I need some words for someone who : "Loves being given attention"
"wants to be worshipped" ALSO
Someone who "expects to be appreciated"
The sort of thing I am trying to describe is for example a celebrity,
or prima donna who loves being in the limelight and wants to be
It's a little like of the person who wants to be on the receiving end
of a psycophant.
I can't find synonyms in the thesaurus as I don't know which words to
look up in the first place! I hope some one can help! I need a precise
a word as possible so things like "vain" which springs to mind,
wouldn't be quite right. It's been bugging me for days now so would
appreciate any help! Thank you. |
Request for Question Clarification by
13 Nov 2006 05:38 PST
What about ego trip?:
A noun
1 self-aggrandizement, self-aggrandisement, ego trip
an act undertaken to increase your own power and influence or to
draw attention to your own importance
From "Definition of ego_trip - WordReference.com Dictionary":
Request for Question Clarification by
13 Nov 2006 06:21 PST
Is "narcissistic" (narcissism) the word you are after?
"Narcissism is the pattern of characteristics and behaviors which
involve infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of
others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification,
dominance and ambition. In everyday use outside the field of
psychology, the word generally refers to people who just are
inordinately fond of themselves, without the pathological
Or perhaps "pretentious" the word you are looking for?
Clarification of Question by
15 Nov 2006 08:48 PST
Hello Thank you very much for the comments. Getting warmer but not quite there.
The ego-trip can't strictly be applied as it is an noun.. some one
tends to be "on an ego-trip" and there is no real word ego-tripper or
ego-tripist as an adjective. The word egoist exists i think, but is
more some one who loves themselves, rather then someone who wants to
be loved, adulated etc.
Narcissist is closer but still not quite right. Again it implies a
self love rather then that thi which is "wanting to be worshipped /
adored" . This person may be a narcissist, but narcissism encompasses
other things as well, and would be a synonym for the word "vain". The
characteristic i am looking for is more likely to be applied to some
one who is insecure, doesn't necessarily love themselves and therefore
needs constant reassurence from other peoples adulation. Or could be
very vain and think they deserve adulation. So it's the "wanting
adulation" that I would like described.
I hope I haven't confused rather than clarified.
I am sorry to be pedantic but I need something more precise...
Please keep the posts coming!