By "huge studen loan", I'm imagining $150,000. The normal interest
rate for student loans is well under 5%, so I'll use 4% for my math:
$150,000 X 4% = $6,000 interest per year.
$6000 interest + $4000 principle will not be comfortable for anyone to
pay, but it is certainly doable assuming you have the education it
bought. You should be making $40,000+ (hopefully more with that
expensive of an education). Live cheap:
Share an apartment or rent a room
Drive a cheap car (a 2000 Toyota ECHO can be had for $5000, it gets
about 40 mpg and is very durable)
Eat pasta (buy at Walmart or Shoppers... $.5/lb pasta, $1/lb sauce);
your meals should cost less than $1 each.
Only buy necessities (if in doubt, don't buy it)
Money should not be a problem for anyone in a reasonable situation who
has an education. Sure you won't be able to live at your parent's
standard of living in your 20s, but you will get there soon enough...
in the meantime live frugally and save loads of money. |