Request for Question Clarification by
02 Nov 2006 16:33 PST
Statistics as specific as the ones you're requesting may not be
available outside of a specifically-commissioned survey which
will not likely be available to the public, or will cost a good
amount to obtain.
This 2005 article in Direct Magazine, by Jim Emerson, titled,
'MARKET OVERVIEW - Kid Power', notes:
"...close to 17% of children have computers in their bedroom"
It doesn't specify whether they have internet access, though
it's fair to guess that the majority do, and since the article's
focus is on marketing, this seems to be suggested.
It also doesn't state the age range of the children, so it
could include all those 17 and below.
The article cites sources which might provide a starting
point for more precise research, but I think it unlikely
that you'll find anything so specific readily available
on the web:
"Sources (other than those cited above): America Online,
CMR/TNS Media Intelligence, Digital Marketing Services
Inc., Grunwald Associates, Journal of the American Medical
Association, Knowledge Networks/SRI, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Let me know where this takes you...