Hi pcventures,
The easiest solution is web-based remote access. The remote user does
not need to install software and doesn't need any skill at all for
this to work. A stranger could call you, and you can connect to their
computer in less than 5 minutes.
I recently did this search for myself. I settled on LogMeIn Rescue.
LogMeIn Rescue does exactly what you want. There's a free trial. If
you have a computer consulting business I think you will find the cost
reasonable if you are willing to look for ways to utilize this
powerful tool. The service costs $129.00 per month, or you can make an
annual payment and get 2.79 months free. I think you could find it to
be very profitable in the dead driving time, and gas, while running
around helping people.
LogMeIn Rescue
If you think the cost is prohibitive, consider this: They have the
best customer service I have ever encountered in a business, period.
Here's their white paper about it:
In fairness, here is their strongest competitors:
UltraVNC is a powerfull, easy to use and free software that can
display the screen of another computer (via internet or network) on
your own screen. The program allows you to use your mouse and keyboard
to control the other PC remotely. It means that you can work on a
remote computer, as if you were sitting in front of it, right from
your current location.
I hope these choices help you select a solution. If I can clarify,
please don't hesitate to ask.
Search terms used:
"remote assistance solutions"
"remote support" "no software installation"
"web based" "remote support"
"web based" remote access |
Clarification of Answer by
09 Nov 2006 16:29 PST
LOL, editing mistake:
I think you could find it to be very profitable saving you lots of
dead driving time, and gas, while running around helping people.
Request for Answer Clarification by
09 Nov 2006 17:11 PST
I was actually trying to avoid LogMeIn Rescue, since it's a bit pricey.
Ultra VNC requires too much work on the users' part.
Any other ideas??? Pretty please? Thanks... :)
Clarification of Answer by
10 Nov 2006 11:04 PST
Did you look at CoPilot?
..."Fog Creek CopilotSM is a simple and inexpensive service that
allows friends, relatives, and customers to help each other solve
their computer problems by letting one person temporarily connect to
the computer of the other over the Internet. Fog Creek Copilot is
inexpensive, fast, easy, secure, and works with any firewall or router
without having anything to install or any settings to configure..."
Pay as you go plan, only $0.25 per minute! ($19.95 deposit required.)
200 minute plan for only $19.95 per month. Each additional minute is $0.20.
500 minute plan for only $39.95 per month. Each additional minute is $0.16.
1000 minute plan for only $59.95 per month. Each additional minute is $0.12.
2000 minute plan for only $99.95 per month. Each additional minute is $0.10.
5000 minute plan for only $199.95 per month. Each additional minute is $0.04.
Clarification of Answer by
10 Nov 2006 15:00 PST
Thanks for the kind words, the 5 stars and the tip!
ALso, please note...
From: richardmtl-ga on 10 Nov 2006 12:26 PST ---has another good
choice that seems to fit your criteria. I checked their web site:
..."Developed specifically for 32-bit Windows Operating Systems, the
Mini Remote Control offers quick and easy "on the fly" deployment of
its client agent service to remote machines.* Giving an administrator
the ability to remotely install the client agent service eliminates
the need to physically visit the remote machine to install the
software. This gives administrators the unique ability to remote
control any machine on the LAN or WAN (across town, across the
country, or even around the world) in a matter of seconds..."
Also, please note that in the coming months (Comments & clarifications
are allowed for 12 months) I will add other options as I become aware
of them. Be sure to check back occasionally, the email notifications
are broken so you'll need to visit to check. It would also be great if
you would come back and let us know your experiences and what solution
worked for you.
Clarification of Answer by
10 Nov 2006 15:02 PST
FOrgot the price for Dameware...Price: $89.95 to purchase the software.