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Nausea followed by loss of consciousness in 60yr old man
Category: Health > Men's Health Asked by: decent_man29-ga List Price: $25.00 |
20 Nov 2006 20:17 PST
Expires: 20 Dec 2006 20:17 PST Question ID: 784422 |
My father is 60 and today he fell unconscious for a couple of seconds on the bathroom floor after he was nauseated. Hi's eyes stayed wide open and when my mother panicked and screamed...he came back to consciousness. This event lasted only a couple of seconds. This is the first time this has happened to him. It happened around 11 this morning. My father was well rested since he didn't work the night before. Additional information about my father. He sometimes sweats around the chin and face area and he looks like he is not all there. His eye look blurry and he looks very unhappy (almost depressed). There are not known medical conditions except for frequent urination at night. He believes it could be prostate problems....possibly even prostate cancer. He's work is stressing him out. He is afraid of making a mistake at work for the fear of being fired. He also worries a lot because he is not guaranteed 40 hrs of work/week by the company for which he works. That is the way it is in his field of copy operator. He has been exceptionally physically strong all this life and until recently he tried jogging on the street almost daily. He had a drinking problem 15 years ago but he has not had any alcohol since then. He doesn't smoke or do drugs. Like most men his age....he has a little bit of a belly brought on by his aging. He is very stubborn and he refuses to go to the doctor at all costs for fear that his company will lay him off if they find out that he is seeing a doctor. He is a very stubborn immigrant man with fixed beliefs that nobody is able to change. Considering the loss of consciousness event of today and the other symptoms that I have described to you, please explain what could have caused this event (possible symptoms) and what are we to expect in the near future? | |
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Re: Nausea followed by loss of consciousness in 60yr old man
From: pinkfreud-ga on 20 Nov 2006 20:38 PST |
Please try to convince your dad to see a physician. I cannot imagine that any company would fire someone for seeking medical attention. Perfectly healthy people have check-ups. Some employers require it. If your father feels that going to a doctor is somehow a sign of weakness or that it displays a lack of masculinity, you might compare a visit to the doctor to having a mechanic tune up your car. Failure to do it might result in the car malfunctioning, or breaking down. |
Re: Nausea followed by loss of consciousness in 60yr old man
From: probonopublico-ga on 20 Nov 2006 20:38 PST |
As you know, he really needs to see a doctor but, in his situation, his reluctance so to do is understandable. Failing this, you could ask him to have some simple checks done. For example, he may have high blood pressure. There's now a lot of kit on the market for this purpose. Do that NOW! If his BP is high then you should encourage him to pursue a more healthy lifestyle ... there have been other questions on this topic which you will help you here. But you've got to start somewhere and quickly! Good luck! Bryan |
Re: Nausea followed by loss of consciousness in 60yr old man
From: frde-ga on 21 Nov 2006 02:08 PST |
He really should see a doctor, tell him that it is scaring your mother. Probo's point about getting a blood pressure tester is very sound, having ones blood pressure taken at the doctor's is a waste of time for some people, as being at the doctor's can send ones BP through the roof. |
Re: Nausea followed by loss of consciousness in 60yr old man
From: bcattwood-ga on 21 Nov 2006 09:38 PST |
Volunteer to take him to an urgent care clinic two towns over if need be, but he needs to see a doctor and have at least some basic tests done. Passing out is not something to be messed with and there are numerous things it could be. One possibility that jumped to my mind was diabetes. Frequent urination, blurred vision, and fatigue are all symptoms listed on the American Diabetes Assoc website. Excessive sweating may also be seen in some cases as well. |
Re: Nausea followed by loss of consciousness in 60yr old man
From: probonopublico-ga on 21 Nov 2006 21:26 PST |
I suggest that you advise your father that, by not seeking urgent medical advice, he is running the very grave risk of losing his job anyway due to the possibility of a debilitating illness or worse. Next time - if there is a next time - the consequences could be much more serious. For example, if he were to black out again, then he might easily fracture his skull when he falls. |
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