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Honeymoon Australia First Visit Driving
Category: Sports and Recreation > Travel Asked by: vasantharam-ga List Price: $2.00 |
16 Nov 2006 02:26 PST
Expires: 16 Dec 2006 02:26 PST Question ID: 783173 |
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Re: Honeymoon Australia First Visit Driving
From: myoarin-ga on 16 Nov 2006 04:53 PST |
IF you can drive in India, you can drive anywhere - and, of course on the left side of the road. Traffic in Australia is much like that in the States. Have a great trip and honeymoon. :-) Myoarin, who has driven in all three countries and couple of others. |
Re: Honeymoon Australia First Visit Driving
From: myoarin-ga on 16 Nov 2006 04:55 PST |
OH, in Australia you may not make U-turns at intersections unless there is a U-turn sign, and you are supposed to keep both hands on the steering wheel at stop lights. (I think they are afraid your horses might break into a gallop. ;-) |
Re: Honeymoon Australia First Visit Driving
From: stressedmum-ga on 16 Nov 2006 05:33 PST |
Both hands on the steering wheel at stop lights? Huh? U-turns forbidden at intersections? Um, nope. Not sure where that came from, myoarin!!! I think someone's been pulling your leg. Certainly when you're driving in Victoria and, specifically Melbourne, U-turns are fine unless there's a sign saying "No U Turns" at the intersection! Driving is very easy around Brisbane down through New South Wales and all the way to Victoria because we are fortunate to have mostly excellent roads and extensive highway/freeway networks and signage is usually pretty good. (Unless you get off the beaten track, then the gravel roads are bone-shakingly rough. Not kidding!) A few things that are strictly enforced are: ? the "no talking on the mobile phone" rule when driving and ? our police in Victoria are pretty hot on picking up drivers who exceed the speed limits and ? there are regular breathalyzer test areas to pick up those damnfool drunk drivers. ? Plus, here in Victoria, we have a 40 kmh limit in school zones during certain hours. ? Seat belts are compulsory and ? like any country, there are idiot, horrid drivers and nice, courteous drivers. You can check out the road rules for Victoria at http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/vrne/vrne5nav.nsf/alltitle/Rules,%20Standards%20%26%20Regulations and I'd also suggest a visit to the RACV (Queensland has the RACQ) who amongst other driver support and insurance services provide a very comprehensive map and travel advice service. They're terrific and well worth the visit. Here is the RACV website with heaps of information: http://www.racv.com.au/wps/wcm/connect/Internet/Primary/road+safety/advice+%26+information/ Be careful driving on country roads or highways at night because kangaroos and emus and other wildlife are everywhere and they're not good at dodging cars and trucks -- and be especially careful to keep an eye on the bushfire situation if there happens to be a Day of Total Fire Ban in the district in which you're driving. February is a mean month for fires downunder.If there is a TFB and it's a 35+°C with a hot, strong wind, then avoid going driving in the bush or hills. Other than that, drive carefully, drive safely and remember, it's a big, big country so it will be a lo-o-o-ng drive to get where you're going! Enjoy and happy honeymooning. |
Re: Honeymoon Australia First Visit Driving
From: johnfrommelbourne-ga on 16 Nov 2006 06:03 PST |
So there you are StresedMum, and I thought I would never see your name appear again. How are things in Geelong??, did you have snow as well!! Surely there is a great difference between USA and Australia in driving if the steering wheel is on the left of car in USA and on the right in Australia. I would have thought that changing from one to another would be most difficult. I of course walk or ridea bike most places living in the Melbourne CBD as I do. John From melbourne |
Re: Honeymoon Australia First Visit Driving
From: myoarin-ga on 16 Nov 2006 13:54 PST |
HI you two from Victoria, and Vasantharam, I was told that in 1998 by a young man in Sydney who was still on his learner's permit. The only difficult thing about right vs left hand drive, is learning to shift gears, obviously less of a problem with an automatic transmission. But it seems that Vasantharam already has experience with both types. Who won the Melbourne Cup race? Cheers, Myo |
Re: Honeymoon Australia First Visit Driving
From: stressedmum-ga on 16 Nov 2006 14:50 PST |
Hi Myoarin! Ah, the race that stops a nation ... winner was Delta Blues, the very horse that my son said would win and that "we should put the house on it!" Preferring to err on the side of caution, we resisted the urge to bet our home on the result of equine endeavour, no matter how significant it might be to our nation's culture, but must admit to feeling a bit disappointed that we weren't about to increase our wealth to the tune of something like 17 to 1. http://www.melbournecup.com/static/htm_mcc_homeba53.html and hi to johnfrommelbourne -- yes, we got snow, but not in Geelong. Haven't lived there for far more years than I care to remember! I'm in the gorgeous hills in the outer east and we were very well catered for in the snow and hail stakes. We now are told to prepare for next week of high 20s, low 30°C temperatures next week. Good old Melbourne. Four seasons in one day and proud of it! (Bear that in mind when you're driving here too, vasantharam-ga.) |
Re: Honeymoon Australia First Visit Driving
From: myoarin-ga on 16 Nov 2006 17:27 PST |
Hi Stressedmum, Maybe you wouldn't be so stressed if you took your lad's advice ... IN 1970, a friend from boathouse row won and took a few of us to Tattersall's, I believe, for dinner, all for a whalloping A$40, as I remember. Ah, sweet youth! CHeers, and keep your hands on the wheel, even if it isn't the law. ;-) Myo |
Re: Honeymoon Australia First Visit Driving
From: stressedmum-ga on 26 Nov 2006 19:15 PST |
Yes, you'll find that we have very good road signage in Australia, just as you'd have in the UK, Canada, US etc. Highways and Freeways and just about every road or street is clearly indicated with street names and destination names and major road numbers. Plus on many of the major freeways, we have LED signage to provide estimated travel times to the various turn-offs and the traffic density. Here are some example of signs: http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/VRNE/vrne5nav.nsf/childdocs/-2BBDC9EF1E56C40ACA256FD300241C3B-B3E85EEE63091AF3CA256FD300241C65-F671E58AB3027D5FCA256FF000197B21?open Plus this: http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/vrne/vrne5nav.nsf/childdocs/-2BBDC9EF1E56C40ACA256FD300241C3B-DC01E44F4F8C5427CA256FD300241C40?open ... and finally here is an interactive map of the declared roads. It is really easy to find your way around Australia. I promise! http://maps.vicroads.vic.gov.au/ Oh, and I forgot the route planner site which is very handy -- I use this often. http://visitvictoria.com/displayObject.cfm?ObjectID=0000B41D-D36D-1A88-8B4680C476A9047C Remember, these sites are all for the State of Victoria -- and I agree, myoarin, that it's an excellent idea to keep both hands on the wheel! |
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