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10 banks with most retail banking branches in Europe
Category: Business and Money > Finance Asked by: bigben1-ga List Price: $200.00 |
17 Nov 2006 07:28 PST
Expires: 17 Dec 2006 07:28 PST Question ID: 783560 |
What are the 7-10 banks with retail banking branches in the greater number of the following countries. Need information in form of Bank Name and countries where each has retail banking branches out of the following: 1. België 2. Czech Republic 3. Denmark 4. Germany 5. Greece 6. Spain 7. France 8. Ireland 9. Italy 10. Cyprus 11. Latvia 12. Lithuania 13. Luxembourg 14. Hungary 15. Malta 16. Austria 17. Poland 18. Portugese Republic 19. Slovenia 20. Slovakia 21. Finland 22. Sweden 24. United Kingdom 25. Iceland 26. Liechtenstein 27. Norway 28. Estonia |
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Re: 10 banks with most retail banking branches in Europe
Answered By: hummer-ga on 23 Nov 2006 09:23 PST |
Hi bigben1, Here you go - using the countries on your list, I've sorted the banks according to the number of countries each has a presence in. 1. Citigroup - 19 "In more than 100 countries and territories" http://www.citigroup.com/citigroup/global/index.htm * Austria * Belgium * Czech Republic * Denmark * Finland * France * Germany * Greece * Hungary * Ireland * Italy * Luxembourg * Norway * Poland * Portugal * Slovakia * Spain * Sweden * UK 2) Deutsche Bank - 17 http://tools.deutsche-bank.de/cc/locationsfinder/en/welcome2.do 73 countries, 1588 branches globally http://www.db.com/en/content/company/global_network.htm * Austria * Belgium * Czech Republic * Finland * France * Germany * Greece * Hungary * Ireland * Italy * Luxembourg * Poland * Portugal * Slovakia * Spain * Sweden * UK 3) ABN-AMRO - 17 "As an international bank, we have more than 4,500 branches in 53 countries." http://www.abnamro.com/com/about/worldwide_presence.jsp * Austria * Belgium * Czech Republic * Finland * France * Germany * Greece * Ireland * Italy * Luxembourg * Norway * Poland * Portugal * Slovakia * Spain * Sweden * United Kingdom 4) HSBC - 16 "Our international network comprises over 9,500 offices in 76 countries and territories across the world" http://www.hsbc.com/ * Belgium * Cyprus * Czech Republic * France * Germany * Greece * Hungary * Ireland * Italy * Luxembourg * Malta * Poland * Slovakia * Spain * Sweden * United Kingdom 5) UBS - 15 http://apps.ubs.com/locationfinder/searchForm.do * Austria * Belgium * Cyprus * Czech Republic * France * Germany * Greece * Ireland * Italy * Luxembourg * Poland * Portugal * Spain * Sweden * United Kingdom 6) Dexia - 13 http://www.dexia.com/e/discover/world-austria.php * Austria * Belgium * Denmark * France * Germany * Ireland * Italy * Luxembourg * Portugal * Slovakia * Sweden * Spain * UK 7) Barclays Bank - 8 http://www.barclays.com/sitemap/index.htm * Cyprus * France * Germany * Greece * Malta * Portugal * Spain * United Kingdom 8) Fortis - 6 http://www.fortis.com/companies/alphabetical.asp * Belgium * France * Greece * Norway * Poland * Luxembourg 9) Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) - 6 http://www.rbs.com/worldwide02.asp?id=ABOUT_US/RBS_AROUND_THE_WORLD/EUROPE * Austria * Italy * Germany * Portugal * Spain * UK 10) ING Direct - 4 Today, ING DIRECT is active in 7 countries: Canada, Spain, France, Italy, the USA, UK and Australia http://www.ingdirect.ca/en/worldwide.html * France * Italy * Spain * UK Following are the links I used to make the list. Fortune Global 500 Top Banks http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/global500/2006/snapshots/1394.html Top 10 Banks http://www.globalbusinessinsights.com/content/rbfs0064t.pdf I was glad to work on this for you. If you have any questions, please post a clarification request and wait for me to respond before closing/rating my answer. Thank you, hummer Search strategy: I searched the websites of the top banks to find their global locations and then compared your list of countries to theirs. |
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Re: 10 banks with most retail banking branches in Europe
From: xof711-ga on 21 Nov 2006 15:06 PST |
