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Teaching spelling to 6th grader
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: copyguy-ga List Price: $10.00 |
27 Oct 2006 14:58 PDT
Expires: 26 Nov 2006 13:58 PST Question ID: 777597 |
What's the best way to help a bright, inattentive 6th grade student who's very weak in spelling? He's OK at sudying for the spelling test, but forgets what he's learned soon thereafter. The fact that his writing is full of spelling errors is partly carelessness and inattention, but it's also not really understanding the code and "patterns" of how spelling work. Or having much patience for learning it. Any good books, systems, computer games, ideas? |
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Re: Teaching spelling to 6th grader
Answered By: nenna-ga on 27 Oct 2006 15:18 PDT |
Hello copyguy-ga, Spelling is mostly memorization. There are some patterns, but they all have variations as well. I'm sure we've all heard... i before e except after c or when sounding like a as in neighbor and weigh Except as I mentioned above, there are always exceptions. That's why I think it's more memorization than anything. Exceptions to the above: "albeit ancient atheism beige being caffeine casein cleidoic codeine conscience counterfeit deficient (deficiencies) deify deity deign deil disseize dreidel efficient eider eight either feign feint feisty financier foreign forfeit freight geisha glacier gleization gneiss greige greisen heifer heigh-ho height heinous heir heist inveigle kaleidoscope keister leisure leitmotiv monteith neigh neighbor neither obeisance omniscient onomatopoeia peignoir phenolphthalein phthalein prescient proficient protein reign reimburse rein reinforce reinstate reveille Rotweiller science seeing seiche seidel seine seismic seize seizin sheik sheila society sovereign specie species sufficient surfeit surveillance teiid their veil vein weight weir weird" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_before_e_except_after_c (Wikipedia - User edited dictionary) Here are some other things that may help. "Free printable worksheets, help, and advice from an experienced English teacher." http://www.spelling.hemscott.net/ It's designed for the teacher, parent, and child to improve spelling in a child. Lots of available resources here. One of the suggestions it has is to play word games with your child in order to encourage spelling skills while having fun. Play Boggle, Hangman, and Scrabble to name a few. http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/subject_matter/literature/spelling/ Tons of spelling sites for teachers and parents. Games, guidelines, songs and more. Also, have you had him tested for something like dyslexia. You can be great at school but have trouble with letters. It can go unnoticed for a long time in some children. You may waqnt to ask your Dr. about if it could be medical related. Google Searches Used: Learn to spell ://www.google.com/search?q=learn%20to%20spell If this answer requires further explanation, please request clarification before rating it, and I'll be happy to look into this further. Nenna-GA |
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Re: Teaching spelling to 6th grader
From: daniel2d-ga on 27 Oct 2006 16:03 PDT |
The student should be evaluated bya learning specialist. You cannot be sure you have accurately diagnoised the student's problem. Better to rule out a leaning disability than be under a false inpression as to his reaons for not doing well. |
Re: Teaching spelling to 6th grader
From: nenna-ga on 01 Nov 2006 11:49 PST |
Bigrog-ga, I'm sorry you feel that my example was bad. However, it's one of the most common spelling "rhymes" that we all know with a lot of exceptions as you can see nby the exception list. However, I did list your website as one for the question asker to take a look at in my answer. It's a good site. Also, just so you know, listing your own site is against the GA Terms of Service. "Furthermore, you agree that you will not submit questions or ***comments*** that are unlawful, defamatory, harassing, abusive, fraudulent, obscene, contain viruses, ***intended to advertise or sell goods or services***, or are otherwise objectionable." http://answers.google.com/answers/termsofservice.html (See #2) I did let the editors know about the comment since it violates the TOS. Also, for the record, I'm a she, not a he :) Nenna-GA |
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