Hi figgydiggy.
Thank you for your question.
Blackwell Synergy
The effect of hot beverages, cold beverages, and chewing gum on oral temperature
"BACKGROUND: A prospective blood donor's oral temperature is affected
by external stimuli such as drinking a hot or cold beverage..."
"RESULTS: The drinking of a hot beverage caused an immediate mean
temperature elevation of 2.6蚌..."
"A cold beverage lowered the temperature..."
"CONCLUSION: Drinking a hot beverage and, to a much lesser degree, gum
chewing can lead to a deferral for elevated temperature, but subjects
were acceptable by 5 minutes. Cold beverages are of more concern,
because they suppress the temperature for a short time..."
Taking Vital Signs: Temperature
"Drinking cold or hot liquids can also affect an oral temperature."
Web MD
Body Temperature
?Wait at least 20 to 30 minutes after smoking, eating, or drinking a
hot or cold liquid before taking your temperature.?
Blue Shield California
Topic: Body Temperature
What Affects the Test
?Inaccurate temperature readings can be caused by:
- Taking an oral temperature within 20 minutes after smoking or
drinking a hot or cold liquid.?
"What must I take note of before I take my body temperature so that
the reading is accurate?
For accurate temperature readings, you are advised to:
- Wait for at least 15 minutes after smoking, eating, or drinking a
hot or cold liquids before taking your oral body temperature."
keyword search:
human temperature affected by hot + cold liquids
Best regards,
tlspiegel |