I am need of the market prices of natural beta carotene. By prices I
mean that there should be multiple "pure" beta carotene products: some
producers do not supply beta carotene in 100% pure form, but rather in
varying concentrations. I would like to know the market prices for
those different concentrations up to 100%. I am aware that some
pricing occurs on a contract by contract basis; however there should
be some kind of general market pricing indication somewhere around.
natural beta carotene means non-synthesized, and therefore
extracted/produced from natural sources.
The answers I would be looking for should contain information
something like the following:
5% natural beta carotene - $xxxx (dissolved or carried in what, and
what form, dry, suspended in liquid, etc)
10% natural beta carotene - $xxxx
all the way up to
100% natural beta carotene - $xxxx
The price can be in any currency, but units used for the pricing must
be explained, i.e $xxx per kilo, or $xxx per IU, or $xxx per mg.
Dates for the validity of this information, MUST be specified. |