I?m trying to create compound sentences through forms in Word.
Basically, I have 10-15 users who will complete several simple
sentences, each generating a compound sentence. I suspect the task
requires simple VBA programming, but I don?t even know where to start.
Would someone mind creating this program or pointing me to a
near-complete solution?
Here is the form each user would fill out:
Name: [textbox]
Date: [textbox]
I enjoyed the weather last week. True [checkbox] False [checkbox]
Monday was __[blank textbox]__.
Tuesday was __[blank textbox]__.
Wednesday was __[blank textbox]__.
Thursday was__[blank textbox]__.
Friday was__[blank textbox]__.
[?Create sentence? button]
If the user enters Josh B, 11-3-06, false, rainy, rainy, sunny,
<blank>, and very, very windy, the document creates the following
Josh B (11-3-06): I did not enjoy the weather last week. It was rainy
on Monday, rainy on Tuesday, cloudy on Wednesday, and very, very windy
on Friday.
(Note that since Thursday was left blank, the sentence skipped it.)
Ideally everyone?s sentences will appear together in one document.
(Forgive the simplicity of this example. I intend to edit it in the future.) |