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Q: Provider of wheel alignment database for Canadian cars ( Answered 4 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: Provider of wheel alignment database for Canadian cars
Category: Business and Money
Asked by: gianchi-ga
List Price: $35.00
Posted: 08 Nov 2006 06:46 PST
Expires: 08 Dec 2006 06:46 PST
Question ID: 781021

Look for:
Provider of wheel alignment database for Canadian cars.

- What is a wheel alignment database?
It?s a collection of values of angles, characteristic of the wheel
alignment of cars. Such angles are named: ?toe in?, ?camber?,
?caster?, ?set back?, ?TOOT?, ?SAI? and others.
Angles values can be accessed by entering the car maker, model, type.
Other data can be added, for example pictures for helping regulation
of angles on cars

- What is a provider of such database?
It?s a company whose business is to collect the data from car makers,
put them together and sell the collection to market.
Examples are
Autodata for EU cars
Motor for US cars

- Why don?t you use US cars database? Most of Canadian cars are the same of US.
The only provider I know, Motor, do not grant that his database cover
all Canadian cars.

- Database has to be sold in some electronic form, not paper
- Provider has to keep updating and providing data over some years, not just once.
- Provider has to grant that database cover all cars maker, model, and
type, sold in Canada, within, at least, the last ten years
- Provider has to be an established company, not an unknown haker.

Good Luck,

Request for Question Clarification by hummer-ga on 08 Nov 2006 08:06 PST
Hi Giancarlo,

Have you had a look at the Canadian Vehicle Specifications System
(it's free!)? I don't know if it contains the required wheel alignment
data, but it's worth a look.

Canadian Vehicle Specifications Viewer [free]
If you do not already have the Canadian Vehicle Specifications
database, it is a tremendous source of vehicle specification
information on most passenger cars, trucks, and vans from 1971 (which
are either manufactured or sold in Canada -- so it is of great use to
American investigators as well) up to the present and it is free.
However, the program that comes with it to access the database files
is a MS-DOS based program that is very limited in its utility and ease
of use. Now you can really take advantage of this free information
source by harnessing the power of a state of the art Windows GUI with
our Viewer program which makes this great source of information come
to life.

Canadian Vehicle Specifications System: Version 2001.1
The Canadian Vehicle Specifications System (CVS SPECS) is provided by
Transport Canada. It contains the specifications of Canadian vehicles,
including trucks and vans, from 1971 to the present. These programs
and databases are also available free of charge and include a DOS
based browser.
McHenry Software will provide a Windows based browser for this
database, the NHTSA Vehicle Specifications database and the NHTSA
Crash Test databases, as a part of the m-edit/m-smac programs.

Data title  Canadian Vehicle Specification System
Category(s) DataData
Author / Company Collision Investigation Division of Transport
Canada's Road Safety and Motor Vehicle Regulation Directorate.
County of origin Canada
Operating System Windows
Cost Free download
This is a program compiled by the Collision Investigation Division of
Transport Canada's Road Safety and Motor Vehicle Regulation
Directorate. Within it you will find various dimensions etc. for
vehicles found in Canada and North America. Many of these are
available across the world so regardless of your location if you need
vehicle specifications you should find it useful.
To install the package, run the program cvs20052.exe. This setup
program is a self-extracting WinZip file which, by default, will
install CVS in the sub-directory c:\Program Files\WinSpecs. The
installation program will provide the user with the option to specify
an alternative working directory. If the directory already exists, by
default, the old files within will be overwritten.
You can get the file by clicking here. (503kb)

I will look forward to your reply,

Clarification of Question by gianchi-ga on 13 Nov 2006 02:45 PST
Hi Hummer,

unluckly, data are not what I need.
Below there is the list of data of the CVS, and there are no wheel
alignment angles.
(I tried only the last link, but I understood the database is common)

Thank you anyway

  A Longitudinal distance between the center of the front bumper 
and the center of the base of the windshield 
  B Passenger Car
    Longitudinal distance between the center of the rear bumper
    and the center of the base of the backlight

Station Wagon and Vans
    Longitudinal distance between the backlight top moulding 
    and the front door latch pillar

    Longitudinal distance between the rearmost projection 
    and the front door latch pillar 
  C The maximum vertical height of the side glass 
  D Vertical distance between the base of the side glass 
and the lower edge of the rocker panel 
  E Distance between side rails or maximum width of top 
  F Front overhang 
  G Rear overhang 
  OL Overall length 
  OW Overall width 
  OH Overall height 
  WB Wheelbase 
  TWF Front track width 
  TWR Rear track width 
  CW Curb weight 
  WD Weight distribution (Front/Rear)

Request for Question Clarification by hummer-ga on 13 Nov 2006 05:44 PST
Hi gianchi,

Well, that's too bad, it sounded so hopeful. How about this?