Top 10 would alphabetically be: ABN AMRO AXA Group Barclays Bank BNP Paribas Citibank Deutsche Bank Dexia Fortis Bank ING Group UBS Here is the non-exhaustive list : 1. België/Belgium ABN AMRO Belgium Citibank Belgium UBS BNP Paribas ING Belgium Fortis Dexia KBC Deutsche Bank Axa Banque - Anhyp BACOB Bank Banque de La Poste/Bank van De Post CBC Kredietbank Banque Nagelmackers 2. Czech Republic BNP Paribas ING Czech Rep http://www.ing.cz/ ABN AMRO UBS Citibank CSOB KB CS HVB Bank CR Raiffeisenbank GE Capital Bank Zivnostenská banka C?eskomoravská hypote?c?ní Banka Credit Lyonnais Banka Praha VolksbankCZ DresdnerBank CZ 3. Denmark ABN AMRO Denmark Amagerbanken Amtssparekassen Fyn Arbejdernes Landsbank Bank 24 Denmark Bankportalen Basis Bank Danske Kredit Din Bank A/S Jyske Bank 4. Germany ABN AMRO Citibank UBS BNP Paribas ING - DiBa Deutsche Bank AXA Group Barclays Bank Hypovereinsbank Aachener Bank Immobilien GmbH KBC Bank 5. Greece ABN AMRO UBS Citibank BNP Paribas Alpha Credit Bank EFG Eurobank Ergasias Cooperative Bank of Chania Emporiki Bank Nova Bank National Bank of Greece Piraeus Bank 6. Spain ABN AMRO BNP Paribas Barclays Bank Citibank AXA Group Grupo Banco Popular BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria) SabadellAtlántico Banca Pueyo Banco de Espana Banco Guipuzcoano, S.A. Banco Sabadell Evolvebank Fibanc Santander Central Hispano 7. France ABN AMRO BNP Parisbas Barclays Bank Citibank UBS ING France http://www.ing.fr/ Credit Agricole Group Credit Agricole Credit Lyonnais Credit Mutuel Banque Populaire Societe Generale CIC AXA Banque BBVA HSBC HBOS Crédit Maritime Crédit Foncier de France UCB 8. Ireland ABN AMRO BNP Parisbas AXA Group ACCBank AIB Group Anglo irish Bank Ulster Bank Group 9. Italy ABN AMRO BNP Parisbas UBS ING Italy http://www.ing.it/ Citibank AXA Group Dexia - Crediop Banca Popolare Banca CIS Banca di Roma Banca Sella S.p.A MSP Banca Personale UBAE Arab Italian Bank UniCredit 10. Cyprus BNP Parisbas Central Bank of Cyprus Hellenic Bank Ltd 11. Latvia Aizkraukles Banka Bank of Latvia Parex Bank Paritate Bank Rietumu Bank Rigas Komercbamka PLC Trust Commercial Bank 12. Lithuania AB Ukio Bankas Bank of Lithuania Lithuanian Development Bank Lithuanian Savings Bank LITIMPEKS Bank Snoras Bank 13. Luxembourg ABN Amro Luxembourg UBS Luxembourg Dexia - BIL ING Luxembourg - http://www.ing.lu/ BNP Parisbas AXA Group Banca di Roma International Banque Nagelmackers Crédit Lyonnais Crédit Agricole Indosuez Fortis Bank Luxembourg Kredietbank 14. Hungary ING Hungary http://www.ing.hu/ Citibank BNP Parisbas OTP K&H MKB Bank HVB Bank CIB ERSTE Bank 15. Malta APS Bank Ltd Lombard Bank (Malta) Limited 16. Austria BNP Parisbas Bank Austria Creditanstalt BKS - Bank AG Denzel Bank Hypo Tirol Bank Raiffeisenbank Kleinwalsertal AG RZB Raiffeisenverbandes Salzburg 17. Poland ABN AMRO Citibank UBS BNP Parisbas PKO BP PekaoS.A. BZ WBK ING Bank Slaski - http://www.ingbank.pl/ BPH-PBK Millenium Deutsche Bank : 42 branches LukasBank Fortis Bank Polska Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A. Pekao S.A. Group Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy 18. Portugese Republic/Portugal ABN AMRO UBS BNP Parisbas AXA Group Banco BPI Banco Privado Portugues Caixa Geral de Depositos Clariden Bank and Trust Credito Predial Portugues Atlântico Banco Cetelem Banco Espírito Santo Banco Cisf 19. Slovenia Abanka d.d. Banka Domzale Banka Koper d.d. Banka Zasavje d.d. Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d. Volksbank-Ljudska banka SKB Bank Nova Kreditna banka Maribor d.d. 20. Slovakia ABN AMRO BNP Parisbas ING Slovakia http://www.ing.sk/ Crédit Lyonnais Tatra Banka Pos?továbanka Polnobanka Istrobanka Ludova Banka Istrobanka 21. Finland Aktia Säästöpankki - Aktia Sparbank ABN AMRO - Alfred Berg Finland Bank of Finland/Suomen Pankki Okopankki Oyj Nodea Suomi Postipankki 22. Sweden ABN AMRO Sweden UBS HSB Bank Boendets Bank JP Bank Postgirot Sparbanken Gripen Svenska Handelsbanken Trygg Hansa IKANO Banken 24. United Kingdom ABN AMRO UBS Citibank AXA Group Barclays Bank BNP Parisbas ING UK http://www.ingdirect.co.uk/ Bank of Scotland Royal Bank of Scotland HBOS Lloyds TSB Egg Standard Chartered Bank NatWest Cahoot 25. Iceland Central Bank of Iceland SPRON Islandsbanki Sparisjóđirnir/SPAR 26. Liechtenstein LGT in Liechtenstein Volksbank AG Centrum Bank AG Neue Bank AG 27. Norway ABN AMRO BNP Parisbas Askim Sparebank Berg Sparebank Norske Bank Bud, Frćna og Hustad Sparebank Aurskog Sparebank Bamble & Langesund Sparebank 28. Estonia Eesti Pank/Bank of Estonia Hansapank Nordea Estonia Preatoni pank Sampo Tallinna Äripank |
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