Dear rickie1389,
Given the new global economy, employees today bring with them to the
workplace a wide range of cultural backgrounds and personal skills. In
the past, employees were expected to fit the mold of the company they
worked for. Today, business leaders have learned that their employees'
diversities are an asset to their organizations and they promote those
skills and specialized knowledge under the banner of team work. All
members of the team bring to the group their strengths, making the
group as a whole more productive - each team member contributes
something for a common purpose. It is essential that young people
entering the job market today possess the ability to not only
contribute their own personal assets to a group, but also to be able
to use the skills of others to enhance their own performance.
There are many books available on the subject and you shouldn't have
too much trouble finding some in the library. I've chose fourteen
titles of interest but if you need more, browse the "Teams" category
at Amazon.
Searched keywords: team skill business
1. Yeomans, William N.: 7 Survival Skills for a Reengineered World
East Rutherford, NJ, U.S.A.: Studio Books, 1997. ISBN:0-525-94233-5.
"7 chapters: Career Skills; Endurance Skills;
Communication Skills; Follower Skills; Leadership Skills; Team Skills;
and Customer Skills."
Searched Books > Subjects > Business & Investing > Management &
Leadership > Teams
2. Teamwork Makes The Dreamwork
by John C. Maxwell - 2002.
3. MacMillan, Pat: The Performance Factor: Unlocking the Secrets of
Teamwork - 2001.
4. Belbin, Meredith: Team Roles at Work - 1996.
5. LaFasto, Frank: When Teams Work Best : 6,000 Team Members and
Leaders Tell What It Takes to Succeed - 2001.
6. Hinds, Pamela (editor): Distributed Work - 2002.
7. Zoglio, Suzanne Willis: Teams at Work: 7 Keys to Success - 1993.
8. Parker, Glenn M: Team Players and Teamwork: The New Competitive
Business Strategy (Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series - 1996.
9. Dyer, William: Team Building: Current Issues and New Alternatives
(3rd Edition) - 1995.
10. Greiner, Donna: The Basics of Idea Generation - 1997.
11. Belbin, Meredith: The Coming Shape of Organization - 1998.
12. Lyles, Richard: Winning Ways: 4 Secrets for Getting Results by
Working Well With People - 2001.
13. Grant, Nadine: Teams Work - 1997.
14. Arrien, Angeles: Working Together: Producing Synergy by Honoring
Diversity - 2001.
I hope this helps, but if I have misunderstood your question or if you
need clarification, please don't hesitate to ask.
Good luck with your essay!
hummer |
Clarification of Answer by
26 Oct 2002 06:02 PDT
Dear rickie1389,
I'll try to elaborate on my previous post.
Organizations today consist of teams, made up of experts in various
fields, such as sales & marketing, finance, reasearch, and
manufacturing. All of these individuals were hired because of the
contributions they could bring to the team. It is then up to the
managers to set guidelines and procedures for coordinating all those
skills in such a way as to encourage individual responsibilities and
teamwork. Therefore, to be an effective employee, one must develope
the ability to work within a group but at the same time develope a
skill that he/she can contribute to the team effort.
"Handbook for Professional Managers"
Lester R. Bittel; Jackson E. Ramsey (editors)
NY: McGraw-Hill (1985).
[on my own shelf]
The key to working within a team is to realize that you can accomplish
much more as a group than you can as a bunch of individuals. Think of
a team sport, such as hockey, basketball, or football. Each individual
player brings his own particular expertise to the game, whether it be
running, brute force, kicking, or whatever. But all the skills in the
world won't win the game on their own - all the individual skills must
come together and the team must perform as one if it is to succeed.
Every team needs star players who can bat home-runs or make baskets
from the middle of the court, but it is the cooperation of the whole
team that wins the game.
High Five! The Magic of Working Together
by Ken Blanchard, et al.
To be hired today, a student must acquire expertise in his particular
interest and not only be able to communicate those skills to others in
order to enhance group performance, but also to communicate those
assets in a job interview. Employers rank team work high on their list
of priorities.
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I hope this helps you with your project,