Gay Americans
Category: Relationships and Society > Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Asked by: nelson-ga List Price: $15.00 |
26 Nov 2006 01:32 PST
Expires: 26 Dec 2006 01:32 PST Question ID: 785626 |
I am a homosexual. Why the f*ck do I have to pay taxes if I am a second-class citizen without the right to be miserable in a marriage contract recognized in all 50 states (and D.C.) or to get my @$$ shot at in Iraq? Can I at least burn the flag? |
Re: Gay Americans
Answered By: nenna-ga on 22 Dec 2006 10:54 PST Rated: |
Hello Nelson-ga I understand your sentiment. I really do. I have done a lot of personal research into the gay marriage debate. Including a term paper a year or two ago. It?s an area that really interests me for a myriad of reasons. You have to pay taxes because you are a working US Citizen. However, citizenship does not determine the rights of marriage. I agree that you are being treated like a second-class citizen in a sense by being discriminated against because of your sexual orientation. However, second or first class, you are still an American Citizen subject to the laws that go along with such. The laws include paying taxes and not being able to marry. However, please do not forget the freedoms being an American Citizen does allow you that many other countries do not have. It?s ?taking the good with the bad?, I guess. ?Citizenship frequently carries with it legal obligations relating to taxes, military service, and/or travel restrictions.? http://www.richw.org/dualcit/ Once you get your citizenship in America, you get a SS #. Once you have that, it?s your tax ID. You are now required to follow the laws in American and pay taxes. It?s unfair, but it?s the law. I suggest writing well-informed and polite letters to your political representatives about your feelings on the matter of discrimination due to sexual orientation. On June 27th, 2006, the amendment failed by only 1 vote that would outlaw flag burning. As of now, it is still protected by the First Amendment. You still have a right to do that, if you so choose. http://www.esquilax.com/flag/index2.shtml Google Searches used: ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=flag%20burning&btnG=Google+Search Flag burning ://www.google.com/search?q=citizenship+and+taxes&hl=en&lr=&start=40&sa=N Citizenship and taxes If this answer requires further explanation, please request clarification before rating it, and I'll be happy to look into this further. Nenna-GA Google Answers Researcher | |
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Re: Gay Americans
From: markvmd-ga on 26 Nov 2006 10:41 PST |
Easy, Nelson. It is unfortunate that the advancement of Rights takes time. The reason you pay taxes is to enjoy vast public services. Sanitation, medicine, education, public order, airports, roads, the judicial system, a fresh water system, and public health are but a few things your taxes pay for. (See scene 9 in Monty Python's "Life of Brian" for a related discussion) You have every right to get shot at in Iraq if you so desire. A volunteer military costs more than a draft and so is one reason for increased taxes. Should you wish to support US efforts in Iraq, I expect military recruiters would do pit battles to get your enlistment whether you are gay, straight, a druggie, dropout, criminal, fat, stupid, a smoker, drunk, or Lyndon LaRouche. Well, maybe not overly fat. Should you decide to settle down with one person in what is essentially a marriage, you are encouraged to enter into a legal contract with this person to ensure both your rights in the event of various circumstances, including illness or death. Any attorney can draw up the necessary paperwork. The more homosexual couples who do this, the more likely a trend is to be noticed by lawyers, doctors, etc. This is one more example of the thin edge of the wedge. You can also burn the flag if you desire. You will need to be mindful of ordinances unrelated to free speech that may preclude when and where you can conduct such a burning for safety reasons, but as a political statement you are free to mount such a protest. I suggest you avoid nylon flags and opt for the more expensive cotton. I have seen flag burnings in foreign countries and am appalled that folks hoist buring nylon (or similar) flags which then spew flaming bits of plastic on the crowd. Finally, you must work toward electing officials that are interested in expanding the rights of people everywhere. You can't deny rights to, say, military detainees while expecting rights of gays to be expanded any more than you can expect to have your taxes cut while spending 700 billion dollars more than you take in over the course of a year. You should not support laws that require an arrestee to waive their Fifth Amendment right in order to avoid an added felony charge, regardless of how sensible such a law may seem, when you are fighting for your own inalienable rights. On a side note, Rhode Island has an interesting case. A lesbian couple married in Massachusetts, has filed for divorce in Rhode Island. As RI doesn't recognize same sex marriages it cannot grant such a divorce because to do so would be a recognition of the marriage. [This is a similar situation found in the Middle East. If Arab countries recognize Palestinian "refugees", they are admitting they are seeking refuge from Israel. As they refuse to recognize Israel, there cannot be refugees from there. See?] But RI also cannot legally ignore the petition for divorce. Stay tuned! |
Re: Gay Americans
From: thaumaturge-ga on 26 Nov 2006 11:03 PST |
As a 'resident alien', I spent many tax-paying years in the States without the right to vote. Count yourself lucky on that point at least! I also question why you would want to be 'miserable in a marriage'. (Though so many do!) I understand that that is the general nature of the beast and I myself have studiously avoided that particular misery and intend to continue to do so. However, I see no earthly reason why homosexuals should be denied the same misery as heteros. By all means burn the flag. Just be careful not to singe your eyebrows. @markvmd -- excellent comment, but I suspect that nelson is referring to the extant 'don't ask/don't tell' policy. However, you are right: in the current recruiting climate it's more likely to be 'I didn't hear you when you told me'! |
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