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"A cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome".
Category: Health Asked by: unclebad-ga List Price: $20.00 |
17 Oct 2002 13:04 PDT
Expires: 16 Nov 2002 12:04 PST Question ID: 77867 |
I want to know if there is any conclusive proof that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been cured medically, using either invasive or non-invasive procedures? This includes any surgical procedure or medications. Thanks, Unclebad |
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Re: "A cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome".
Answered By: blinkwilliams-ga on 17 Oct 2002 13:58 PDT |
Thanks for the question. I found a substantial amount of information on the syndrome from the CDC website: Center for Disease Control (CDC) http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/cfs/info.htm "Chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, is a debilitating and complex disorder characterized by profound fatigue that is not improved by bed rest and that may be worsened by physical or mental activity." The causes of CFS have not yet been identified and, as a result, there is no complete cure for the disorder. Nonetheless there are a number of treatments available. These treatments have had limited success according to the current research available. From the CDC: "A variety of therapeutic approaches have been described as benefiting patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Since no cause for CFS has been identified and the pathophysiology remains unknown, treatment programs are directed at relief of symptoms, with the goal of the patient regaining some level of pre-existing function and well-being. Although desirable, a rapid return to pre-illness health may not be realistic, and patients who expect this prompt recovery and do not experience it may exacerbate their symptoms because of overexertion, become frustrated, and may become more refractory to rehabilitation." Therapy for CFS can be divided into two kinds: Non-Pharmacologic Therapy and Pharmacologic Therapy. Non-Pharmacological Therapy: From CDC Website: "Non-pharmacologic therapies that have a passive physical component sometimes used by CFS patients include massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, cranial-sacral, massage, self-hypnosis, and therapeutic touch. These modalities may contribute to feeling better, but they are most effective when combined with patient-generated activity, including aquatic therapy, light exercise (adapted to personal capabilities), and stretching. Some patients may tolerate activities such as yoga and tai chi that require more energy." Pharmacological Therapy: There are a number of prescription medications that are used to treat CFS. They include: Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs - These are primarily used to relieve pain in CFS patients. Low-dose tricyclic antidepressants - from CDC: "Tricyclic agents may be prescribed for CFS patients to improve sleep and to relieve mild, generalized pain. Examples include doxepin (Adapin, Sinequan), amitriptyline (Elavil, Etrafon, Limbitrol, Triavil), desipramine (Norpramin), and nortriptyline (Pamelor). Effective dosages are often much lower than those used to treat depression. Some adverse reactions include dry mouth, drowsiness, weight gain, and elevated heart rate." Stimulants - In some cases stimulants are prescribed. From CDC: "Trials of a wakefulness agent, modofanil (Provigil), have been completed, but the results have not yet been published. In a small group of patients with excessive sleepiness, the drug decreased symptoms compared with placebo. This drug is currently indicated only with the diagnoses of narcolepsy and excess daytime sleepiness when identified by the proper sleep studies." In addition there are some experimental drugs and treaments. Some of these include: Ampligen - from CDC: "a synthetic nucleic acid product that was designed to stimulate the production of interferons, a family of immune response modifiers that are also known to have antiviral activity." Neurosurgery - from CDC: "Unpublished reports of malformations at the base of the skull (Chiari malformations) as being causative of CFS have been circulated, and surgical intervention has been suggested in some of those unsubstantiated reports. Surgical intervention is not recommended at this time." Dietary Supplements and Herbal Preparations - from CDC: "Preparations that have been claimed to have benefit for CFS patients include adenosine monophosphate, coenzyme Q-10, germanium, glutathione, iron, magnesium sulfate, melatonin, NADH, selenium, l-tryptophan, vitamins B12, C, and A, and zinc. An early CFS study found reduced red blood cell magnesium sulfate in CFS patients, but two subsequent studies have found no difference between patients and healthy controls. The therapeutic value of all these preparations for CFS has not been validated." Herbal Preparations - from CDC "Herbal preparations: Plants are known sources of many pharmacological materials. However, unrefined plant preparations contain variable levels of the active compound and may contain many irrelevant, potentially harmful substances. Preparations that have been claimed to have benefit to CFS patients include astralagus, borage seed oil, bromelain, comfrey, echinacea, garlic, Ginkgo biloba, ginseng, primrose oil, quercetin, St. John's wort, and Shiitake mushroom extract. Only primrose oil was evaluated in a controlled study, and the beneficial effects noted in CFS patients have not been independently confirmed. Some herbal preparations, notably comfrey and high-dose ginseng, have recognized harmful effects." Another valuable resource on CFS can be found at: http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/epcix.htm This site contains a downloadable document with data from various clinical studies that have been performed in efforts to find a treatment for CFS. A summary of those findings can be found at: http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/epcsums/cfssum.htm Here is an excerpt from that site: "Prospective natural history studies have varied findings. Precise estimates of recovery, improvement, and/or relapse are not possible because there are few natural history studies and those that are available have involved selected referral populations or have used varying case definitions and followup methods. Rates of self-reported global improvement in symptoms at 12 to 18 months range from 11 percent to 64 percent. Rates of self-reported worsening of symptoms at 12 to 18 months range from 15 percent to 20 percent. Investigators from one study estimate that the cumulative probability of recovery from CFS at 5 years is approximately 30 percent." Other Links on CFS: The American Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (AACFS) http://www.aacfs.org/html/educmatertoc.htm CFS News http://www.cfs-news.org/ Medline Plus http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/chronicfatiguesyndrome.html Search Strategy "chronic fatigue syndrome" treatment cfs treatment "chronic fatigue syndrome" cure Good luck with your search! -blinkwilliams-ga |
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Re: "A cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome".
From: aceresearcher-ga on 18 Oct 2002 07:42 PDT |
unclebad, Never mind conclusive proof that a cure for CFS exists: for a long time now, the medical community has struggled to find conclusive proof that CFS itself really exists. The general consensus these days is that it does: however, the symptoms, and the treatments that alleviate symptoms, vary so widely from one individual to the next, that the medical community has not really been able to pin CFS down. A correlation has been theorized between people suffering from CFS and the presence of Epstein-Barr virus in their bloodstream. However, Epstein-Barr is one of the main causes of mono (infectious mononucleosis), and once the virus invades a person's body, it rarely goes away. The person just develops an effective anti-body immune response, and the virus is for most purposes harmless after that (except in cases of immune-compromised individuals like those who have AIDS or are taking immuno-suppressive drugs, say, to avoid rejecting a transplant). Some people get the virus but don't realize it because they never get sick from it. By the time most people become adults, it's pretty likely they have EBV in their systems -- and will have it, unnoticed, the rest of their lives. But not all the people with EBV have CFS symptoms, so there is a great deal of controversy as to whether the apparent correlation between EBV and CFS actually exists. To quote WebMD's CFS page, "People used to believe that chronic fatigue syndrome was just a symptom of depression and that the symptoms were "all in your head." Most experts now agree that chronic fatigue syndrome is a distinct physical disease with physical symptoms. Although poorly understood, CFS is quite real and can be disabling for many people who have it. However, most people who have chronic fatigue do not have the [emphasis mine] DISEASE Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There are many health problems that can cause fatigue. CFS can be diagnosed only after a thorough evaluation has ruled out other possible causes of chronic fatigue. Unfortunately, there are no laboratory or X-ray tests that can diagnose CFS." http://my.webmd.com/encyclopedia/article/4115.16775 In other words, once "hypothyroidism, sleep apnea and narcolepsy, major depressive disorders, chronic mononucleosis, bipolar affective disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders, cancer, autoimmune disease, hormonal disorders*, subacute infections, obesity, alcohol or substance abuse, and reactions to prescribed medications" have all been ruled out, any individuals suffering the symptoms of those diseases basically get lumped