Howdy zoidssg-ga,
Everything indicates the "Max Coil" mattresses, etc. are made in Singapore.
Here is some information from the v-Shoppper website.
Some more information from the same site, including pictures.
Please note that the above are for "local" delivery only in Singapore.
This discussion on a message base indicates there is a
general satisfaction with the brand, but as with buying mattresses anywhere,
one needs to shop around for the best price.
"we've tried d bed for around 2 wks.. Our verdict is good.. very comfortable..
every nite, it's like sleep all the way till the next morning.."
"Surprisingly Max coil is very comfy! thought since so cheap, sure not very
good. But it's very very good!"
"Max Koil is made in indonesia but their anti dust mite protective chemical is
from switzerland and it's called sanitized and their latex is from belgium."
If you need any clarification, please feel free to ask.
Search strategy:
Google search on: "max coil" mattress
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