I have a Mac Mini and would like to use the Mail program, but I have
no idea how to set it up.
It?s asking me about POP and IMAP accounts, I don?t know any of this stuff.
How do I set up Mail? |
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Nov 2006 23:15 PST
Howdy markabe-ga,
What is the name of your Internet Service Provider (ISP)? Do not provide your
email address or username on that service, just the name of the company through
which you access the internet, such as AOL, NetZero, etc. Thanks!
Looking Forward, denco-ga - Google Answers Researcher
Clarification of Question by
21 Nov 2006 23:22 PST
I'm in Australia and use Optus Broadband.
For my email I use Hotmail and Yahoo.
Request for Question Clarification by
22 Nov 2006 00:00 PST
Howdy markabe-ga,
I am going to post this as a request for clarification, so you can make sure it
works for you. If it does work, please tell me so that I can then post this as
the answer to your question. Thanks!
Please follow the instructions on the following OptusNet website page.
That should take care of your problem, but if you already have a Hotmail and
Yahoo email account, there is no real reason to set up another mail program,
unless you really want to do so. Receiving your email through on online web
based email account protects you from viruses as well as saving you space on
your computer's hard drive.
Instead of setting up Mail on your computer, just use the web browser that
comes with your computer (Safari), go to the Hotmail or Yahoo Mail website,
and continue receiving your email that way.
Looking Forward, denco-ga - Google Answers Researcher
Clarification of Question by
22 Nov 2006 01:03 PST
OK, it kinda works, but two problems:
It wouldn't let me switch off SSL as in Step 5
And it shows my Optus email account, which I don't use. I want to use
my Hotmail and Yahoo accounts instead.
How do I fix these problems?
Request for Question Clarification by
22 Nov 2006 09:48 PST
Howdy markabe-ga,
You should not be using the "Mail" program at all then. Instead, you have a
program called "Safari," which is a web browser.
Start up "Safari" and then go to either of the following websites.
Hotmail - www.hotmail.com
Yahoo Mail - mail.yahoo.com
Once at either of those websites, logon with your username and password for
that website, and read your email.
The bottom line is that the easy route to getting your Yahoo or Hotmail email
is through a web browser, such as Safari, as you can't readily get email from
either of those services through the "Mail" program.
Please try the above and report your progress back here. Thanks!
Looking Forward, denco-ga - Google Answers Researcher
Clarification of Question by
26 Nov 2006 23:28 PST
So you're saying I can't use Mail with my Hotmail account?
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Nov 2006 15:00 PST
Howdy markabe-ga,
If you want to try a "plugin," you could try this.
"httpmail plugin 1.49"
httpmail plugin allows the standard Mac OS X Mail application (Mail.app) to
retrieve your Hotmail email. Once plugged in you will get all the benefits of
Version 1.49:
Universal build for both Intel and PowerPC machines.
Mac OS X 10.4 or later, Hotmail account.
Version for OS X 10.3 is available here.
Version for OS X 10.2 is available here.
Looking Forward, denco-ga - Google Answers Researcher
Clarification of Question by
28 Nov 2006 17:59 PST
Still can't get Mail to work with Hotmail.
Screw it, I'll accept your answer though.