WinAlign® Alignment Software contains the largest vehicle information
database in the industry as well as many patented adjustment and
productivity features.
Installed in 60 countries and operating in 30 languages, WinAlign®
Software continues to lead the industry in innovation and performance.

WinAlign Tuner? Custom Alignment for Modified Vehicles


Request for Question Clarification by hummer-ga on 13 Nov 2006 06:59 PST
...or this?

Automotive Service Data Book or CD: Canadian
The Automotive Service Data Book contains all the specifications
technicians need in a quick reference format.
2006 edition is your Quick Reference Service & Repair Data for:
Engine Specifications
Piston Ring, Pin Data
Valve Servicing Timing, Bearing Data
Fuel Injection
Brakes Steering & Alignment
Fluid Capacities and Cooling System
Torque Values
Computer Trouble Codes
OBD II Diagnostic Trouble Codes


Clarification of Question by gianchi-ga on 13 Nov 2006 09:01 PST
Hi hummer,

Hunter is actually one of our competitor, he does not sells data but
wheel alignment measuring systems

The other looks good, but appears also under the "American"
classification of the site you mention

so, I need to be sure that the editor grant that all canadian cars are
included. I've looked for this grant on the net with no success.

I going to ask to our customer who commissioned this research if he
likes the data, but I'm afraid It will take some time, so I'm worried
it will take more than the time this "Google Question" is suppose to
last, and you are supposed to be paied.

What do you suggest?


Request for Question Clarification by hummer-ga on 13 Nov 2006 09:24 PST
Hi Giancarlo,

Try this phone number to ask how comprehensive the database is -

For more information, or to order custom cover edition quantities,
contact Maria Carlesimo at 416-510-6858, by fax to 416-510-5140,
e-mail to

There is still over 3 weeks left on this question so there should be
plenty of time to get in touch with your client. If the question does
expire, I will trust you to post another question for me with "For
hummer-ga" in the subject line and I will find it.

Hopefully that phone number will help but if not, I'll see if I can
find a better description of the product.

Clarification of Question by gianchi-ga on 21 Nov 2006 00:18 PST

unfortunately the database you found is no longer being published

I got this from following contact (the contact you found does not seem to work)

Valery Fraser
416 442-3542

What do you think to do? I'm pretty discouraged and thinking to give up.
Anyway, I don't think correct not paying you at least a part of the
prize, even if the goal is not reached.
So, do you feel enough 1/4 = 35$? I can publish another question for this.

Request for Question Clarification by hummer-ga on 21 Nov 2006 09:02 PST
Hello Giancarlo,

It's good to hear from you, I was wondering how you were making out
although I'm sorry to hear that the news is not good.

I have discussed your problem with a "car guy" and we don't quite
understand why you are having so much trouble. In short, why aren't
U.S (North American) databases suitable?  Cars made in Canada may have
different emmissions requirements, for example, but the wheel
alignment (basic structural stuff) wouldn't change, would it? In other
words, what exactly does he mean by, "... Motor, do not grant that his
database cover all Canadian cars."? What Canadian cars would that be
and why would the wheel alignment be different?  Have you actually
come across a U.S.-made model and a Canadian-made model that have
different wheel alignments? Wouldn't that be standardized for North
America?  Have you talked to some Canadian colleagues in the trade to
find out what they use?

Or, are you only referring to a few Canadian-made models (of U.S.
makes) which are never available to the U.S. market?

Anyway, those are my thoughts for today. How lovely of you to offer me
$35 for my attempts to help you even though they were unsuccessful,
and I would like to gratefully accept (you can either lower the price
of this question or post a new one for hummer-ga). I'm sorry that we
didn't have better luck but don't give up yet, Canadians must be using
something :)


Clarification of Question by gianchi-ga on 22 Nov 2006 07:47 PST
Actually your doubts are mine's even.

But a very important customer of us explicitely wanted a provider
saying "I cover all Canadian cars with my data", and the customer is
always right.

At least, we have been able to demonstrate him that such provider does
not exist and, partially, he can be happy.

I'm going to reduce price of this question (if I get how to do it), so
you can be paid.

Good luck,
Subject: Re: Provider of wheel alignment database for Canadian cars
Answered By: hummer-ga on 22 Nov 2006 07:58 PST
Rated:4 out of 5 stars
Dear Giancarlo,

Thank you very much for your kindness (and GA thanks you too as they
keep 25% of the price :). I'll surely let you know if anything else
turns up at this end which looks hopeful.

Take care,
gianchi-ga rated this answer:4 out of 5 stars

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