under the category "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", which I jokingly call Medicalese for "We Don't Know What's Causing You To Feel Like This, and We Don't Know How To Fix It". (symptoms quoted from blinkwilliam's CDC CFS page at http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/cfs/info.htm ) This is NOT to say CFS sufferers are imagining their symptoms. They aren't. But the medical community is unable as of yet to tell us whether these people, despite variations of symptoms, all have the same disease, or whether there are several different other causes of these symptoms that medical science has as yet been unable to identify. So... before someone attempts to get treatment for CFS, or attempts to treat themself for CFS, it is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL that they see a physician first and get all of the known conditions I listed previously eliminated first. Not only will it will save them a lot of time and misery if they are able to alleviate their symptoms by identifying and treating a known cause up front, instead of chasing the elusive wraith that is CFS, but it will prevent delay in treating a possibly serious disease for which diagnostic tests and treatments ARE known. Once all known diseases have been eliminated as the cause, a patient can then --WITH A PHYSICIAN'S GUIDANCE -- pursue other possible treatment methods. The patient should be very wary of trying to treat their condition on their own without such guidance, because homeopathic / natural / herbal remedies can often cause serious complications when combined with existing medical conditions or prescription medications. For instance, soy products contain REAL estrogen. Some body-building supplements actually contain naturally-occurring steroids, which are just as dangerous as prescription steroids. St. John's Wort can cause dangerous seizures in someone who is already taking Wellbutrin, Zyban, or other medications. All of this is a lot to think about. But the CFS sufferer who makes the time and effort to get thoroughly educated, and who coordinates their efforts with those of their physician, may eventually be able to achieve partial or even full relief from their condition. I hope this information is of assistance to you. |
Re: "A cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome".
From: wardtalktothebeaver-ga on 02 Nov 2002 06:25 PST |
I strongly suggest you type these words into the Google Web search engine: amalgam and "chronic fatigue syndrome". You will find a wealth of information about how mercury poisoning from amalgam dental fillings relates to the constellation of symptoms associated with CFS. Please don't assume this is phoney science just because the American Dental Association denies a link. You will find many peer reviewed studies conclusively showing that amalgam fillings do cause the symptoms of CFS. In brief, amalgams are 50% mercury. Mercury is one of the most poisonous substances known to man. Dentists are required to treat amalgam as toxic waste. No one denies that some mercury leaks from fillings into the body. No one denies that mercury causes symptoms similar to those of CFS (and fibromyalgia and MS, by the way). The argument is whether there is enough mercury leaking from fillings to cause illness. The studies you will read will prove that indeed their is, especially in people particularly sensitive to mercury. Mercury binds with living cells. The immune system interprets these cells as foreign and attacks them. Depending on which cells undergo attack, different symptoms develop. I speak from personal experience. My wife had symptoms that a neurologist diagnosed as either CFS or fibromyalgia. We had her 13 fillings replaced with composite. Her symptoms all disappeared within 60 days (about the half life of mercury in the body). Your Google inquiry will lead you to hundreds of similar cases. I'm not saying that every case of CFS is caused by amalgams. I am saying that if you have amalgams in your mouth, get them out. You need to find a mercury-free dentist. If you can't afford it, take a nice vacation to Costa Rica where there are excellent dentists who charge 1/10th the price of the stateside ones. |
Re: "A cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome".
From: blarneystonejeff-ga on 22 Jan 2003 07:48 PST |
You should check out iformation on Celiacs disease. I thought I had chronic fatigue. I would get overwhelming exhaustion throughout the day no matter how much I had slept the night before. I started reading about Celiacs disease and gluten intolerance. The more I read, the more I could relate. I've found out that when I eat food w/ wheat gluten in it or dairy(casein) the overwhelming fatigue sets in after it. If I avoid gluten and casein I can avoid the overwhelming fatigue. I believe that anyone who believes they have chronic fatigue should read up on Celiacs disease and Leaky Gut. |
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