I want to find top brand characters and icons that represent a product
from around the world. I do NOT want any that are visible, represented
or used in the United States. They must represent a brand (national or
international) with revenues above $50MM (million) US dollars per
year. They must be a character or icon that has been in use for at
least 5 calendar years or more by the brand, Countries to highlight
are United Kingdom area (England, Ireland, Scotland), India, Japan,
Australia, Taiwan, Canada, Mexico, etc... Each answer must reflect the
name of the character (of any), the name of the brand, the name of the
company that owns the brand and the country from which it orginates.
These can be real people (live action) or animated characters (e.g..a
talking carrot). I will pay $10 US per unique brand character or icon
I receive that fits this criteria. |