir
paintings, and I do kind of remember that it was a Renoir (though this
memory could be totally inaccurate). But, if it IS a Renoir, I can't
seem to figure out which one. So this is still a total mystery.